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不是公证,必须经过州的遗产认证法庭,Probate Court,

送交者: 杭州阿立[♂☆★★★江南情节★★★☆♂] 于 2025-02-05 6:53 已读 247 次  



回答: 英国有公证处收费不高的,很容易认证 由 绿岛阳光 于 2025-02-05 6:35


California probate court fees are based on the gross value of the estate and are paid to the personal representative and their attorney. The fees are cumulative and follow a tiered structure.
First $100,000: 4% of the estate value
Next $100,000: 3% of the estate value
Next $800,000: 2% of the estate value
Next $9 million: 1% of the estate value
Next $15 million: 0.5% of the estate value
Over $25 million: The court determines a reasonable fee
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