Nightmares and Dreamscapes discussion

Challenges! > TBR Challenge Adventure - June 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023

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message 1: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (last edited May 23, 2022 09:14AM) (new)

Marie | 3540 comments Mod

This challenge will be running between June 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023. It is for all of you that have tons of books on your tbr that you are wanting to read and you are wanting to move them off your tbr.

All of us have tons of books that we need to read but we find it hard to get them off our reading shelves. With this challenge I fixed it where you have a year and a half to kick books off your tbr. The challenge starts June 1, 2022 and will end on December 31, 2023.

You can list however many books you want to read for this challenge or just list them as you go. However you want to do it to make it easy for yourself.

Also it is for any books that you want to read - any genre! Just make a list of what books you want to kick off your tbr and just have fun!

Please use this thread for listing out your books. If you need to take up two or three posts because you have tons of books then you may do that instead of putting all the books in one post - just reserve however many spots you think you will need for this challenge.

Also some groups want you to create shelves for these type of challenges but I am not making anyone do that - you all can keep track on this thread. Way easier to keep track here and not have to worry about adding the books to a shelf.

Have fun everyone and Happy Reading!

message 2: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (last edited Aug 11, 2023 06:29PM) (new)

Marie | 3540 comments Mod
I will start so you can see what I mean about reserving spots.

# of books - well however many this comment box will hold! LOL

1) Dracul - 5 stars
2) Lords of the Deep - 4 stars
3) The Family Man - 4 stars
4) The Ritual - 4 stars
5) Devil's Retribution- 4 stars.
6) The Odds - 5 stars.
7) The Redwood Asylum - 4 stars.
8) The Garden of Bewitchment - 5 stars.
9) Backwater - 3 stars.
10) Soul Catcher - 5 stars.
11) What Vengeance Comes - 5 stars.
12) 99 Coffins - 5 stars.
13) Donn, TX 1865 - 5 stars.
14) The Summer I Died - 4 stars.
15) Where the Dead Walk - 4 stars.
16) Something in the Groove - 4 stars.
17) Werewolf on the Western Front - 4 stars.
18) Seven Cleopatra Hill - 5 stars.
19) The Shadow of the Gods - 5 stars,
20) Scarecrows - 3 stars.
21) Clown in a Cornfield - 5 stars.
22) Hobbomock - 4 stars.
23) The Hobbit - 5 stars.
24) The Twisted Ones - 4 stars.
25) Usher's Passing - 5 stars.
26) From Below - 5 stars.
27) You Belong to Me and Other True Cases - 4 stars
28) The Institute - 5 stars
29) The Ghost Pirates: Sea Horror Novel - 4 stars
30) Heart-Shaped Box - 4 stars
31) Ghost Town - 5 stars
32) Primal Terra - 5 stars
33) A Time of Dread - 5 stars
34) The Pumpkin Man - 5 stars
35) The House at Phantom Park - 5 stars
36) The Cursed Among Us - 5 stars
37) The Summoning - 3 stars
38) Shot Girl - 3 stars
39) Bone White - 5 stars
40) The School of Revenge - 4 stars
41) Witching Hour Theatre - 4 stars
42) In the Murder House - 5 stars
43) Rattus New Yorkus - 5 stars
44) Child's Play - 5 stars
45) Under the Wicked Moon - 5 stars
46) Devil in the Darkness - 3 stars
47) Murder in Mind - 4 stars
48) Pine Lakes - 4 stars
49) Bigfoot Beach - 3 stars
50) A Room for the Dead - 4 stars

message 3: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (new)

Marie | 3540 comments Mod
My second spot - reserve space

message 4: by Kasia, il Barbaro (new)

Kasia (kasia_s) | 971 comments Mod
My spot :D

message 5: by Sally, The Ninja Clown (last edited May 24, 2022 05:12PM) (new)

Sally | 1211 comments Mod
I hereby claim this as my spot!!!! Places Ninja Clown Flag

1. Iron Widow
2. The City We Became
3. Death Trance
4. The Anthropocene Reviewed

message 6: by Nyssa (last edited Aug 25, 2022 07:33PM) (new)

Nyssa | 262 comments Number of Books listed as "Want to Read" on GR as of July 1st, 2022: 968

+# of books on the backburner: 16

-# of books read: 5

-# of books abandoned/removed: 0

+# of books added: 7

Current WtR Total: 986

Note: Titles purchased/borrowed specifically for buddy or group reads are exempt from being tallied.

message 7: by Nyssa (last edited Aug 25, 2022 07:29PM) (new)

Nyssa | 262 comments TBR Challenge Adventure - July 1, 2022, to December 31, 2023
Books Read

A Subtle Agency (The Metaframe War #1) by Graeme Rodaughan The Candid Life of Meena Dave by Namrata Patel The Guild of the Cowry Catchers (Pirates of Wefrivain Book 1) by Abigail Hilton A Traitor's War (The Metaframe War, #2) by Graeme Rodaughan Shores Beyond the World (Pirates of Wefrivain Book 2) by Abigail Hilton

message 8: by Felina (new)

Felina | 648 comments I’m claiming a spot though I don’t really understand why.

message 9: by aza (new)

aza (asza) I'm claiming this spot, though my TBR is full of things I'll probably never read... Let's start the challenge with just these 4
Black Sun
The Deep
The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina
Hurricane Season

message 10: by Sally, The Ninja Clown (new)

Sally | 1211 comments Mod
Felina wrote: "I’m claiming a spot though I don’t really understand why."

