
Privilege of the Prince-Bishop of Würzburg, Würzburg (1479)

Source: Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg, Inc. f. 43, fol 38.

Privilege of the Prince-Bishop of Würzburg, Würzburg (1479), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900), eds L. Bently & M. Kretschmer,

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            Chapter 1 Page 1 of 1 total

      Rudolph, by the Grace of God Bishop of W�rzburg and Duke of East Franconia;
Cilian of Bibra, Doctor of Theological Doctrine; Provost Wilhelm of Limburg,
Baron of the Holy Roman Empire and Imperial Cup-bearer; and the whole Chapter
of the Cathedral of W�rzburg: By being present here we seek to bring to the
attention of everyone how, for the praise and high glory of God, we are
resolved on the following: we have arranged for all of the books used in
canonical hours both in the principal and other collegiate churches, as well
as the parishes and chapels, of our city and diocese of W�rzburg to be
examined with great care so as to determine what parts of their content will
be most appropriate and beneficial. We have established that it is above all
necessary for such books [to be compiled] in similar quantity and sequence
to the liturgical books of the choir of our greater W�rzburg church: only for
this purpose and so as to achieve due consistency in the directions [for the
conduct of services] are they to be revised and renewed. Accordingly, just
as we ordered that over the course of several months the liturgical books of
our W�rzburg Choir should be circumspectly examined, corrected, and improved
with the utmost care by selected men whom we considered suitable for this
task - which we have indeed found to have been carried out with utmost
attentiveness - so, in order that the prelates and other priests and office-
holders of our city and diocese might in all future times benefit and prosper
from this due correction and integral renewal of the books, we have therefore
decided that nothing could be more proper and even opportune than that in
accordance with the correction and improvement of the liturgical books their
impression should be carried out and adapted by some outstanding masters in
the art of printing. For which purpose we have come to an agreement with the
following far-sighted men who are devoted to us in Christ and whom we sincerely
esteem: Stephan Dold, Georg Reiser and Johannes Beckenhub, alias Mentzer -
these being most experienced masters in this art - and we have brought them to
our city of W�rzburg on the basis of contracts and equal terms.
To them alone and to no one else have we given the opportunity to print
accurately and in the best possible way these liturgical books (as indicated
above). We have taken them and their families, their goods and chattels, under
our dutiful and paternal protection and defence. Therefore, so that a fuller
faith might reveal itself to all thanks to such a printing of the books, we
have ordered and allowed the master printers to decorate the canonical books
which are to be printed in the manner mentioned above with the insignia of
our Pontificate and Chapter.
Issued in our city of W�rzburg, in the year of the Lord 1479, on the 20th of


Rudolfus dei gratia Episcopus Herbipolensis et Francie orientalis Dux . Kilianus
de Bibra decretorum doctor Praepositus. Wilhelmus de Limperg baro sa=
cri Romam imperii Archi pincerna Decanus. Totumque capitulum ecclesie herbipolensis
Cunctis per printes ad noticiam deducimus . qualiter pro dei laude et decore alta
revolvimus mente . omnesque horarum canonicarum tam maioris quam ceterarum Colle=

giatarum ecclesiarum Parrochialiumque et cappellarum civitatisque nostra diocesis Herbi=
polenis libros summo studio rimari fecimus . quibus dignum et salutare plurimum
fore comperimus opus esse q maxime ut libri huiusmodi iuxta vim et seriem libros
horarum Canonicam et chori nostre maioris ecclesie Herbipolensis: in et ad unam soniam de=
bitarumque rubricarum vmtatem reparent re integrarent et producit et quemadmodum libros

horarium chori nostri herbipolensis . per discretos ac idoneos viros ad hoc deputatos
exactissima diligentia per multos iam menses clare inspici. corrigi. et emendari.
iussumus. quod et ita summis vigiliis pactum esse repimus, Et ut deinceps plati
et ceteri ecclesiastici ac beneficiati nostra civitatis et diocese de talismoni libro debi=?
ta correctura et integra repacone. ad omnipotentis dei laude et nostri Herbipolensis

ecclesie decorem . perpetuis futuris typibus liberalissime frui possime et valeant: de=
crevimus propterea nil rectius: nil demque amodosius esse. quidque librorum horarum
canonicarum. iuxta et secundem correcturam et emendationem huiusmodi impressura et ali=
quos notabiles artis impressorie mgros fiat er adaptet. cuius rei gra cum puidis
nobis in rupo devotis et sincere dilectis Stephano Dold Jeorio Ryser et Joha

nne Bekenhub dicto Mentzer huius artis mgris pitissimis evemmus . et eos ad
neraz civitatem Herbipolensis equis ediconibus et pactis eduximus. quibus dumtaxat
et non aliis libros hora canonica (ut pemittitur) imprimendi subtili et optimo
modo dedimus facultatem, Quos et eo familia. res et bona. sub nera pia et pa=
terna tuitione et pptectione recepimus, Ut igitur de huiusmodi libro et impressura

cunctis horarum ut permittetur imprimendos. nostro et pontificatus et capelli insigniis
decorarent, Datum in civitate nostra Herbipolensi Anno domini millesimo quadringen=
tesimo septuagesimo nono . die vicesima mensis septembris,


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Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) is co-published by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, 10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, UK and CREATe, School of Law, University of Glasgow, 10 The Square, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK