Acknowledging your grant

Welcome to the Cultural Fund Acknowledgment Kit

Congratulations on receiving a grant from the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund. By accepting the terms and conditions of funding, you agree to acknowledge our support in all media, marketing and at all events related to the project for which you have received Cultural Fund support.

You’ll find our logos and the key messaging you will need to acknowledge your Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund grant or fellowship below.


To receive a zip file containing all available logos (EPS, PNG and JPEG) please click the link below to email our Cultural Fund team:

Request logo pack

Important: Please do not redraw or alter the provided logos.

Press Release Template

The Cultural Fund is the philanthropic arm of the Copyright Agency, which supports the creation of Australian content by making it easy for users to access copyrighted materials on fair terms.
Our members commit 1.5% of revenue every year to support vital grants for Australian writers, publishers, visual artists and teachers, and to enhance the profile of our dynamic writing, publishing and visual arts sectors.

Important: You must send all media releases through to the Cultural Fund for review and approval before you launch or announce your project/event. Please forward these to [email protected] and quote your grant reference number.


Acknowledgment at Events

You must acknowledge the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund support at all events that form part of your project or research.

The Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund logo must appear on all event materials and presentations, as well as printed acknowledgments for any speeches included within the event proceedings.

Event material can include:

  • Event programs
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Promotional materials such as posters, flyers and online ads

When we are able to, we will provide materials and banners free-of-charge to use onsite at your event. You can request a Cultural Fund banner by contacting the Cultural Fund.

Please don’t forget to let us know well in advance when your event is taking place so we can invite Copyright Agency representatives to see your project come to life and to celebrate your hard work.


Acknowledgment Online and on Social Media

You are required to acknowledge our funding on websites and social media channels that are relevant to your project, research or event.

  • Online acknowledgment includes using our logo on your website or project page
  • Social media:
    • The Copyright Agency should be acknowledged through any social media channels used to promote the project. Please tag us in your posts and follow our Facebook (@CopyrightAgencyLimited), Instagram (@copyrightagency_) andTwitter (@CopyrightAgency) accounts.
    • Where possible please also use the #CulturalFund hashtag when acknowledging your grant
Media Acknowledgment

Acknowledging our support in media coverage for your project, event or research, is beneficial to letting our members, creators, stakeholders, Government and others know about the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund.

Please see example below on how to provide written acknowledgment of our support:


“(Name of your project) supported by the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund.”

Important: the Copyright Agency must appear in full. Please do not shorten to ‘CAL’ as that brand is not in use anymore.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us by using the link below:

Contact us