Bailey family

List of Bailey family

From the list of persons with family name Bailey

Database records of selected members from the family Bailey

  1. Frankie Bailey, circus assistant director, born ?, Daughter of trustee Frederic Harrison Bailey
  2. Frederic Harrison Bailey, circus trustee, born ?,
  3. George F. Bailey, circus director, born 1818-10-29, dead 1903-02-20.
  4. Hachaliah Bailey, circus owner, born 1774-07-31, Son of other James Bailey and Anne Bailey
  5. Isabelle Bailey, circus director, born ?,
  6. James Bailey, private other, born 1747-09-27, dead 1826-11-13.
  7. James Purdy Bailey, circus director, born 1812, dead 1853. Son of owner Hachaliah Bailey and Mary Bailey
  8. Joseph Todd Bailey, circus director, born 1807, dead 1881. Son of owner Hachaliah Bailey and Mary Bailey
  9. Lewis Bailey, circus director, born 1803, dead 1870. Son of owner Hachaliah Bailey and Mary Bailey
  10. Sarah Brown, circus other, born 1759?-09-16, dead 1812=-4-16.
  11. Solomon Bailey, circus zookeeper, Son of owner Hachaliah Bailey

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