Flash Roadmap
Upcoming Changes
Flash Support Removed from Chromium (Target: Chrome 88+ - Jan 2021)
Flash support/ capability will be complete removed from Chromium. It will no longer be possible to enable Flash Player with Enterprise policy in Chrome 88+.
Align with Adobe's announced plan to end support.
Announcements/ Artifacts
- Tracking issue for the removal of Flash Player support.
Notes for Administrators
- How to audit existing Flash usage
- HARMAN offers a number of commercial support options for Flash Player beyond 2020. These can be used in complement with Chrome's Legacy Browser Support (LBS), allowing for both to remain secure and up to date.
Support for AllowOutdatedPlugins disabled (Target: All Chrome versions - Sept 2021)
It will no longer be possible to enable Flash Player, via Enterprise policy (AllowOutdatedPlugins), in versions of Chrome before Chrome 88 on Windows, Mac, and Linux. ChromeOS will continue to allow the use of the AllowOutdatedPlugins policy.
We strongly encourage Enterprises to migrate away from Flash Player or explore solutions that leverage LBS to remain on a modern, updated, and secure version of Chrome.
Announcements/ Artifacts
- 1064657 : Update Plugin Meta Data to block Flash Player
Notes for Administrators
- How to audit existing Flash usage
- HARMAN offers a number of commercial support options for Flash Player beyond 2020. These can be used in complement with Chrome's Legacy Browser Support (LBS), allowing for both to remain secure and up to date.
Shipped Changes
Plugin Power Savings Mode (Shipped: Chrome 42 - Sept 2015)
Chrome pauses non-essential(1) Flash Content, by replacing the plugin content with a static image preview and a play button overlayed. Users can re-enable this content by clicking play.
(1) - Non-essential content being smaller than 300x400 pixels or smaller than 5x5 pixels.
Limit Flash Playbacks to visible main body content (e.g. video, games, etc...) and still permit streaming audio services to function.
Announcements/ Artifacts
Plugin Power Savings Mode - Tiny (Shipped: Chrome 53 - Sept 2016)
A further restriction to Plugin Power Savings Mode that removes the ability to run 5x5 or smaller content, from a different origin.
Much of this content (5x5 below) was used for viewability detection (i.e. to see if an ad was on that page), requiring Chrome to spin up a relatively expensive (in terms of performance) Flash process in order for the site to infer viewability.
With the introduction of Intersection Observer in Chrome 51, which added platform support for this use case, there was no longer a need to continue granting this exception.
We left an exception for "same origin" 5x5 Flash content, to give smaller sites (e.g. using things like clipboard access) time to migrate.
Announcement/ Artifacts
YouTube Embed Re-Writer (Shipped: Chrome 54 - Oct 2016)
Chrome to automatically use the HTML5 content of a YouTube embed when the Flash one is used.
This will allow the long tail of websites that never updated to the HTML5 embeds to no longer require Flash for Chrome users, thus reducing overall usage of Flash in Chrome.
Announcement/ Artifacts
De-couple Flash Player (Shipped: Chrome 54 - Oct 2016)
Chrome to exclusively use the component updater to distribute Flash Player, and separating it from Chrome's default distribution bundle.
Enable Chrome to rapidly distribute Flash Player updates, without re-building the core product, making it easier to match Adobe's monthly release cadence.
This feature was fundamentally technology gated, requiring development of in-line on-demand Flash component installs, differential component updates, and building out special serving infrastructure.
Announcement/ Artifacts
HTML5 By Default (Target: Chrome 55+ - Dec 2016)
Navigator.Plugins() and Navigator.MimeTypes() will only report the presence of Flash Player if the user has indicated that the domain should execute Flash. If a site offers an HTML5 experience, this change will make that the primary experience. We will continue to ship Flash Player with Chrome, and if a site truly requires Flash, a prompt will appear at the top of the page when the user first visits that site, giving them the option of allowing it to run for that site (see the proposal for the mock-ups).
Announcements/ Artifacts
- Proposal
- Design Doc
- Intent to Implement
- Site Engagement Scoring
- Updated Intent to Implement (using Site Engagement scoring)
HTML5 by default has shipped and we are currently in the process of ramping up the SEI threshold, per the schedule below.
Currently 87.5% of population have an SEI threshold score of 4 and 12.5% has a threshold score of 8 (we do this to measure the impact of the threshold change). By the end of the month we will progress on to the next phase on the ramp and everyone will be at least at 8.
Shipping Schedule
HTML5 by Default was initially rolled out to 1% of Chrome 55 Stable users (December), followed by a full deployment (i.e. to 100% of users) in Chrome 56 Stable (February).
Flash prompting will only be enabled for sites whose Site Engagement Index (SEI) is below a certain threshold. For Chrome 55, starting in January 2017 prompts will only appear for sites where the user’s SEI is less than 1. That threshold will increase to 100 through October 2017, when all Flash sites will require an initial prompt. As a reminder, users will only be prompted once per site.
Here’s a summary of thresholds and % of users:
Site Engagement Threshold | User % Enabled | |
January 2017 | 1 (Stable 55) | 1% (Stable 55), 50% (Beta 56) |
February 2017 | 2 | 100% (Stable 56) |
March 2017 | 4 | 100% |
April 2017 | 8 | 100% |
May 2017 | 16 | 100% |
June 2017 | 32 | 100% |
July 2017 | 32 | 100% |
August 2017 | 32 | 100% |
September 2017 | 64 | 100% |
October 2017 | 100 | 100% |
Developer Recommendations
Ultimately we recommend migrating towards HTML5 content, however for sites that still require Flash Player in the interim we recommend presenting users with a link/ image to "Enable" Flash Player that points to "https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/." When users click on that link Chrome will present the necessary UI to enable Flash Player for the site. It will look something like this.
