Hello! I wore a camisole of the race on a rib-T-shirt today! I purchased this camisole in Lois CRAYON several years ago. I did not wear this for a while, but I think it's cute to be a layered style. It is comfortable to wear the T-shirt of The YOUNGOLSEN, therefore that is one of the my favorite.I have the T-shirt of a white half sleeve.♡ I matched the color of the bag with a T-shirt. Today is Satuarday at last. A husband care of the baby on Sunday and Saturday. I can spend it slightly slowly in the daytime More than usual.☺ I contributed it in English for study from day before yestereday. A wear application is spreading in other countries, I want to make friends with the person of other countries through wear!! Thank you for your IINE! and SAVE! And I would appreciate your comments anytime♡ 今日はレースキャミとリブTシャツ。 このキャミは、数年前にロイスクレヨンさんで 購入したもの。しばらく着ていなかったけど Tシャツとレイヤードすれば可愛いですよね♪ YOUNGOLSENのリブTシャツは、 すごく着心地が良くてお気に入りの一つ。 白の半袖も持っています♡ バッグと色を合わせてみました。 今日はやっと土曜日。 パパが赤ちゃんのお世話をしてくれるので、 少しはゆっくり過ごせるかなー
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