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Shared support – shared experiences

Welcome to the German National Library's circle of friends, Gesellschaft für das Buch e. V. We are committed to supporting one of the world's biggest libraries and making a personal contribution to the preservation of cultural heritage in Germany. It is important to us that we make an active contribution towards shaping and enriching the development of the German National Library and its services.

  • We promote the Library’s diverse cultural programme.
  • We are committed to restoring and preserving the Library’s holdings.
  • We facilitate the purchase of items for the special collections.
  • We provide funding for special publications such as exhibition catalogues and issues commemorating the Library's anniversaries.
  • We support scientific conferences and congresses.

Our members meet at exhibition openings, readings and exclusive guided tours of the German National Library.

Our commitment

We have been supporting important projects by the German National Library ever since our society was founded in 1989. Here you will find a selection of the activities we have been involved in.

Illustrated book “House of Europe. European Artifacts at the German National Library”

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Illustrated book “House of Europe. European Artifacts at the German National Library”

On the occasion of Germany’s presidency of the Council of the European Union during the second half of 2020, the German National Library published an illustrated book with the title “House of Europe. European Artifacts at the German National Library”. With 183 stories in pictures from the collection – one for each day of Germany’s presidency. The German National Library circle of friends, Gesellschaft für das Buch made a generous contribution to the funding for the publication, which can also be accessed digitally.


You can also support the work of Gesellschaft für das Buch e. V. and thereby promote the German National Library by making a donation.

Bank data Gesellschaft für das Buch e. V.
Nassauische Sparkasse
IBAN: DE54 5105 0015 0930200100

Your donations are tax-deductible. We issue tax deductibility statements.

Organisation and board

Gesellschaft für das Buch e.V. is a registered charity. Our work is funded by membership fees, donations and endowments. As specified in the Charter, the organisation’s organs are the board and the members’ assembly.


State Secretary (retired) Dr. Michael Jansen (Treasurer)
Alexander Skipis (Secretary)
Vittorio E. Klostermann


Our Charter 97kB, PDF - Barrier-free file


Gesellschaft für das Buch e. V.
c/o Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Adickesallee 1
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 69 1525-1026
Fax +49 69 1525-1010

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