Elephants transfered 1921

7 transfers of elephants during 1921 in the database

1+ -Maria-
LC - F
died 0, -1921 years after arrival, at
Antwerp Zoo
2+ -Venice-
EM - F
died 0, -1921 years after arrival, at
Carl Hagenbecks Tierpark (Stellingen)
1921-00-00Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus
3+ -Wide Awake (Cleopatra)-
EM - F
191354died 1967, 46 years after arrival, at
Seattle Zoo (Woodland Park Zoo)
1921-00-00Singer Midgets (Leopold von Singer)
4+ -Tommy-
EM - M
191324died 1937, 16 years after arrival, at
Perry Brothers Circus
5+ -Lil-
EM - F
died 1947, 26 years after arrival, at
Belle Vue Zoological Gardens
6+ -Nellie Lockhart-
EM - F
died 1922, 1 years after arrival, at
Sangers Great European Shows-Hugo Bros-Harris Bros-Gentry Bros (Floyd and Howard King)
1921-00-00Howes Great London Circus and Van Amburgs Trained Wild Animals
7+ -Molly-
EM - F
died 0, -1921 years after arrival, at
Boswell Circus
1921-00-00Frank Willison Circus

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