Starring Sosie Bacon and Alex Roe, the drug-focused drama feature Hazard is set to hit theaters early next year.
Writer-director Eddie Mensore’s film has been acquired by Emphatic Pictures and RBL Films for theatrical release on Jan. 10, 2025, in the U.S, Canada, the U.K. and other territories. Steven Ogg and Dave Davis round out the cast for the movie that is set in the Appalachian mining town of Hazard, Kentucky, and explores the ongoing opioid crisis.
Hazard centers on Will (Roe), a reluctant drug dealer challenged with whether he can save his opioid-addled family as he tries to make a living and battle his own additions.
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“Leave Hazard forever with me,” Roe tells partner Sara (Bacon) in the trailer. He adds, “Mining ain’t for me.” Bacon is concerned about their finances and wants to know, “You really got 10,000 saved?”
Mensore wrote, directed and produced the film that also counts Roe and Bacon as producers. Hazard is set to premiere Oct. 18 at the 2024 Woodstock Film Festival. The soundtrack will be available from executive producer Gill Holland’s sonaBLAST! Records.
Bacon’s breakout role came with director Parker Finn‘s horror hit Smile, which Paramount Pictures released in September 2022. Previous television work for the daughter of Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick included the series Scream, 13 Reasons Why, Narcos: Mexico, Mare of Easttown and As We See It.
Among Roe’s credits are the 2017 horror flick Rings and the 2018 feature adaptation of Forever My Girl that co-starred Jessica Rothe. His television work includes playing Pat Garrett in the MGM+ series Billy the Kid and starring in the Freeform project Siren.
Mensore previously wrote and directed the 2019 feature Mine 9, focusing on a team of trapped Appalachian miners.
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