A watched pot never boils|好事多磨
A watched pot never boils心急水不沸/好事多磨
一句英文諺語,字面上的意思是「盯著的鍋永遠不會煮沸」,出自美國開國元老班傑明·富蘭克林Benjamin Franklin發表的《窮理查的年鑒》(Poor Richard’s Almanack)一書。有沒有這樣的感覺,當你越想某事情快點發生,你會覺得時間過得越慢。就像你想鍋裡的水快點煮沸,一直盯著鍋子,可是感覺水好像煮了好久都不滾,可能還會懷疑火爐是否壞掉?
1. The idiom means that focusing too much on waiting for a result can seem to make the process drag on longer. 所以有些事情是需要耐心等待的,尤其是美好的事情是急不來的。
2. Checking my email nonstop for the job offer is like a watched pot. 不停地檢查我的電子郵件等待工作錄取通知,就像是盯著的鍋永遠不會煮沸一樣。
In life, as in the kitchen, "a watched pot never boils." Emily learned this the hard way. Eagerly anticipating her promotion, she fixated on every email, meeting, and casual remark from her boss. Yet, days turned to weeks with no news. It wasn't until she shifted her focus to improving her skills and helping her team that the long-awaited promotion announcement came. It seemed that when she stopped watching, her pot finally boiled.