The fact that I can view positions in multiple accounts as though they were part of a single portfolio helps me stay on top of my overall allocation. The dividend analysis tool is great for income investments (and a unique feature from what I have seen). There are many ratings and performance metrics available on the specialized UI tabs, too. The support team has been very responsive to the few bugs I've run across... one was fixed by the next day. Review collected by and hosted on
I would like to be able to define my own views (ie: collections of data columns). It would be helpful if segments in the asset allocation pie charts, when clicked, would display a popup of the largest positions in that category (in order to aid in making reallocation decisions). Review collected by and hosted on
Ziggma helps me understand my investment portfolio better and track it in real-time. It's just way more user friendly than any other tool I tried before Review collected by and hosted on
A minor disadvantage is that it currently covers exclusively the US market Review collected by and hosted on
Ziggma gives me insights into my investment portfolio that no other platform provides me with. As a consequence, I make better investment decisions. Review collected by and hosted on
I would like to see more indexes in the screening tool to choose from. Review collected by and hosted on
It lets me track my portfolio and carry out stock research in a single platform. The user experience is simple and straightforward Review collected by and hosted on
I would like more technical charting options in the platform so that I don't have to use other apps in addition to Ziggma Review collected by and hosted on
Its a great intuititve wealth builidng app, overall seameless and easy to use aplication. Review collected by and hosted on
At this point I have not found anything that I dislike about the software. It meets my needs and really has been a great tool to manage my portfolio of investments. Review collected by and hosted on
By consolidating my Fidelty, Schwab and Robinhood accounts, I can now track my total dividend income. Review collected by and hosted on
I would like to get the service on an Android app. Review collected by and hosted on
The portfolio tracking features are extremely helpful to keep track and make better decisions at the portfolio level. Review collected by and hosted on
I would have liked to see a larger geographic coverage rather than being limited to the US market. Review collected by and hosted on
It has data aggregation and accounting integration. It has features that make it easy to observe market performance with several report options that are customizable. We can check the financial market and customers have their own access to the platform. Accounting is done more quickly and efficiently because it has a real-time view. Review collected by and hosted on
I have nothing bad to say. Met all needs. Review collected by and hosted on