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Tony Le's Reviews > From Beirut to Jerusalem

From Beirut to Jerusalem by Thomas L. Friedman
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did not like it

A one sided extremely biased book. Mr. Friedman! You could have done a much better job had you relayed the views of both conflicting parties of the Lebanese war. Blaming all the miseries on one side only while picturing the other side as the innocent victim only accentuates your incomprehension of the reasons that led to the war, or maybe reflects the result of an 'inflated pocket'!!!
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November 28, 2018 – Shelved

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message 1: by Quo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Quo My thought is that you either read a different version of the book or a book with the same title by another author. I've spent time in the Middle East in the areas detailed in Friedman's book & thought that he attempted to be objective, certainly not slanting his findings to one side as claimed by Tony Le. Having read several other very positive reviews of From Beirut to Lebanon, reviews that are rather detailed & well-focused rather than just quick rants without any documentation & having read the book myself, I take issue with your mini-review.

Beyond that, I've just noticed that the book has a 4.13 rating among G/R readers who've done reviews, really not a terrible score by any means. No book is for every reader but the reviews I value at least take the time to support their premise, which you have failed to do.

Lefthat The fact that writer "forgot" to mention why Israeli were in Lebanon in 1982 is bias.

message 3: by Quo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Quo Friedman is an exceedingly gifted writer but for those in search of a reason to dislike the book, they will most certainly find one, or make one up.

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