Ease of use, integrates with everything, and has a huge community. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
First and foremost, read the Terms and Conditions for this service before signing up! The Terms state that all intellectual property that you put on "your" website can be accessed and kept by Shopify and used or passed on to other companies however they choose, for all time. Your marketing materials; product, sales, and inventory data; and theoretically customer data are all irrevocably licensed to numerous unknowable third-parties for all time.
To add insult to injury, Small Business plans are restricted from accessing order and customer data that was entered on their site, by their customers, and is vital to many integrations and business operations. While this is ostensibly for "security" reasons, I fail to understand how it's a security risk to access your own business data. Of course, you can get around this by upgrading your plan to at least the $399 USD/month Advanced Plan and gain this access (because only small businesses are insecure apparently).
The "Basic" and "Shopify" plans further restrict you to using Shopify Payments, with no ability to utilize existing merchant accounts. Which, of course, would incentivize you to also use their POS platform (at which point your in-person customer and sales data is also permanently transferred to Shopify and inaccessible to you).
While you can utilize your own shipping services, these plans show Shopify Shipping rates to customers at checkout, which are marked up from standard, widely available commercial discounts.
For example, a USPS postage stamp, which costs $0.69 USD via numerous other providers, costs $1.40 to buy from Shopify. Of course, if you upgrade your account they will reduce their markup on shipping fees as a perk and to further deter you from using more convenient and flexible third-party services. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Shopify helps me a lot on buying stuff I usually didn't see on the market and also their prices is way better than the market places and also I like their services when it comes to delivering the well so far so good Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
I don't have much all I can say is sometimes on the time where is definitely going to ship product is way more longer Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
The layout of the site itself and how easy it is to use. I swear my site moves like melted butter and I love it. After using Wix for sometime and now experiencing Shopify I can tell you there is a huge difference. Not only that but people are buying our magazines and our merch, which NEVER happened on Wix. I guess Shopify's interface for ecommerce looks to be more friendly and trustworthy. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Where do I begin? First, the customer service is awful and I do mean dreadful, not as bad as Wix, but they do absolutely nothing to assist you. At one point I had to ask if my rep was a bot, I had to ask them if they were human because the responses were so robotic and devoid of any emotion. I had just spent 45 days transferring 1600 blogs manually from Wix to Shopify and I noticed that around the 300 blog mark the backend interface completely changed and the blog tool was almost non-functional. I wrote in and the rep said to me, "Wow! Your site is beautiful. I've never seen anyone use out platform for strictly blog content. This is a first." When he said this to me something went off in my head and I began wondering if they were sabotaging the blogs on purpose to get me to use a third party app. So after some time and me writing in every single day, like a light switch they changed it back to the original layout - the one that is functional and user friendly. By the time I transferred around 1300 blogs, the interface changed again. This time I wrote in and completed, they switched it back. Now I'm almost at the finish line, almost done with the transfer and boom, they switched it again. This time I write it and they say, "Well, nothing we can do." What are the issues now? The images are blurry on desktop. So when they upload through my files on Shopify, the images are purposely being compressed and blurred when published. The bullet points and numbering doesn't work - nothing get a bullet point at all. The spacing is terrible, if I space something too much it created this large white space that looks unclean. Images between the text can no longer be done either. When you high space between the image and the text the text beneath it shrinks! So the article will have some large text and some small text, completely unclean and unprofessional. Heading - we can no longer add H3 headings and H2 headings without the whole text duplicating the heading. Again, unclean. The whole blog function is useless. Now, I have had to resort to using a third party app which is an extra $25/month on top of $39/month for Shopify. I've already found a lawyer because if I'm paying to use a blog (a base function that comes with the platform) I shouldn't be forced to pay additional for an app in their app store to satisfy their partners. This was deliberate and clearly intentional and I should have known the second that rep said what he said to me. I have used Shopify on and off since 2007 and their blogs have NEVER changed, why would it? There was nothing wrong with it. I come along and now it's completely unfunctional. Shady business, shady business practice and unethical behavior. They will hear from my attorney. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
