About our research clusters

Our research clusters reflect key themes within Adam Smith Business School and provide a platform for developing multidisciplinary research links, as well as for connecting research with practice.

Within each group, our staff undertake innovative theoretical scholarship, significant empirical research and knowledge exchange activities. This includes national and international interdisciplinary collaborations, not only with academic researchers, but also policymakers, managers and practitioners.

A distinctive feature of the research across the groups is the crossover between conceptual and practical dimensions of research. This reflects a concern with the relevance and impact of research on business and policy communities.

Scottish Centre for Economic Methodology

The Scottish Centre for Economic Methodology (SCEME) is a network of scholars aiming to further debate and research in economic methodology in Scotland and beyond.

SCEME core activities include coordination and support of joint research activities in economic methodology and related fields of inquiry, the organisation of an international workshop series on current topics in economic methodology, and publishing a working paper series.

A mailing list exists that serves to keep affiliates up to date regarding SCEME events and activities, and which is open to any scholar working on or interested in economic methodology.

For more information, please contact Robert McMaster:

[email protected]