2025 Triennial Code of Conduct Review

February 7, 2025

The Triennial Code Reviewer, the Hon. Alan Robertson AM SC, invites written submissions on the operation of the Code of Conduct for Copyright Collecting Societies and on any amendments that are necessary or desirable to improve the operation of the Code.

This triennial review, to review the Code itself, is separate from the annual review of the Copyright Collecting Societies’ compliance with the Code. The Code is to be found here.

Written submissions may be made to the Triennial Code Review Secretariat, Suite 704, 4 Young Street, Neutral Bay NSW 2089 or by email to [email protected].

The period allowed for the making of written submissions is two months, ending on Monday 7 April 2025.

Written submissions should preferably be typed and must include the name, postal or email address, and contact telephone number of the person or organisation making the submission.

Written submissions should be prepared so that they may be made publicly available. Any material in a submission which is confidential should be clearly identified.

Submissions should be as specific as possible in their contentions that the operation of the Code has failed or fallen short. Where there is factual material to support such a contention, it should be provided to the Reviewer. Further, where a submitting entity contends that there is an amendment or amendments necessary or desirable to improve the operation of the Code then the submission should identify and articulate the amendment, or the amendments, for which the entity contends.

The Triennial Code Reviewer will convene the following meeting[s] that Members, Licensees, and the general public may attend to make oral submissions to the Review:

  • Monday 14 April 2025 from 10 AM at the offices of APRA AMCOS, 16 Mountain Street, Ultimo New South Wales 2007 and via Zoom conference. Details on how to connect will be provided by the Secretariat on request.
  • If required, a further meeting on Tuesday 22 April 2025 from 10 AM at the same venue and by video conference.

If you wish to make a written or oral submission, please inform the Triennial Code Review Secretariat by email to: [email protected] by no later than Friday 11 April 2025.

After 22 April 2025, the Triennial Code Reviewer will prepare a report of the Review and will make such recommendations as he considers appropriate in relation to the operation of the Code, including recommendations for amendments of the Code.