Parliamentary question - E-006916/2016Parliamentary question

Health systems

Question for written answer E-006916-16
to the Commission
Rule 130
Marian Harkin (ALDE) , Kay Swinburne (ECR) , Karin Kadenbach (S&D)

Member State health systems are currently facing a rising demand for services and increasing costs to meet patients’ demands. To help address these challenges, the Commission has engaged in several activities, such as the Health Systems Performance Assessment (HSPA) Working Group or the analysis and measuring of national healthcare systems’ performances in order to formulate country recommendations as part of the European Semester.

Will the Commission consider direct engagement initiatives with stakeholders in the framework of the Expert Group on HSPA?

How does the Commission assess investment at national level in research and innovation in health systems?

Does the Commission plan to focus significantly more on innovative (technology-based) policy initiatives in order to attain its goals?