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Year of CISH 2026

To celebrate its centenary, the CISH Board has declared 2026 the Year of the CISH. Members will be involved in a number of activities:

1.    The call for panels proposals for the 2026 CISH Centenary Conference in Leipzig is now open. You can find all the information you need to apply here.
Deadline: 31 March 2025

2.   We are looking for new Board members for the period 2026–2031. More information on the nomination process can be found here.
Deadline: 31 May 2025

3.    Nominations for the CISH Prize can now be sent to Details can be found here.
Deadline: 31 May 2025

4.    To celebrate its centenary, the CISH Board is supporting events and activities around the world commemorating CISH. More information on this and how to apply is available here.

Call for Panel Proposals

The Comité International des Sciences Historiques (CISH) invites panel proposals for its Centennial Conference “The Past, the Present, and the future of History: Celebrating 100 Years of International Committee of Historical Sciences” to be held in 

Leipzig, Germany
27–30 August 2026

The centennial conference celebrates 100 years of international cooperation in the historical sciences since the foundation of the CISH in Geneva on May 14, 1926. The conference will explore the developments, dynamics, and diversification the historical sciences have undergone over the past decades while also fostering inspiration for future research and innovation.

The conference will serve as an opportunity for  

  • a balanced reflection on the current state of historiography, taking into consideration a wide range of historiographical traditions and schools of thought;
  • a mobilization of historians as broad as possible in terms of geography, gender, and age as well as the inclusion of various approaches and political orientations to contribute to such a balance; and 
  • a comparison of historiographical fields and their current standings, together with discussions of cross-fertilization, with the aim of deepening a broader understanding of common goals and hazards.

Recognizing that the historical sciences are embedded in diverse sociopolitical developments while upholding the freedom of thought and expression in research and addressing the misuse of history, the centennial conference invites panels that critically (self-)reflect on past and future developments in historical research. Panel proposals should address majors trends in the diverse historiographical fields represented by the member organizations of the CISH. To encourage discussions, panels should 

  • consider possible (counter)tendencies to transnational openings and to nationalizing closures in different fields, leading to integration and cooperation, on the one hand, as well as pillarization and fragmentation, on the other hand; 
  • acknowledge that history (as part of the humanities and social sciences) is often influenced by current sociopolitical trends prioritizing “useful knowledge” and infotainment over critical reflection, which requires the development of strategies for continued critical research that questions mainstream narratives and addresses the inherent complexities and multi-perspectivity of historical developments; and
  • recognize that international historiography itself is characterized by many inequalities that result in different chances to be heard and, therefore, sees the conference as an opportunity to present and consider more marginal trends in the historical sciences.

Accordingly, we encourage applicants to view the CISH as the worldwide forum of historians and a shared platform for necessary discussions on possible future orientations of the historical sciences.

The conference is planned around 3 plenary sessions and the CISH General Assembly (including the elections for a new board and a president of the CISH), with approximatively 80 panels. This format ideally allows each member organization (national and thematic) the possibility to be responsible for at least 1 panel with 4–5 contributors each. At the same time, we encourage cooperation between the member organizations and wherever possible joint submissions.

Criteria for panel selections are

  • a topic complementing the overall theme of the centennial conference,
  • an inclusive approach in terms of geography, gender, academic age, and perspectives covered, and
  • the taking into account of the number of panels organized by the submitting member organization.

Panels can be organized in hybrid mode to allow those who have not the means to travel or who would like to reduce their ecological footprint to participate. However, the success of the conference also depends on direct intellectual exchange and face-to-face contact. To balance these considerations, we suggest that at least the chair and the majority of speakers be physically present, which is a prerequisite for panel acceptance. Accordingly, up to 2 out of 5 contributors may participate remotely. 

The schedule is as follows:

  • Call for panels: December 2024–March 2025; deadline for submissions: 31 March 2025
  • Decision by the CISH board on submitted panel proposals: May 2025; decisions communicated to convener: end of June 2025
  • Deadline for early-bird rate registration: February 2026; all panelists have to be registered by that date in order to appear in the program

Please use the form here to submit your panel proposal until 31 March 2025.

Appel aux nouveaux membres du comité directeur

Le Comité international des sciences historiques (CISH) a été fondé en 1926. Aujourd’hui, l’organisation compte 58 membres.

Le CISH comprend deux types de membres. D’une part, les Comités nationaux constitués dans chaque pays à partir des centres de recherche historique. D’autre part, des organisations internationales spécialisées dans des domaines particuliers de l’histoire se sont constituées au fil des ans. Le Comité directeur est responsable du fonctionnement et de la coordination des activités du CISH.

Pour la période 2026-2031, huit postes
au sein du Comité directeur sont à pourvoir

Tâches : Afin de permettre à chaque membre de remplir efficacement ses fonctions au sein du Comité, des missions ont été définies pour le mandat. Responsables devant le Président et le Secrétaire général, les membres du Conseil nouvellement nommés se sont vus attribuer une tâche spécifique afin de développer les activités du CISH :

  • Relations avec les membres : assurer les relations avec les membres du CISH et encourager les relations avec les pays qui ne sont pas ou plus membres.
  • Partenariats internationaux : développer des liens avec les grandes institutions internationales et organiser des événements scientifiques majeurs.

Candidature et procédures : Chaque candidat à ces postes doit avoir un profil correspondant et s’assurer qu’il dispose des possibilités matérielles nécessaires à la réalisation de ces tâches.