Heehee, your spot is for you to fill it with books you want to read that are from your TBR. You can put as many or as few as you like. My TBR has over 1000 books on it (well my want to read shelf on goodreads anyway) but I'm just going to list a few from my physical stack of books at home that I'd like to read this year. Does that make sense?

message 11: by Ginger (last edited Jan 17, 2024 01:54PM) (new)

Ginger | 511 comments I hereby claim this spot!

The more of these challenges that I do, the better off my to-read list inches down. Very, very slowly though...

Jan 2023 (Read - 9, Mountain TBR - 3)
Feb 2023 (Read - 8, Mountain TBR - 1)
Mar 2023 (Read - 10, Mountain TBR - 3)
Apr 2023 (Read - 9, Mountain TBR - 5)
May 2023 (Read - 5, Mountain TBR - 3)
Jun 2023 (Read - 7, Mountain TBR - 3)
Jul 2023 (Read - 10, Mountain TBR - 5)
Aug 2023 (Read - 8, Mountain TBR - 2)
Sep 2023 (Read - 10, Mountain TBR - 4)
Oct 2023 (Read - 11, Mountain TBR - 2)
Nov 2023 (Read - 6, Mountain TBR - 2)
Dec 2023 (Read - 10, Mountain TBR - 3)

1 of ??? of books read

1. ✔️ The Omen
2. ✔️ Dracul
3. ✔️ Summer of Night
3. ✔️ The Odds
4. ✔️ The Island of Dr. Moreau
5. ✔️ Cardinal Black
6. ✔️ The Silent Patient
7. ✔️ The Wrath of Angels
8. ✔️ I Travel by Night
9. ✔️ Last Train from Perdition
10. ✔️ The Twisted Ones
11. ✔️ The Wolf in Winter
12. ✔️ Leviathan Wakes
13. ✔️ Caliban's War
14. ✔️ A Song of Shadows
15. ✔️ Krampus: The Yule Lord
16. ✔️ Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith
17. ✔️ Abaddon's Gate
18. ✔️ Pines
19. ✔️ Cibola Burn
20. ✔️ Nemesis Games
21. ✔️ A Time of Torment
22. ✔️ Dolly Parton, Songteller: My Life in Lyrics
23. ✔️ The Alienist
24. ✔️ Full Dark, No Stars
25. ✔️ Babylon's Ashes
26. ✔️ The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
27. ✔️ A Game of Ghosts
28. ✔️ The Birds and Other Stories
29. ✔️ The Woman in the Woods
30. ✔️ Persepolis Rising
31. ✔️ The Sun Also Rises
32. ✔️ Tiamat's Wrath
33. ✔️ A Book of Bones
34. ✔️ Shutter Island
35. ✔️ Leviathan Falls
36. ✔️ The Ruins
37. ✔️ Deadly Cry
38. ✔️ Where the Red Fern Grows
39. ✔️ The Dog Stars
40. ✔️ The King of Shadows
41. ✔️ The Book of Lost Things
42. ✔️ Devil's Knot: The True Story of the West Memphis Three
43. ✔️ We Were Liars
44. ✔️ The Mist
45. ✔️ Clown in a Cornfield
46. ✔️ They Thirst
47. ✔️ Wayward
48. ✔️ The Last Town
49. ✔️ Chasing the Boogeyman
50. ✔️ The Four Winds
51. ✔️ Twisted Lies

message 12: by Ashley (last edited Jun 14, 2023 09:57AM) (new)

Ashley Cael | 4 comments I'm in! I really, really want to get my owned tbr down to less than 100 but somehow it just keeps going up :|
Total Owned Books at the beginning of 2023 was 311 (How??)

Starting amount of Owned TBR - 311 (1/1/23)
Goal - 99
Jan23 : Read-7, Unhauled-7, Added-0 = 297
Feb23 : Read-8, Unhauled-2 Added-1 = 288
Mar23 : Read - 11, Unhauled - 13, Added - 1 = 265
Apr23 : Read - 8, Unhauled - 9, Added - 0 = 248
May23 : Read - 10, Unhauled - 6, Added - 1 = 233
June23 : Read - 9, Unhauled - 13, Added - 64 = 275
*so, I put off adding most of the books I got this year and I'm now finally doing that so it looks like I got a lot of books in June, but really it was from all year

