Gigabit infrastructure act

Briefing 20-06-2024

The EU's digital decade connectivity target is designed to ensure that by 2030 a fixed gigabit network of a very high capacity (1 Gbps) will be covering all EU households and that all populated areas will have 5G. This would enable the deployment of a high-quality digital infrastructure underpinning almost all sectors of a modern and innovative economy, while also ensuring that citizens and business can reap the benefits of the internet of things, machine-to-machine technologies, cloud computing and big data. In April 2024, the EU co-legislators signed the Gigabit Infrastructure Act (GIA), a regulation that reviewed and replaced the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive. The regulation should facilitate and encourage the provision of networks of a very high capacity by promoting the joint use of existing physical infrastructure and enabling a more efficient deployment of new physical infrastructure, so that such networks can be rolled out faster and at a lower cost. The GIA was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 8 May 2024 and entered into force on 11 May 2024. It will be fully applicable from November 2025. Second edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.