Les candidats doivent être titulaires d’un doctorat ou avoir le titre de professeur ou de directeur de recherche. La maîtrise d’au moins deux des langues officielles du CISH (anglais, français, espagnol) est appréciée. Les candidats âgés de plus de 70 ans en 2026 ne sont pas éligibles. Le comité de nomination apprécie la diversité des genres et des origines culturelles, ainsi que les différentes époques de spécialisation dans la recherche.

Le dossier de candidature doit comprendre les éléments suivants :

  • une lettre de motivation et un CV (2 pages maximum)
  • une liste des publications les plus importantes
  • une lettre de soutien d’au moins une organisation membre du CISH
  • un résumé d’un projet original et innovant pour le CISH ou d’un projet de mission.

Le dossier de candidature doit être envoyé en un seul fichier PDF à avant le 31 mai 2025.

Les candidats sélectionnés seront soumis au vote de l’Assemblée générale en 2026. Les détails des procédures de sélection sont précisés dans les statuts du CISH.

Le comité de nomination nommé lors de l’Assemblée générale de 2024 à Tokyo est composé de : Catherine Horel (Présidente du CISH), Edoardo Tortarolo (Secrétaire général), Katalin Szende (Membre du Conseil d’administration); Radhika Seshan (Inde), Olunfunke Adeboye (Nigeria), Véronica Zarate (Mexique), Tomasz Schramm (Pologne).

Prix international d’histoire

Appel à candidatures

Prix international d’histoire

Décerné par

Comité International des Sciences Historiques (CISH)

Le prix est décerné à des personnes méritant une reconnaissance particulière en raison de leur contribution exceptionnelle à la connaissance de la discipline historique par leurs travaux, leurs publications et leur enseignement. Le prix a été décerné pour la première fois lors de l’Assemblée générale du CISH en 2015 à Amsterdam. Les lauréats sont Serge Gruzinski (Paris), Gábor Klaniczay (Budapest), Sanjay Subrahmanyam (Los Angeles), Laura de Mello e Souza (São Paulo).

Conditions d’attribution

  • Le prix est attribué nominalement.
  • Le prix ne peut être décerné à titre posthume.
  • Aucune candidature personnelle ne peut être présentée
  • Les membres du CISH enverront leur proposition au bureau du CISH. Une seule proposition peut être reçue par membre.
  • Les propositions doivent inclure une déclaration détaillant le travail du candidat et donner autant d’éléments que possible (CV, livres, articles, etc.) pour informer les membres du jury.

Les membres du Conseil d’administration du CISH forment le jury selon les lignes directrices votées lors de l’Assemblée générale de Jinan en 2015.

Les propositions seront soumises au bureau du CISH : avant le 31 mai 2025.

Le lauréat sera honoré publiquement lors de l’Assemblée générale du CISH à Leipzig en août 2026.

Celebration of CISH’s 100th Anniversary

In May 1926, the Comité International des Sciences Historiques (CISH) was founded in Lausanne as a non-governmental organization intended to bring together historians from all over the world. The 100th anniversary of this event is approaching. Therefore, the CISH Board would like to announce 2026 as the year of CISH and invite not only its members (both national committees and affiliated commissions) but also representatives of the entire ‘ecumene’ of historians to celebrate the anniversary together. We especially wish to celebrate and embrace the values that have guided CISH from the beginning, namely defense of freedom of thought and expression in the field of historical research and teaching, and opposition to the misuse of history. CISH was also created to use every means at its disposal to ensure the ethical professional conduct of its members. These are core values that we still put central stage in our work today.

The central event of the celebrations will be the Centennial Conference in Leipzig on 26–30 August under the theme The Past, the Present, And the Future of History. The Conference is to serve as a platform for historians to reflect on the evolution of historiography over the past century, while looking ahead to future challenges.

As decided by the General Assembly in Tokyo, the Board will focus on the main conference in Leipzig, but we also wish to support other ‘grassroots’ initiatives. For example, various types of national or regional conferences are very much welcome, as well as occasional exhibitions devoted to the history and achievements of CISH (we intend to encourage important libraries and archival institutions to organize such exhibitions).

Conferences and exhibitions should be supplemented with various publications, such as collections of sources or anthologies of texts (memoirs, publications on CISH and its congresses). The first initiative of this kind has already been taken by our treasurer Sacha Zala, who will publish a collection of documents dealing with CISH (more information forthcoming). Biographical publications, for example, on the subsequent CISH presidents, would also be interesting. Moreover, we would like to encourage our members (national committees and affiliated commissions) to write their own histories.

Last but not least, we should make sure that in 2026 the anniversary publications appear in leading historical journals and newspapers in different countries. We hope to interest other media, especially social media.

The entire celebration will be coordinated by a Centennial Committee, appointed by the Board, composed of five members: President Catherine Horel, Vice-President Krzysztof A. Makowski (organizer of the last CISH congress in Poznań 2022), Matthias Middell (organizer of the Centennial Conference in Leipzig 2026), Secretary General Edoardo Tortarolo, Treasurer Sacha Zala.

Please send your proposals for planned anniversary events to: Proposals that receive the Board’s approval will be entered into the official anniversary calendar. Their authors will have the right to use the CISH logo and – to the extent of our possibilities – count on our substantive support.