1 - Hunted Darcy Coates 4/5 (1/2)
2 - The Last Detective Peter Lovesey 2/5 (1/5)
3 - Nine Liars Maureen Johnson 3/5 (1/10)
4 - The Paris Apartment Lucy Foley - 4/5 (1/24)
5 - The House of Dust Noah Broyles - DNF (1/24)
6 - Before the Ruins Victoria Gosling -DNF (1/24)
7 - The Shape of Water Andrea Camilleri - 3/5 (1/26)
8 - Found Audio NJ Campbell - 3/5 (1/25)
9 - Flight Risk Cherie Priest - 5/5 (1/29)
10 - Death by Bubble Tea Jennifer Chow - 4/5 (2/2)
11 - The Stardust Thief Chelsea Abdullah - 1/5 (2/13)
12 - Bayou Book Thief Ellen Byron - 3/5 (2/16)
13 - The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History Elizabeth Kolbert - 5/5 (2/18)
14 - Two Girls Down Louisa Luna - 4/5 (2/18)
15 - Bad Girls Don't Die Katie Alendar - 2/5 (2/23)
16 - By the Time You Read This I'll Be Gone Stephanie Keuhn - 4/5 (2/24)
17 - Gallant VE Schwab - 3/5 (3/4)
18 - The Broken Girls Simone St. James - 5/5 (2/28)
19 - Falling Into Bed with a Duke Lorraine Heath 3/5 (3/1)
20 - That Which Should Not Be Brett Talley - 3/5 (3/6)
21 - The Haunting of Ashburn House Darcy Coates - 3/5 (3/9)
22 -Far From Home Samantha Kolesnik - 2/5 (3/11)
23 - 4:50 from Paddington Agatha Christie - 4/5 (3/12)
24 - An Anonymous Girl Greer Hendricks - 2/5 (3/13)
25 - Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology Leah Remini - 5/5 (3/15)
26 - The Luckiest Lady in London - Sherry Thomas - 4/5 (3/17)
27 - The Rithmatist Brandon Sanderson - 4/5 (3/20)
28 - No Good Tea Goes Unpunished Bree Baker - 4/5 (3/29)
29 - The Golden Buddha Clive Cussler - 4/5 (4/10)
30 - The Book of Accidents Chuck Wendig - 2/5 (4/11)
31 - A Plus One for Murder Laura Bradford - 4/5 (4/12)
32 - Moon Lake Joe Lansdale - 4/5 (4/17)
33 - Finder Suzanne Palmer - 5/5 (4/18)
34 - Nemesis Agatha Christie - 5/5 4/26
35 - The Pigeon Pie Mystery Julia Stuart - 4/5 (4/27)
36 - Home Before Dark Riley Sager - 4/5 (4/28)
37 - The Ghost that Ate Us Daniel Kraus - 4/5 (5/3)
38 - The Last Party Clare Macintosh - 4/5 (5/11)
39 - A Clue for the Puzzle Lady Parnell Hall - 2/5 (5/13)
40 - The Princess Plan Julia London - 2/5 (5/17)
41 - In a Dark, Dark Wood Ruth Ware - 2/5 (5/18)
42 - Starship Alchemon Christopher Heinz - 3/5 (5/20)
43 - Candy Coated Murder Kate Bell - 2/5 (5/21)
44 - The Invincible Stanislav Lem - 4/5 (5/23)
45 - Other Birds Sarah Allen - 5/5 (5/24)
46 - Kill Creek Scott Thomas - 3/5 (6/5)
47 - Miss Marple: The Complete Short Stories Agatha Christie - 5/5 (6/1)
48 - Seduced by a Scot Julia London - 3/5 (6/4)
49 - Death Bee Comes Her Nancy Coco - 1/5 (6/7)
50 - Five Survive Holly Jackson - 4/5 (6/9)
51 - Hide Kierstan White - 5/5 (6/10)
52 - Homicide in Hardcover Kate Carlisle - 4/5 (6/15)
53 - Daisy Darker Alice Feeney - 5/5 (6/13)
54 - Several People Are Typing Calvin Kasulke - 2/5 (6/13)
- The Iron Ship K. M. McKinley - CR at work
- The Girl with Ghost Eyes MH Boronson - CR Car
- Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Susanna Clarke - CR Kindle
- Sparrow Hill Road Seanan McGuire - CR Audio work

message 13: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Cael | 4 comments Spot 2, just in case

message 14: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (new)

Marie | 3540 comments Mod
Whoo-hoo! You all are so awesome at this! Happy to see so many joining up for a "tbr cleaning"!

message 15: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (new)

Marie | 3540 comments Mod
Ginger wrote: "I hereby claim this spot!

The more of these challenges that I do, the better off my to-read list inches down. Very, very slowly though...LOL

1. The Omen (currently reading)
2. [book..."

Maybe you won't have to live to a hundred to read all the books on your tbr, Ginger! lol :) Whatever we can do to help you "clean" those books off your shelf!

message 16: by Ginger (new)

Ginger | 511 comments Marie wrote: "Maybe you won't have to live to a hundred to read all the books on your tbr, Ginger! lol :)"

100 years old or 6 feet under and buried by my TBR list. ;) hahaha

message 17: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (new)

Marie | 3540 comments Mod
Ginger wrote: "Marie wrote: "Maybe you won't have to live to a hundred to read all the books on your tbr, Ginger! lol :)"

100 years old or 6 feet under and buried by my TBR list. ;) hahaha"

Only 6 feet under?! LOL With your pile it might be 20 feet under! LOL

message 18: by Ginger (last edited May 24, 2022 05:48PM) (new)

Ginger | 511 comments Marie wrote: "With your pile it might be 20 feet under! LOL"

Hahaha!!! So true...

message 19: by Felina (new)

Felina | 648 comments Sally wrote: "Felina wrote: "I’m claiming a spot though I don’t really understand why."

