Melissa Blease

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1103665 Booktok 📚 — 194469 members — last activity 51 minutes ago
A place for booktokers to interact with each other and share the love
16821 Mystery/Thriller Reading Friends — 6302 members — last activity 13 hours, 0 min ago
This group warmly accepts newcomers. Whereas mystery and thriller is the focus, we also love a great read, regardless of genre. Originally formed from ...more
19126 The Mystery, Crime, and Thriller Group — 30381 members — last activity 6 minutes ago
“It was a dark and stormy night. Lightning flashed and thunder rolled across the sky. Rain spattered a mysterious, hooded stranger who peered over the ...more
year in books
1,796 books | 1,591 friends

1,120 books | 148 friends

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Wendy w...
1,530 books | 495 friends

3,912 books | 274 friends

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