The Zig Software Foundation is a non-profit corporation founded in 2020 by Andrew Kelley, the creator of Zig, with the goal of supporting the development of the language. Currently, the ZSF is able to offer paid work at competitive rates to a small number of core contributors. We hope to be able to extend this offer to more core contributors in the future.
Kazuhiro Kondo 1Zig is crucial for bridging legacy and modern systems, paving the way for modernized software development. Supporting Zig's growth is key to advancing this important transition.
Francisco Llobet Blandino 1Zig helped me reawaken the fun part in programming.
Łukasz Mróz 6I believe Zig has a potential to be a successor of C language and great systems programming language.
David Sugar 5Great language. Great people working on it. Worth supporting.