Heehee, your spot is for you to fill it with books you want to read that are from your TBR. You can put as many or as few ..."

That makes sense. I was just confused cause I also have a large TBR and was scratching my head about whether I could finish them in a year and a half. Especially with this group keeps getting me to look at books that are not on my TBR.

message 20: by Karla (last edited May 29, 2023 11:59AM) (new)

Karla Kay | 117 comments Love a great challenge!

My reserved spot:
1. After the Burn 06/03/22
2. Mayhem at the Museum DNF
3. Snailbutter by Ben Fitts 06/06/22
4. Hybrid: Misfits, Monsters and Other Phenomena 06/09/22
5. Double Feature: Dead Funny and Hushed Tones
by Ian Fairgrieve 06/11/22
6. Dracul by Dacre Stoker 06/13/22
7. Maggie's Grave by David Sodergren 06/15/22
8. Paper Ghosts by Julia Heaberlin 06/17/22
9. The Vanishing of the 7th Grade by Evan Baughfman 06/17/22
10. The Deep by Alma Katsu 06/21/22
11. Becoming 2: Rage by Lucas Milliron 06/23/22
12. The House of Drought by Dennis Mombauer 06/25/22
13. Gorefest by K. Trap Jones 06/27/22
14. Quiet Places: A Novella of Cosmic Folk Horror
by Jasper Bark 06/29/22
15. I, Zombie: A Different Point of View by Garry Engkent 06/29/22
16: And She Was: A Short Story by Elizabeth Bedlam 06/29/22
1. No Lipstick in Avalon by Robert Ford 07/02/22
2. Scream of the Butterfly by Christophe Maso 07/03/22
3. In the Minds of the Wicked by Warwick Gibson 07/11/22
4. Dead Meat by J. Snow 07/13/22
5. Optic Nerve by Rebecca Rowland 07/14/22
6. The Tower by William Pauley III 07/15/22
7. Tales From The Parkland by Ronald McGillvray 07/16/22
8. The Devil's Shallows by Debra Castaneda 07/18/22
9. OGRE byBrian G. Berry 07/22/22
10: Reconstructing a Relationship by Micah Castle 07/23/22
11: The Pain Eater by Kyle Muntz 07/26/22
12. The Tears of a Raging God: Sermon 2 by The Reverend ( A Godless Exclusive) 07/26/22
13. For the Love of the Game by Thomas R. Clarke ( A Godless Exclusive) 07/27/22
14. The Photographer by Mary Dixie Carter 07/28/22
1. Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie 08/01/22
2. The Cuck by Aron Beauregard 08/01/22
3. Hope Wharf by Mark Towse 08/01/22
4. Consort by Ada Dart 08/03/22
5. White Fuzz by William Pauley III 08/05/22
6. The Garden of Bewitchment by Catherine Cavendish 08/10/22
7. The Date by Mort Stone 08/13/22
8. Born Sick by Aaron Lebold 08/14/22
9. Run, Run, Baby by Gitte Tamar 08/16/22
10. Last of the Ravagers by Bryan Smith 08/21/22
11. Naomi's Gift by Martha Hall Kelly 08/24/22
12. The Deep by Michaelbrent Collings 08/24/22
13. Ash Wednesday by Paula McLain 08/24/22
14. Landing by Olivia Hawker08/24/22
15. We Are Bone and Earth by Esi Edugyan 08/24/22
16. A Wild Rose by Fiona Davis 08/24/22
17. Alison's Conviction by Thomas Keneally 08/24/22
18. The Avarice 08/26/22
19. Mother Swamp by Jesmyn Ward 08/27/22
1. Chasing the Boogeyman by Richard Chizmar 09/01/22
2. #thighgap by Chandler Morrison 09/03/22
3. Portrait of a Nuclear Family by J.P. Behrens 09/08/2
4. The Root Witch by Debra Castaneda 09/10/22
5. Hell Spring by Isaac Thorne09/18/22
6.ABC's of Terror, Volume IV by D&T Publishing LLC 09/25/22
7. F*ck You, Mary Sue by Elton Skelter ( Emerge #9) D&T Publishing and Godless 09/27/22
1. WULFEN by Ryan LaPlante 10/01/22
2. The Tricker-Treater, and Other Stories by Briana Morgan 10/08/22
3. Diabolique by John Paul Fitch 10/10/22
4. Fleshed Out by Rob Ulitski 10/17/22
5. The Hex Next Door by Lou Wilham 10/21/22
6. I, The Void by The Professor 10/21/22
7. It Doesn't Give Anything Back by Jacob Steven Mohr 10/22/22
8. Bad Vibrations by Lucy Leitner 10/25/22
9. Small Angels by Lauren Owen 10/29/22
10. The Dead Heart by Lucas Milliron 10/30/22
1. The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury 11/13/22
2. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness 11/13/22
3. The Wicked by James Newman 11/17/22
4. Beautifully Broken by Laura Fitzgerald 11/23/22
5. Petite Mort by Nikki Noir & S.C. Mendes 11/23/22
1. Reg E Rat's Birthday Fun Center and Same Day Outpatient Care Facility by Frank J. Edler 12/03/22
2. Eve: A Christmas Short Horror Story by Matt Shaw 12/10/22
3. Kiss Her Once for Me by Alison Cochrun 12/13/22
4. Playground by Aron Beauregard 12/18/22
5.The Cuckold Considers the Conception of Christ by The Professor 12/22/22
6. 3:33 by Mark Towse 12/22/22
7. The Horror Collection: Sapphire Edition by Kevin J. Kennedy 12/31/22

