Working Together for Free Software Fund

You can donate to development in some specific project areas, as verified by the FSF. Your contribution will help pay for expenses like hosting, bandwidth, developer contracts, and travel for opportunities where developers can get work done together and educate the public about the project. 10% of each donation goes to the FSF to support general administration of the fund.
Since the FSF is a 501(c)(3) charity, your donations are tax-deductible in the US. As with general donations to the FSF, you will receive a public Thank GNU if you donate $500 or more.
We will continue to add projects to the fund over time.
If you are a project (or if you know of a project) that would like to join the fund, visit our fiscal sponsorship page for more information. You can also email [email protected] with any questions about the Working Together for Free Software Fund.
Choose a project area below to make your donation.
- EmacsConf: the conference about the joy of Emacs and Emacs Lisp.
- GNU Guix: a dependable and customizable package manager, along with Guix System, GNU's advanced free GNU/Linux distribution.
- GNU Mailman: the world's most popular free mailing list manager.
- GNU MediaGoblin: a free software media publishing system for images, video, and audio designed to support decentralization and tons of extensibility.
- GNUstep: a free software development environment for building free software.
- GNU Toolchain: GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), Binutils, GDB, GLIBC and related projects providing the foundation of the GNU/Linux world.
- Replicant: a fully free Android distribution running on several devices.
Should any of these projects cease development, the FSF will do its best to apply your donation to another project in the same area. If that is not possible, you can be assured that your donation will be used to support the general cause of software freedom.