Lit Up! New live literature initiative for author events set to revitalise reading

March 11, 2025

A new initiative launched today by Australia Reads will introduce readers to the benefits of reading through live literature events with Australian authors.

A partnership with the Copyright Agency and Creative Australia, LitUp will offer funding and support for 20 communities to host live literature events with writers and illustrators, across primary schools, public libraries, bookstores and community centres.

The LitUp pilot year will focus on New South Wales and Queensland, with schools and libraries in those states encouraged to apply today. Expressions of interest open until Friday 2 May 2025.

EOIs for the first round of the program are open now for schools and communities, with the first events taking place in Term 1 of 2026 (Feb 2026.)

“Copyright Agency is delighted to work with Australia Reads and Creative Australia to create a new live literature program that will inspire and benefit teachers, students, teacher librarians, and the broader community to engage with Australian writing and to read more books. Our focus in the first year is on the critical primary school years, featuring books and stories from our exceptionally talented pool of Australian writers.” — Josephine Johnston, CEO, Copyright Agency

Participants will receive funding, administrative support, free resources and networking opportunities to enable them to host up to three live literature events for primary school students and the general public.

With a focus on communities in regional and outer-metropolitan areas, LitUp will reach communities that don’t currently access live literature events.

The pilot year will explore the mechanisms needed to support all communities across Australia to start hosting live literature author events in their schools and communities, or to increase their existing provision.

Access to authors and illustrators through live literature events can transform lives. By supporting event organisers in communities to run successful events, we support the creation of stronger reading cultures, which have enormous potential to:

  • Support literacy and set children up for future success
  • Decrease loneliness and stress
  • Strengthen family bonds
  • Help children to understand the world
  • Increase empathy


Recent research has revealed a downward trend in Australian reading habits. Studies have shown that a quarter of Australians did not read a single book over the course of a year and research from Deakin University showed that 29% of school students do not engage with reading in their free time.

“Creative Australia is proud to support LitUp — an initiative bringing live literature events to more Australians. Reading connects us with ideas and stories, enhancing wellbeing and strengthening connections with local and global communities. This program will connect readers across Australia with Australian writers, fostering a love of reading that will set them up for future success.” — Leisa Bacon, Executive Director, Development and Partnerships, Creative Australia

“Meeting an author can be a transformative experience. The opportunity to connect with an Australian writer or an illustrator can open up whole new worlds of reading and learning. It’s especially important for our younger readers – meeting the creators of the stories they love can instill a life-long love of reading.” — Anna Burkey, Head of Australia Reads


About Australia Reads

Australia Reads is a joint initiative to get more Australians reading, supported by the ALIA, APA, ASA, BookPeople and a range of industry partners. LitUp and the Author & Illustrator Directory were designed in line with the findings of the Live Literature research report produced with the University of Melbourne, and sector research into schools. You can find out more at

About Copyright Agency

The Copyright Agency is an Australian not-for-profit organisation that represents 40,000 members across the publishing, media, visual arts and education sectors. Our mission is to provide simple ways for people to reproduce, store and share words, images and other creative content, in return for fair payment to creators.

About the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund

The Cultural Fund is the philanthropic arm of the Copyright Agency, providing support to individuals and organisations to run projects that will enrich Australia’s publishing and visual arts industries.



Visit the Australia Reads website for expressions of interest.

For media enquiries, email Anna Burkey [email protected]

For general enquiries, email [email protected]