1. The Girl in the Cellar: An Extreme Horror from Two of the Darkest Minds by Matt Shaw & Aron Beauregard 01/02/23
2. Beautiful Atrocities by Ross Jeffery 01/06/23
3. Larva Me Tender by Robert Ford 01/07/23
4. The Night It Got Out by Patrick James Ryan 01/11/23
5. Dark Murmurs: A Compendium of Curiosities 01/16/23
6. ROAD-EO by Joseph M. Monks 01/17/23
7. A Christmess Story by Joseph M. Monks 01/17/23
8. The Night Birds by Thomas Maltman 01/27/23
9. No Home for Killers by [au[author:Kate Alice Marshall|17294875]thor:E.A. Aymar|7381000] 01/28/23
1. Fang Fiction: Vampire Horror Stories by L.M. Kaplin 02/04/23
2. In the Grimdark Strands of the Spinneret: A Fairy Tale for Elders by Keith Anthony Baird 02/05/23
3. What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall 02/12/23
4. Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover 02/16/23
5. The Prisoner of Fear by Chad Miller 02/17/23
6. The Secret of Ventriloquism by Jon Padgett 02/21/23
7. The Copper Man by Debra Castaneda 02/22/23
8. The Wilderness by Nat Whiston 02/23/23
9. The Wehrwolf by Alma Katsu
10. Influence: #horrorstories by Lucy Leitner 02/25/23
1. Uncanny Valley Days by C.J. Sampera 03/04/23
2. The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher 03/09/23
3. The Writing Retreat by Julia Bartz 03/13/23
4. Little Black Crimes: Stories by Nathaniel Blackhelm 03/14/23
5. Autumn Gothic by Brian Bowyer 03/18/23
6. I'll Tell You My Secrets by A. Lopez Jr. 03/21/23
7. Scratched by Matt Micheli 03/23/23
8. Colony Collapse by K.E. Wolfe 03/28/23
9. I'll Tell You My Secrets by A. Lopez Jr. 03/28/23
1. FablehavenBrandon Mull
2. Night's Plutonian Shore by Garrett Boatman 04/02/23
3. I'll Tell You My Secrets by A. Lopez Jr. 04/03/23
4. The Relict by D.M. Gritzmacher 04/14/23
5. I'll Tell You My Secrets by A. Lopez Jr. 04/15/23
6. The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
7. Cargo by Ruth Anna Evans04/16/23
8. All The Sand And Tears A Monkey Can Buy by Mort Stone 04/16/23
9. Two Of A Kind by Chisto Healy 04/22/23
10. I'll Tell You My Secrets by A. Lopez Jr. 04/18/23
11. All Hallows by Christopher Golden 04/29/23
12. I'll Tell You My Secrets by A. Lopez Jr. 04/30/23
1. Unholy Repression by Jessica Lynne Gardner 05/08/23
2. The Quiet Stillness of Empty Houses by L.V. Russell 05/10/23
3. Where Demons Dine by Sidney Shiv 05/13/23
4. The Quarry by D.M. Gritzmacher 05/21/23
5. Hell Hound by Ken Greenhall05/26/23
6. The Birds by Frank Baker 05/27/23
7. Camp Zero by Michelle Min Sterling 05/29/23
8. Whispers of a Gypsy by J.T. Patten 05/29/23

message 21: by ChrisP (last edited Jun 12, 2022 06:30PM) (new)

ChrisP Poyner I'm curious to see these number. Every year I have a goal to take my oldest book off my TBR. The problem is the oldest our huge.

Number of Books listed as "Want to Read" on GR as of June 1st, 2022:

Total Number of TBR on 6/1 614
-# of books read off 6/1 list: 3
(view spoiler)
-# of books abandoned/removed:

-# of books added: 3
-# of books read after 6/1 list:

Current WtR Total: 614

message 22: by Nyssa (last edited Jun 04, 2022 11:04AM) (new)

Nyssa | 262 comments I am discovering that the number of free books I downloaded when I got my first Kindle (circa 2010) but never added to GR is astronomical! So I've been working on updating my TBR and will probably change my official challenge start date to July 1st.

I'm also curious as to why I downloaded so many Christian, Historical, Romance novels ... None of those are my goto genres, nor do I know the last time I actually read one! *Is Slightly Confused*

Edited to Add: I figured it out!!! When I received my 2nd Kindle as a gift, I gave my original to my mom and kept it activated. I'm guessing most of these are hers!

message 23: by Michael (last edited May 09, 2024 07:24PM) (new)

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 84 comments I'll take this spot. Not sure what I'm going to put here yet, but it's certainly not for a lack of choices on my TBR list.
There are certain authors who I want to read their entire catalog (King, Scalzi, Connelly, Rankin, etc). Maybe. I want to think about that for awhile.
UPDATE 7/9/22
I think I'll go for a bit of all those authors . . . . .
1. THE DROP audiobook (Sept 28, 2022)
2. DESERT STAR (March 03, 2023)
3. CRIME BEAT (November 13, 2023)
1. THE OUTSIDER audiobook narrated by Will Patton (September 30, 2023)
2. HOLLY (October 05, 2023)
2. ZOE'S TALE (November 18, 2023)
3. STARTER VILLAIN (December 09, 2023)

message 25: by Denis (deez_bookish_adventures) (last edited Apr 08, 2023 11:43AM) (new)

Denis (deez_bookish_adventures) (denis_lamontagne) | 195 comments Chronological King Readathon:

1. Firestarter
2. Roadwork

message 26: by Nyssa (new)

Nyssa | 262 comments Nyssa wrote: "I am discovering that the number of free books I downloaded when I got my first Kindle (circa 2010) but never added to GR is astronomical! So I've been working on updating my TBR and will probably ..."

Now that my shelves are all sorted, I am officially starting my TBR challenge today.

message 27: by Bookworm (last edited Aug 07, 2023 09:30PM) (new)

Bookworm With a B | 4 comments My goal for 2022 is 60. My goal for 2023 will be 110. So 170 for this challenge.
2022 was all about the new reads. 2023 is all about whatever catches my attention. No repeats!
1. House of Hollow
2. Dead Silence
3. The Fate of Mercy Alban
4. Horrorstör
5. The Carrow Haunt
6. The Haunting of Ashburn House
7. The Witness
8. Problem Child
9. Jane Doe
10. The Moonlight Child
11. The Splendor of Fear
12. The Obsession
13. The Tale of Halcyon Crane
14. Dreams in Black Static: Eight Stories
15. The Haunting of Beacon Hill
16. The Haunting of Rainier Asylum
17. The Haunting of Winslow Manor
18. The Book of Accidents
19. The Bear and the Nightingale
20. The Sun Down Motel
21. Behind Her Eyes
22. The House of a Hundred Whispers
23. The Shining
24. Fruits Basket Collector's Edition, Vol. 1
25. Fruits Basket Collector's Edition, Vol. 2
26. Fruits Basket Collector's Edition, Vol. 3
27. Fruits Basket Collector's Edition, Vol. 4
28. The Woman in the Window
29. Briarheart
30. It
31. Doctor Sleep
32. Hunted
33. The Haunting of Blackwood House
34. The Snow Queen
35. Come with Me
36. The Starless Sea
37. Little Girls
38. Shadow and Bone
39. The Death of Jane Lawrence
40. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
41. Sailor Moon: Eternal Edition 1
42. Fruits Basket Collector's Edition, Vol. 5
43. Misery
44. Death on the Nile
45. The Golden Couple
46. The Awakening
47. The Night Swim
48. The Escape Room
49. Fruits Basket Collector's Edition, Vol. 6
50. The Resting Place
51. From Blood and Ash
52. Just Like Mother
53. The Guest List
54. The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon
55. The Last House on Needless Street
56. The Henna Artist
57. Fruits Basket Collector's Edition, Vol. 7
58. Fruits Basket Collector's Edition, Vol. 8
59. To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
60. Invisible Girl
61. Verity
62. Fruits Basket Collector's Edition, Vol. 9
63. Sailor Moon Eternal Edition Vol. 2
64. Home Before Dark
65. A Deadly Fortune
66. Endless Night
67. Fairy Tail, Vol. 01
68. Fruits Basket Collector's Edition, Vol. 10
69. Fruits Basket Collector's Edition, Vol. 11
70. Sailor Moon Eternal Edition Vol. 3
71. The Night She Disappeared
72. Cat + Gamer, Volume 1
73. All the Murmuring Bones
74. Fruits Basket Collector's Edition, Vol. 12
75. You
76. Creepy Cat, Vol. 1
77. A Court of Thorns and Roses
78. A Court of Mist and Fury
79. Carolina Moon
80. Cat + Gamer, Volume 2
81. The Book Eaters
82. A Court of Wings and Ruin
83. Nettle & Bone
84. Dead Lake
85. The Haunting of Gillespie House
86. Gallows Hill
87. Pet Sematary
88. The Mist
89. Daisy Darker
90. Octopus in the Outhouse!
91. From Below
92. Deck Z: The Titanic: Unsinkable. Undead.
93. These Hollow Vows
94. Daughter of the Moon Goddess
95. Howl’s Moving Castle
96. The Haunting of Leigh Harker
97. The Keeper of Lost Things
98. Unfaithful ***Horrible! Don't Read***
99. Other People's Things
100. Annihilation
101. Red Queen *Not Good!*
102. Siege and Storm
103. And Then There Were None
*104. Then She Was Gone
105. The Search
106. House of Shadows
107. Sharp Objects
108. Decorum at the Deathbed
109. My Evil Mother
110. Horns
111. House of Secrets
112. Under Currents
113. The Quarry Girls
114. Stardust
115. The Silence of the Girls
116. The House of Long Shadows
117. Don't Look for Me
118. Don't Move
119. The New Wife
120. Local Girl Missing
121. The Hanging Tree
122. A Flicker in the Dark *1 star*
123. The Paris Apartment
124. The Family Upstairs
125. The Family Remains
126. Rock Paper Scissors
127. The Writing Retreat *Not Good*
128. Needful Things
129. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark *1 star*
130. The Book of Lost Things
131. The Women of Troy
132. The Witch of Blackbird Pond
133. The Graveyard Book
134. The Luminous Dead
135. Fractal Noise
136. Stolen Tongues
137. NOS4A2
138. The Devil's Den
139. The Stroke of Winter
140. Layla
141. The Echo of Old Books
142. The Hook
143. Ruin and Rising
144. The Getaway
145. Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal Edition, Vol. 4
146. Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal Edition, Vol. 5
147. Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal Edition, Vol. 6
148. Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal Edition, Vol. 7
149. Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal Edition, Vol. 8
150. The Shadow Bride
151. Hidden Pictures
152. The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires (1 star) **Horrible****
153. The Lost Tower
154. The Village
155. Craven Manor
156. The Book of Cold Cases
157. All Systems Red
158. Artificial Condition
159. Rogue Protocol
160. Exit Strategy
161. Project Hail Mary
162. Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal Edition, Vol. 9
163. Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal Edition, Vol. 10
164. The Haunting of Morris Inn *Horrible*
165. Circe
166. The Secret Garden
167. Ward D
168. The Song of Achilles

