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Boost impact by giving together.
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Discover nonprofits through community.
The every.org logo. A geometric spiral followed by the text "every.org"

We’ve accepted over $90,000,000 for more than 6,400 nonprofits.

Here’s what some of them have to say

International Rescue Committee

International Rescue Committee


"The people at every.org are what are most important to me, because they understand our mission, they are aligned to our mission and look for solutions, not a profit."

Carlos Pena - International Rescue Committee

Carlos Pena


Our values

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GenerosityWe believe that people are generous by nature and that we can create systems, tools and communities to expand generosity and bring meaning and joy to both donors and nonprofits.
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Responsible techWe believe that advanced digital technology, open data, and AI must be used ethically and well to expand social good and justice.
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Collaboration and partnershipWe believe we are smarter and more successful when diverse people inside and outside of our organization work and learn together. We aim to always honor our commitments and treat everyone with respect.


Do you have a mission that could benefit from our technology? Let us know what you are doing and how we can help at partners@every.org.


We're a global, fully remote team that wants to help high-impact nonprofits get the unrestricted, recurring funding needed to focus on their work. If you have a passion for helping nonprofits and givers, contact us at team@every.org.

A nonprofit for nonprofits

Like the organizations we support, we are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit funded by philanthropy with EIN 61-1913297. Our organization structure aligns us with our mission on creating the best service for the nonprofits and donors we support.
A photo collage of Every.org staff members working together


Do you have experience helping nonprofits or creating user-friendly, secure products? Share your thoughts at feedback@every.org.


Supported by

To support our work to strengthen the philanthropic ecosystem, you can donate today or contact us at hello@every.org. We are looking for values-aligned partners to grow our impact and join our current funders.
Every.org is also able to run more efficiently thanks to generous in-kind contributions from: