Johann (jobis89)'s Reviews > The Moor

The Moor by Sam Haysom
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“A gust of wind blew through the campsite and caused the slowly dying fire to gutter, making their shadows dance in the orange light.”

A group of teenagers are out on a walking trip with a group leader, but pretty quickly there is tension within the group and some of them start to disappear...

I’ve never been much of a camper... I was forced to join the scouts when I was younger and I knew pretty quickly that this outdoors shit was not for me. The Moor has reinforced this aversion to camping - it’s bad enough sleeping on a cold, hard floor, and heating up a can of beans over a fire that took far too long to light... but when your camping mates start disappearing, you got a REAL problem! No matter how annoying your camping mates may be (looking at you, Gary)

This was an enjoyable, well-written creature-feature. The thirteen year old boys were very believable in their interactions, Haysom really nailed his characterisation. The setting of the moors itself was very chilling too. And I LOVED the inclusion of newspaper clippings to tell parts of the story - I’m always a fan of this when it’s done well!

The direction that the story took was a little different than what I expected - initially I thought that was pretty cool, cos I like it when I read a book and I’m surprised, but in hindsight I might have preferred if it went down the route I was expecting from the start? It was still a really great twist - this was just perhaps more of a personal preference.

It really did remind me of The Ritual and The Blair Witch at times, but The Moor really does hold its own with a distinct and unique story. I would certainly be interested in reading future books from the author!

Worth picking up if you like a little bit of gore and books set in the great outdoors. 3 stars!
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Reading Progress

May 28, 2018 – Shelved
May 28, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
November 6, 2018 – Started Reading
November 7, 2018 –
page 119
53.13% "I love when a book takes a turn I don’t expect..."
November 9, 2018 –
page 187
83.48% "You know when you’re trying to finish a book but your eyes just won’t stay open... 😫"
November 10, 2018 – Finished Reading

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megs_bookrack I plan to read this very soon - I love that it reminded you of The Ritual and The Blair Witch. It seems like a book I could get into for the upcoming holiday weekend.

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