Emergency interventions to address high energy prices
Question for written answer E-000034/2023
to the Commission
Rule 138
Cristian-Silviu Buşoi (PPE)
I welcome the recent proposals for emergency interventions to address the high energy prices, but at the same time I believe that following the ordinary legislative proposal would have allowed Parliament to amend points that lacked clarity and improve the text. Proper implementation by all parties concerned is also an urgent need. Given this:
- 1.How will reductions in consumption be covered if the impact on dispatchable customers is less than 10 %?
- 2.What kind of final electricity consumers will benefit from public interventions in setting the price of electricity, and does new Regulation 1854/2022 cover hospitals, educational establishments, town halls, state-owned companies?
- 3.If the measure in Article 10(4)(b) of Regulation 1854/2022 is applied, is this with or without the payment of compensation to network operators?
Submitted: 9.1.2023
Last updated: 18 January 2023