<a href="https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer">Enable Flash</a>
<a href="https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer"><img border="0" alt="Enable Flash" src="enable_flash.gif"/></a>
PPS Tiny - Remove Un-sized (0x0 or hidden) content Exceptions (Target: Chrome 59 - June 2017)
We are removing the exception for 0x0 (unsized/hidden) content from Plugin Power Savings Mode.
We originally intended on blocking this type of content in the PPS Tiny launch, however due to a technical oversight we unintentionally left the exception in. This change brings the implementation in line with what we originally communicated and intended.
Announcements/ Artifacts
PPS Tiny - No Same Origin Exceptions (Target: Chrome 60 - Aug 2017)
We are removing the final exception for Plugin Power Savings Mode, which permitted small (5x5) content, hosted on the same origin, to run.
The exception was meant to be a temporary relief for smaller developers, for features that are well now very supported by the web platform (e.g. clipboard access, audio streams, etc...).
Announcements/ Artifacts
Remove "Prefer HTML over Flash" from chrome://flags (Target: Chrome 61 - Sept 2017)
Remove the unsupported experimental flag "Prefer HTML over Flash."
We typically remove feature flags once a feature has launched. However, for this case, given the impact of the change, we left the flag in for an extended period to assist developers with debugging the change in behavior. This change will also help remove the number of similar (but somewhat distinct) control points for Flash Player and reduce the overall complexity of configuration, leading up to the settings simplification in the following release.
Announcements/ Artifacts
- Tracking issue
Unify Flash Settings (Target: Chrome 62 - Oct 2017)
Transition the current Flash settings to a single On/Off toggle. If On, Chrome run consistently with HTML5 by Default (i.e. prompting users to enable Flash Player on a per site basis), if Off Flash Player will be blocked. In effect, this change is removing a UI option to always allow Flash Player to run without prompting. Users will still be able to manually add wildcard exceptions, which afford similar capabilities as always allow (albeit in a way that's less obvious to configure).
Existing users who have set "Always Allow" and Ask (HTML5 by Default) will get migrated to On. Chrome will not automatically create any wildcard exceptions in the transition.
The intent is to simplify the user choice down to a single option, enable Flash Player (default == enabled), that is easier for users to understand. Power users will be able to add exceptions (including those with wildcards) explicitly Allow Flash to run.
Announcements/ Artifacts
Non-Persisted HTML5 by Default (Target: Chrome 69 - September 2018)
Sites using Flash will require explicit permission to run, every time the user restarts the browser.
Require affirmative user choice to run Flash Player content, without that choice persisting across multiple sessions.
Announcements/ Artifacts
Flash Disabled by Default (Target: Chrome 76+ - July 2019)
Flash will be disabled by default, but can be enabled in Settings at which point explicit permission is still required for each site when the browser is restarted. Rationale
Require affirmative user choice to run Flash Player.
Announcements/ Artifacts
Additional warning on Flash Player activation prompt (Target: Chrome 83 - May 2020)
When users go to active Flash Player for an origin/ session we will show an additional line of text "Flash Player will no longer be supported after December 2020." in the activation prompt. The dialog will also include a (?) icon that links to blog post, giving additional background and context.
This change will make the deprecation timing more prominent, particularly in settings where the Infobar on startup warning might not appear (i.e., policy configurations that enable Flash Player).
Announcements/ Artifacts
Remove Support for Hostname Wildcards for PluginsAllowedForUrls (Target: Chrome 85 - Aug 2020)
Remove the ability to define Flash Player content settings that use wildcards in the hostname (e.g., “https://*” or “https://[*.]mysite.foo”).
The change requires that administrators to audit their Flash usage and explicitly add urls that they want to automatically enable Flash Player support for.
Announcements/ Artifacts
Remove the Ability for Extensions to Inject Flash Content Settings (Target: Chrome 86 - Oct 2020)
Remove the ability for extensions to inject Flash Player content settings.
Ensure that all non-policy enabled Flash content requires per session activation, which coupled with the warning in the activation prompt should help to increase awareness of the impending change in support.
Announcements/ Artifacts
Flash Player blocked as "out of date" (Target: All Chrome versions - Jan 2021)
Flash Player will be marked as out of date and will be blocked from loading.
Align with Adobe's announced plan to end support.
Announcements/ Artifacts
Relevant Links
- Update for Enterprise Customers using Adobe Flash Player (Apr 2020)
- Adobe Flash Player EOL General Information Page (Apr 2020)
- Adobe Flash Player EOL Enterprise Information Page (Apr 2020)
- Adobe Flash Update (July 2017)
- Flash, HTML5 and Open Web Standards (November 2015)
- Adobe Announces Flash Distribution and Updates to End (July 2017)
- Next Steps for Legacy Plug-ins (June 2016)
- Flash End of Life Approaching - Options for Developers (June 2020)
- Important Changes to Gameroom and Web Games on Facebook (July 2020)
- Migrating Games from Flash to Open Web Standards on Facebook (July 2017)
- Saying goodbye to Flash in Chrome (July 2017)
- So long, and thanks for all the Flash (July 2017)
- Admin Essentials: Preparing your enterprise for Flash deprecation (May 2020)
- Update on Adobe Flash Player End of Support (September 4, 2020)
- Flash on Windows Timeline (July 2017)
- Putting Users in Control of Flash (April 2016)
- Extending User Control of Flash with Click-to-Run (December 2016)
- Firefox Roadmap for Flash End of Life (July 2017)
- Mozilla Flash Roadmap
- NPAPI Plugins in Firefox (October 2015)
- Reducing Adobe Flash Usage in Firefox (July 2016)
- Enterprise patching in a post-Flash world (Sept 2020)
- Unity and creating content in a Post-Flash World (July 2017)