Průzkum mínění Evropského parlamentu 

What is Eurobarometer ? 

Eurobarometer surveys are the official polling instrument used by the European Parliament, the European Commission and other EU institutions and agencies to monitor regularly the state of public opinion in Europe on issues related to the European Union as well as attitudes on subjects of political or social nature. Eurobarometer provides quality and relevant data for experts in public opinion, researchers, media and the public.

The Eurobarometer project was initiated in 1974 within the European Commission and was first conceived as a means to 'reveal Europeans to themselves'. Since then, it has evolved and expanded significantly with different survey tools.
In 2007, the European Parliament started its own regular series of Eurobarometer surveys, focussing on topics specific to the European Parliament, including the European elections.

The combination of the wide range of topics covered consistently over a long time, the regularity of publications and geographical coverage makes the Eurobarometer a unique source of knowledge and information in the European Union

New 'one-stop-shop' for all Eurobarometer surveys 

In January 2022, the European Parliament and the European Commission have jointly launched a new inter-institutional Eurobarometer website. This platform hosts in one place all existing Eurobarometer survey data from both the European Parliament and the European Commission, reaching back to 1974. The website offers full access to the largest single survey database in the European Union. All future surveys will be published there and links to EB surveys will point to the joint Eurobarometer platform only.

The current web presence will continue to be used for survey related content exclusive to the European Parliament, such as the regular Plenary Insight newsletters, or reports derived from Eurobarometer surveys results, such as the 'Socio-demographic trends'.

Our last publications  

Typ:Evropské volby  

Tento přehled je nejkomplexnější dostupnou databází, která zahrnuje vývoj politického spektra v celé EU a monitoruje výsledky voleb a změny ve složení EP.

Typ:Informace K Plenárnímu Zasedání  

Monthly newsletter linking public opinion insights with key topics of the Plenary agenda.

Typ:Informace K Plenárnímu Zasedání  

Monthly newsletter linking public opinion insights with key topics of the Plenary agenda.