Primary online safety
Safer Internet Day
Watch again: Safer Internet Day – Live Lesson
A Live Lesson designed to help young people navigate the online world safely and positively.
- AttributionKS2 PSHE • Ages 7-11
Scams: Safer Internet Day resources
Produced in partnership with Childnet, this short video introduces the topic of scams, explaining that people online sometimes try to trick us into giving them personal information or money.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Phishing: Safer Internet Day resources
Produced in partnership with Childnet, this short video introduces the topic of phishing, explaining that it is when someone tries to trick you into giving out your personal details online, like passwords or bank information.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
How to manage your online self-image and identity
A short video that introduces the topic of self-image and identity online – offering an introduction and overview of the subject.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
How to stay safe when setting up gaming profiles
An animated video looking at setting up a personal profile for an online game.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Should we edit our selfies?
Presenter Lauren Layfield talks about how much work goes into perfecting photos, and how selfies aren't always what they seem.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Celebrities on bullying and social media
Celebrities share some of the negative comments they’ve received online.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Body positivity
Celebrities such as Gemma Cairney, Fleur East and Katie Thistleton give tips and advice on body postivity.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
What are online relationships?
A short video that introduces the topic of online relationships, explaining the different types of relationships we might have online, and some of the risks involved when talking to people online we don’t know.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
What is a MEME?
A short video with teacher notes – Will isn't too pleased when Ainslie shares his pic online... and it goes viral!
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
5 things you can do to make the internet a better place
A short article with teacher notes – listing five ways that you can help to make the internet a safer and better place for everyone.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Managing online friendships
A short video with teacher notes – technology is a big part of our lives but the big question is, is time on our phone affecting us, the way we feel, and our friendships?
- AttributionDigital literacy • Ages 7-11
Quiz: Is what you're posting online mean?
What we post online can sometimes be accidentally unkind. Find out whether your posts are getting others down.
- AttributionDigital literacy • Ages 7-11
What is online reputation?
Introduces the topic of online reputation, explaining how the things we do online create a digital footprint, and the possible positives and negatives involved when leaving this footprint.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
How to stay in control of your images
Dancer and choreographer AJ Pritchard talks about taking and uploading photos to the internet and shares tips for students.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Share or beware?
Actor and comedians Inel Tomlinson and Johnny Cochrane and presenters Ben Shires, and Ed Petrie talk about what they do and don't post online, and why.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Digital footprint: what is it and why should you care?
An explanation video of what a digital footprint is and how it is created.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
What likes do to your brain
A short video explaining how counting likes can lead to comparisons and online jealousy.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
What is online bullying?
A short video that introduces the topic of online bullying and what this could look like, as well as giving some ideas of what to do if you encounter it.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Celebrity tips on handling online hate
Celebrities such as Greg James, Maya Jama, Stacey Dooley, Kimberley Wyatt and Joe Sugg give tips and advice on how to handle bullying and hate online.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Why do people bully?
An animated video with voiceovers from children reading statements about why people might start behaving like a bully.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
7 tips to beat cyberbullying
An explanation of what cyber-bullying is, why it happens and what it feels like to be cyber-bullied.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Five things to ask yourself before you post
A list of things to ask before you post something that might be a problem on social media.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Top tips to help you 'Game On' safely!
Jules from CBBC's 'Game On' Grandparents' offers their top tips to playing safely online.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
How to find reliable information online
A short video that introduces the topic of managing online information – offering an introduction and overview of the subject, and discussing the positives and negatives of online information.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Katie and Hacker's online sharing dilemmas
Katie Thistleton and Hacker discover how easy it is to make a mistake when sharing your life online.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Binge watching
Joe Tasker explains how you can get things back on track if you find yourself binge watching videos online.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
What are loot boxes?
This article explains what loot boxes are and why they have become controversial. It explores how loot boxes are designed to make us want to buy them.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
How to balance your screen time – health and wellbeing online
A short video explaining that going online can have positive and negative impacts, so we need to balance our time online and offline.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7 -11
Can meditation help you cut down on your screen time?
Three short animated videos to help students step away from digital distractions, and find a moment of calm in the day.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7 -11
Do you spend too much time online?
A selection of famous faces talking about how they deal with spending too much time on screens/phones.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Spending money online
An animation featuring a canine character who hopes to make money by gaining more followers on their video channel. They then run into problems when spending money online.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7 -11
Here’s why you shouldn’t look up symptoms online
This animation follows a cartoon dog as he anxiously explains to his brother that he has got a rare and serious condition. It started with a ‘squeaky voice’. When asked how he was diagnosed he says he has searched online and found all his symptoms.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7 -11
How to keep your information safe online – privacy and security
A short video that introduces the topic of privacy and security, explaining that personal information shouldn’t be shared online and that passwords should be strong.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Scams: Safer Internet Day resources for 7-11-year-olds
A short video that introduces the topic of scams, explaining that people online sometimes try to trick us into giving them personal information or money.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Phishing: Safer Internet Day resources for 7-11-year-olds
A short video that introduces the topic of phshing, explaining that it is when someone tries to trick you into giving out your personal details online, like passwords or bank information.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Are you giving away more than you think online?
An article about things to think about when online, such as how smartphones track information, being careful about sharing information, how cookies work, and how information is stored through online activity.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Nailing online safety
A video giving tips on how to stay safe online.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
What is copyright and ownership?
A short video that introduces the topic of copyright and ownership, explaining who owns creative content that is posted online.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Do you really need to read the Terms and Conditions?
Top tips for keeping on top of those pesky terms and conditions that pop up on websites.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
What is copyright?
Copyright is a legal right that protects the use of your work once your idea has been published.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
What does copyright free mean?
Copyright free refers to works that are not protected by copyright and can be used freely without permission or payment.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
What is copyright – do I have ownership?
To own something means that it belongs to you and you can make choices about what happens to it.
- AttributionOnline safety • Ages 7-11
Related links across the BBC
Bitesize Parents' Toolkit: Life online
Help for parents to navigate the world of technology and life online - with advice on social media, online gaming and screen time.
- Attribution
Bitesize primary games
Fun and educational games for primary students. Explore the page to discover lots of science, maths, history and English games.
- AttributionBitesize
CBBC Gaming Hub
Articles, clips and online games featuring CBBC characters and shows.
- AttributionCBBC