Heat pumps
Priority question for written answer P-002860/2023
to the Commission
Rule 138
Cristian-Silviu Buşoi (PPE)
The F-Gas Regulation[1] is currently being discussed in trilogue. The Commission proposal was already over-ambitious and the final text should not impose excessive costs for consumers, such as the potential ban within five years of the new generation of F-gases (hydrofluoroolefins, or HFOs, which have a very low global warming potential). The majority of the heat pumps and air conditioning systems that are on the market right now are being equipped with HFOs, and there are countries that give subsidies for the cost of changing heating systems. A heat pump using the so-called natural refrigerants is 40 % more expensive than an F-gas-powered one. Citizens will not invest twice in a heat pump within a short period and at a time of high inflation when the new technologies are much more expensive and not readily available.
Heat pumps are a solution to decarbonise our economies during these challenging times. Could the Commission explain how it intends to maintain and not ban F-gases in stationary applications for the vast majority of heat pumps using HFOs currently on the market and which will be bought within the next two to three years?
Submitted: 28.9.2023
- [1] Proposal of 5 April 2022 for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on fluorinated greenhouse gases, amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 (COM(2022)0150).