Material reception and healthcare arrangements for migrants
Question for written answer P-000470-19
to the Commission
Rule 130
Marco Affronte (Verts/ALE)
Sea Watch 3, a Dutch vessel belonging to the German NGO Sea Watch, has for several days been anchored a few miles from the port of Syracuse. The ship is carrying 47 people rescued from the Mediterranean Sea. This means that the total number on board, including the crew, is 69, at least 13 of whom are children. Under Articles 17 (‘General rules on material reception conditions and healthcare’) and 18 (‘Modalities for material reception conditions’) of Directive 2013/33/EU (which is currently being revised), Member States are required to ensure that ‘material reception conditions are available to applicants when they make their application for international protection’ and that those conditions ‘provide an adequate standard of living for applicants, which guarantees their subsistence and protects their physical and mental health’; furthermore, the directive requires Member States to ensure that ‘applicants are guaranteed protection of their family life’ . For the moment Italy has agreed to let the migrants land if, and only if, they are immediately transferred to the Netherlands or Germany. The Netherlands has responded by stating that it will not accept persons other than those entitled to the status of political refugee. In the light of those facts, how does the Commission view the behaviour of Italy, the Netherlands, and Germany?
What, in the Commission’s opinion, is the appropriate procedure to follow in cases of this kind?