Johann (jobis89)'s Reviews > The Institute

The Institute by Stephen        King
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really liked it

“Great events turn on small hinges.”

Deep in the woods of Maine, there is a facility where kids, abducted from all across America, are incarcerated.

Oh man, starting a new King just feels like coming home after a long day and wrapping yourself in a huge blanket... It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what it is about King’s writing that evokes such feelings, but if I could bottle it up and sell these feelings, I would, because everyone needs to experience it!

We all know that King does kids best. From the Loser’s Club in IT, to the boys in The Body, he always seems to nail it! And the kids in The Institute were no exception - Avery was my personal favourite. Add in superpowers and a mysterious Institute and this has all the makings of a binge-worthy story!

It’s a little slow at the beginning, but this is usually the case with King as he introduces the characters and the setting, before he puts his foot down and increases the pace. The parts within the Institute were my favourite, I loved getting to learn more about what was going on, whilst simultaneously worrying for those poor kids. King executes all these parts so perfectly.

The cons, for me: it just felt a little TOO much like Firestarter in some ways. Don’t get me wrong, The Institute stands firmly as its own unique story, but I kept thinking of Firestarter similarities and it put me off slightly. Also, Tim and Wendy were two typical cookie-cutter good guys, who’s names I will undoubtedly have forgotten in a week or two. I don’t know what it is exactly, but I feel like these types of characters are more memorable in his older novels.

Lastly, wasn’t a massive fan of the ending - it felt somewhat predictable. I’m not one who usually gets frustrated with King’s endings, but this one left me a little more on the dissatisfied side.

That being said, I did really enjoy it overall, but unfortunately I just didn’t LOVE it. I do think it’s one of his stronger works in recent years though.

3.75 stars - I’m introducing a new star rating for the occasion.
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Reading Progress

February 3, 2019 – Shelved
February 3, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
September 3, 2019 – Started Reading
September 7, 2019 –
page 245
50.52% "Enjoying it so far!"
September 10, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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message 1: by Jenny (new) - added it

Jenny a.k.a....Jenny from the block I'm thinking of taking a trip to Boston for an evening with Father & Son. A deluxe package signed edition by both

Wine of Ages I'm so jealous! I was just telling my husband about this! I wanna go! 😢😢

Andrew Dubay Ohh no I feel like 3.5 means you hated it

Ebony "Interstellar Introvert" Actually jumped on here to see if you posted a review for this😂😂😂. Currently still reading The Outsider. This is next on my list. Can't wait for your review!

Johann (jobis89) KenJen wrote: "I'm thinking of taking a trip to Boston for an evening with Father & Son. A deluxe package signed edition by both"

That would be pretty awesome!! How I wish I was going to New England this year instead of last year!

Johann (jobis89) Andrew wrote: "Ohh no I feel like 3.5 means you hated it"

Oh definitely not! I really enjoyed it! I just think 3.5 or 4 stars seems fair when I compare it to all the other King novels I have read.

Johann (jobis89) Ebony wrote: "Actually jumped on here to see if you posted a review for this😂😂😂. Currently still reading The Outsider. This is next on my list. Can't wait for your review!"

I'll hopefully have it coming soon! Just need to write it! lol

Jason Coffman Nah. 5. You give it 5 stars or else I'll kick myself in the nutsack

Jennifer Wells I feel the same way about 3.5 stars! Went with 3 and did NOT hate it! :-/

Johann (jobis89) Jason wrote: "Nah. 5. You give it 5 stars or else I'll kick myself in the nutsack"

lol!! Unfortunately it was not a 5 star read for me!! But I'm glad you loved it!

Johann (jobis89) Jennifer wrote: "I feel the same way about 3.5 stars! Went with 3 and did NOT hate it! :-/"

I settled on 3.5. I just think there are much better King books!

Boris I am with three stars as well. Still it was better than The Firestarter.

Johann (jobis89) Boris wrote: "I am with three stars as well. Still it was better than The Firestarter."

I think maybe I preferred Firestarter? Not too sure, haha!!

Boris Lol. Hope “If it bleeds” is better

Jonathan Pongratz Totally. I couldn't quite give it a 4.

Johann (jobis89) Jonathan wrote: "Totally. I couldn't quite give it a 4."

I ended up settling on 3.75 lol!

Jonathan Pongratz I think that's fair. Yeah, I usually only do half points, but I totally get your score. I really wanted it to be amazing!

Sadie Hartmann I want this review!!!

Johann (jobis89) Sadie Hartmann wrote: "I want this review!!!"

Oh man, I'm so behind with updating my Goodreads reviews!! I will get this sorted for you ;)

Ebony "Interstellar Introvert" I totally agree...starting a new King book always gives me a warm, fuzzy familiar feeling. I normally have to make sure I finish everything else before starting a new King book because one I know it will require all my focus and after finishing one I will read at least 2 more back to back. It's a thing...I can't help it😂😂😂! Great review!

Johann (jobis89) Ebony wrote: "I totally agree...starting a new King book always gives me a warm, fuzzy familiar feeling. I normally have to make sure I finish everything else before starting a new King book because one I know i..."

Thank you! And yes, it's very easy to go on a King binge, isn't it?! I understand that!!

magical_bookcorner2 I love Stephen King. I'm looking forward to reading this

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