message 28: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (new)

Marie | 3540 comments Mod
Bookworm wrote: "Well my goal for the 2022 reading challenge was 30 but I finished it So now it is 60. Next year I'm hoping to have my 2023 reading challenge will be 100. So 160 will be my goal for this challenge. ..."

Awesome Bookworm! Welcome to the challenge! Good luck on clearing off your tbr! :)

message 29: by Bookworm (new)

Bookworm With a B | 4 comments Marie wrote: "Bookworm wrote: "Well my goal for the 2022 reading challenge was 30 but I finished it So now it is 60. Next year I'm hoping to have my 2023 reading challenge will be 100. So 160 will be my goal for..."

Thank you! I'm happy to have found such a great group! I'm also happy I can see what other people are reading so I can add more books to the TBR!

message 30: by Nyssa (new)

Nyssa | 262 comments I've managed to mess up my WtR count by two books already. My Reserved Post math is showing that I have two more books to read than my GR shelf math, and I have no idea how to reconcile it. It's weird!

message 31: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (last edited Aug 07, 2022 03:35PM) (new)

Marie | 3540 comments Mod
Nyssa wrote: "I've managed to mess up my WtR count by two books already. My Reserved Post math is showing that I have two more books to read than my GR shelf math, and I have no idea how to reconcile it. It's we..."

I will you tell this - the GR shelf math totals have been screwed up for awhile - I mean a long time - over a year actually.

My actual GR total is showing I have 8,006.

Read total is: 930
Current Read is: 2
Want to Read is: 5664

Total should be: 6596

So the GR total is way off by: 1410

I have even checked book doubles and that is not it. So whatever the 1410 books are - lol - I have no idea. Maybe they are invisible books. lol

message 32: by Nyssa (last edited Aug 07, 2022 03:55PM) (new)

Nyssa | 262 comments Wow!

You may have just helped me solve the issue! I checked for duplicates when I set everything up but hadn't done so again until after reading your post. I found 2! LOL

However, If the "All" total is supposed to be everything on the exclusive shelves, GR is off by exactly 80!

Edited to Add: Yep, it was the duplicates. Thanks, Marie. :D

message 33: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (new)

Marie | 3540 comments Mod
Nyssa wrote: "Wow!

You may have just helped me solve the issue! I checked for duplicates when I set everything up but hadn't done so again until after reading your post. I found 2! LOL

However, If the "All" total is supposed to be everything on the exclusive shelves, GR is off by exactly 80!

Edited to Add: Yep, it was the duplicates. Thanks, Marie. :D..."

You are very welcome, Nyssa! Happy that I could help! :)

message 34: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Cael | 4 comments How is everyone doing with their challenge? It started as a bit of a struggle for me, and I will say that the last couple weeks of Feb I may have purchased a few books because of outside stressors, but in general it has forced me to look at what I own and actually either commit to reading it or recognizing that I need to purge it. Some of you guys are really killing it!!

message 35: by Anne (new)

Anne | 623 comments @Ashley same. I’ve been trying to go off of my tbr, and I really need to organize and purge. I’ve never organized at all so I’ve bee procrastinating. But I have read some that I bought years ago so that’s progress.

message 36: by Michael (new)

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 84 comments Ashley wrote: "How is everyone doing with their challenge? It started as a bit of a struggle for me, and I will say that the last couple weeks of Feb I may have purchased a few books because of outside stressors,..."
Yeah, I"m feeling guilty about not paying more attention to this. I limited my list to just four writers. I even thought about adding more authors, but considering the December deadline is rapidly approaching that would just make me look like even more of a slacker.
At least today I am able to add one more TBR book from the list.
Whew! My problem is I have more books in the library that I can read even if I dedicated my free time to nothing else. Plus, I pay too much attention to exciting new releases and just keep adding and adding.
Sigh. It's a good problem.

message 37: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (new)

Marie | 3540 comments Mod
Ashley wrote: "How is everyone doing with their challenge? It started as a bit of a struggle for me, and I will say that the last couple weeks of Feb I may have purchased a few books because of outside stressors,..."

I am behind on adding in stuff on here - I need to work on my list as I have a few that I can add to bring my totals up some. Thanks for the reminder! :)

message 38: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (new)

Marie | 3540 comments Mod
Also at the end of this year I am planning on creating another challenge like this one for the next year and might make it a two year run just to see how many books we could all kick off our tbr within a two year period. :)

message 39: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Cael | 4 comments Marie wrote: "Also at the end of this year I am planning on creating another challenge like this one for the next year and might make it a two year run just to see how many books we could all kick off our tbr wi..."

Another year would be great, Marie! I've found this super useful and I'm sure others have as well! :)

@Anne Same on the reading things from years ago, honestly I didn't even remember getting some of these and in some cases I still am struggling to understand why I bought those in the first place, haha.

@Michael 9 more months is plenty of time!! Even getting anything finished is a real plus

message 40: by Sally, The Ninja Clown (new)

Sally | 1211 comments Mod
Goodness! I only put 4 on my list. 4 that I really wanted to read so I figured I could make it happen. I still haven't read any of them. Dang! Now ask me how many books I've bought since then. Nevermind, don't ask me that!

message 41: by Ginger (new)

Ginger | 511 comments Sally wrote: "Goodness! I only put 4 on my list. 4 that I really wanted to read so I figured I could make it happen. I still haven't read any of them. Dang! Now ask me how many books I've bought since then. Neve..."

I've gotten a few read this year but it's not been nearly enough to make a dent in that TBR!
Yeah, I agree with you Sally on how many books that I've bought vs knocking 'em off this mountain. We have no self control! LOL

message 42: by Ginger (new)

Ginger | 511 comments Marie wrote: "Also at the end of this year I am planning on creating another challenge like this one for the next year and might make it a two year run just to see how many books we could all kick off our tbr wi..."

Thank God you guys are going to do another year so that I can keep making a dent on this list. I've got the self control of a squirrel with a pile of nuts at this point. hahaha

message 43: by Sally, The Ninja Clown (new)

Sally | 1211 comments Mod
Ginger wrote: "Marie wrote: "Also at the end of this year I am planning on creating another challenge like this one for the next year and might make it a two year run just to see how many books we could all kick ..."

And if you wrote a book about that squirrel, I'd want to buy it. It's a problem, but at least I'm not alone!

message 44: by Annerlee (new)

Annerlee | 38 comments hmm… is it bad that I want to steal multiple book ideas from your lists and add to my tbr?!?

I feel in good company tho. Will you adopt me into the Squirrel family?

message 45: by Annerlee (new)

Annerlee | 38 comments ***** I’m reserving a spot *****

Going to look at my oldest tbr books and do some weeding out, Will transfer some survivors to my ‘read or dead’ shelf and report back.

message 46: by Sally, The Ninja Clown (new)

Sally | 1211 comments Mod
Annerlee wrote: "hmm… is it bad that I want to steal multiple book ideas from your lists and add to my tbr?!?

I feel in good company tho. Will you adopt me into the Squirrel family?"

Haha! Everyone is welcome! A family of enabling squirrels! Love it!

message 47: by Annerlee (last edited Mar 23, 2023 04:00PM) (new)

Annerlee | 38 comments **** reserved #2 ****

#2 Dr. Sleep

#1 Re-read The Shining (before I read the sequel)… yes, I feel strongly that this is really necessary! (Completed 23 March)

#3 Thin Air: A Ghost Story
mountain, horror, thriller, historical

#4 New Moon
scifi, series, moonbase

#5 The Guardians
Haunted house, Canada

#6 Bekenne deine Sünden
Wien Krimi

#7 Leviathan Wakes
Scifi Space opera, series

#8 Christine

Enough for a start

ooh and..
#9 another Grady Hendrix book We Sold Our Souls completed March 2023

message 48: by Annerlee (new)

Annerlee | 38 comments Denis (deez_bookish_adventures) wrote: "Chronological King Readathon:

1. Firestarter"

You still doing this Denis?

message 49: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (new)

Marie | 3540 comments Mod
Ginger wrote: "Sally wrote: "Goodness! I only put 4 on my list. 4 that I really wanted to read so I figured I could make it happen. I still haven't read any of them. Dang! Now ask me how many books I've bought si..."

Sally wrote: "Goodness! I only put 4 on my list. 4 that I really wanted to read so I figured I could make it happen. I still haven't read any of them. Dang! Now ask me how many books I've bought since then. Neve..."

I am guilty as well - buy more than read! LOL At least we are one big happy squirrel family and we all love to do the same thing! lol

message 50: by Annerlee (new)

Annerlee | 38 comments LOL

: D

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