Parliamentary question - P-012623/2013Parliamentary question

Comics published by the European Union to illustrate issues, policies and activities

Question for written answer P-012623-13
to the Commission
Rule 117
Marta Andreasen (ECR)

Among the means used by the European institutions to communicate with the citizens of Member States is a series of 13 comics which can helpfully be found on this website:

These publications are for the most part available only as downloads in varying numbers of official languages of the European Union, plus, in one case, Catalan. They are presumably intended to inform and educate younger citizens of the Member States about the European project and to influence their opinion in favour of it.

Presuming that some form of cost-benefit analysis has been carried out, I would like to know, for each of these 13 publications:

OJ C 228, 17/07/2014