Intelligent road transport systems
The European Commission proposed changes to the existing EU rules on the deployment of intelligent transport systems (ITS) in road transport. The objective of the proposal was to expand the scope of the existing EU rules to cover new and emerging challenges and to make essential ITS services mandatory across the EU. The proposal sought to resolve problems stemming from the lack of interoperability and continuity of the existing applications and services, but also from the low level of availability and sharing of the data supporting ITS services. Finally, it aimed to ensure effective concertation and cooperation among stakeholders. The Commission adopted the proposal on 14 December 2021. Within the Council, the Working Party on Transport – Intermodal Questions and Networks carried out the preparatory work, and the Council adopted its general approach on 2 June 2022. In the European Parliament, the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) took the lead on the file. The committee's report was tabled for plenary on 29 October 2022 and its decision to enter interinstitutional negotiations was confirmed by the plenary on 21 November 2022. A provisional agreement was reached on 8 June 2023 and voted in plenary on 3 October 2023. The final act was signed on 22 November 2023 and the directive was published in the Official Journal on 30 November 2023. Fourth edition of a briefing originally drafted by Marketa Pape. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.