I have been a user of Shopify from last 2 years. This platform is very easy to use even for the beginners. Shopify offers a vast collection of themes and easy customization. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
The limited customization options is a minus as more advanced options are available for paid themes or apps only. Also cart page customization is not easy unless it is Shopify plus. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Shopify é minha solução preferida para criar sites de comércio eletrônico através de sua API headless e de administração. Com sua API headless e de administração, tudo se torna realmente flexível e fácil de trabalhar com NextJS. Posso projetar livremente minha interface de usuário e lógica de negócios com o poder do NextJS, enquanto deixo as complexidades de fazer um sistema de inventário, CMS e parte de gerenciamento de produtos para o Shopify. Uso o Shopify como solução de comércio eletrônico em quase todos os meus projetos de comércio eletrônico. Embora a implementação possa ser um pouco complicada no início, fica realmente fácil com o tempo. O suporte ao cliente deles pode ser um pouco lento, mas eles fazem o trabalho. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Shopify tem alguns endpoints disponíveis apenas na sua API graphql. Eu adoraria ter todos os endpoints na sua API REST também. Outra coisa é o seu sistema de login multipass, que está disponível apenas no seu plano plus. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Shopify é muito fácil de usar e permite que você escolha um plano dependendo de onde você está com o crescimento do seu negócio. É escalável e oferece todas as possíveis integrações com sistemas externos. (Quase todas). O que eu mais gosto é o seu próprio marketplace que tem toneladas de aplicativos para escolher. É personalizável desde o front-end até o processo de checkout. Eu usei o Shopify POS, mas vou experimentá-lo e espero atualizar minha avaliação em breve. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Eu não gosto do gerente de suporte ao cliente/sucesso do cliente designado. Trabalho com Shopify Plus há mais de 5 anos e nunca consegui entrar em contato com meu gerente de sucesso para agendar uma chamada fora de sua própria agenda lotada. Eles precisam se atualizar nos mercados em que seus clientes estão trabalhando. Trabalhei na região MENA na categoria de Moda/Varejo e tive que fazer meu gerente de conta entender o ciclo de vendas anual toda vez, desde o planejamento de inventário até a venda adicional no nível do checkout, etc. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Eu comecei apenas usando o Botão de Compra deles e instalando-o no meu site. Essa foi uma excelente maneira de começar e funcionou muito bem quando eu tinha apenas alguns produtos para vender. Foi muito fácil de instalar. Mas à medida que minha loja começou a crescer, decidi obter um site completo no Shopify. Eu também adoro o site! Ele facilita muito a navegação para as pessoas, e encontrei um ótimo tema que foi simples de configurar e personalizar. Eles também têm um ótimo suporte ao cliente se eu precisar de ajuda com qualquer coisa. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Como o Shopify é um programa tão robusto, às vezes fico um pouco confuso sobre como algo funciona. Mas sempre que procuro no Google, encontro um tutorial que explica. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Fácil de configurar com vários aplicativos integrados que facilitam a obtenção de qualquer recurso. Múltiplas opções de temas para escolher e análises muito fáceis disponíveis com dados de comparação, como crescimento YoY. A melhor opção para rastrear as fontes de vendas. Nossa 70% das vendas depende do nosso site Shopify. Temos a opção de integrar com várias ferramentas para toda a jornada. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
A maior parte da página de checkout não é personalizável. O Shopify oferece apenas suporte por chat. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
Shopify is incredibly user-friendly, making it easy to set up and manage your store, while also being reliable and professional, giving you confidence in every aspect of your business. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
What I dislike most about Shopify is the limited options for email marketing within the platform itself, you need plugins for advanced features. Additionally, downloading inventory doesn’t include all the features you’d like to see for better inventory management. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
O que eu mais gosto no Shopify é sua interface amigável, que facilita a configuração da minha loja online. A ampla gama de aplicativos personalizáveis e o suporte ao cliente confiável são uma grande vantagem, e o processamento de pagamentos suave melhora a experiência de compra para meus clientes. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.
As taxas de transação do Shopify para pagamentos não realizados pelo Shopify podem se acumular, e alguns recursos avançados exigem aplicativos de terceiros caros. Além disso, os níveis de preços podem ser elevados para startups. Análise coletada por e hospedada no G2.com.