Technologies > Traffic Analysis Tools > Market Reports Overview Traffic Analysis Tools Market ReportsOur technology market reports are detailed monthly reports on the usage and market shares of traffic analysis tools. We offer the following types of reports. Overall ReportThis report covers all statistics of the whole industry (127 traffic analysis tools) in much details. The reports comes as 8,700 pages PDF file and costs 999 Euro. Proceed here to learn more about the content of that report: Traffic Analysis Tools Market Report Historical Usage Trends ReportThis report shows the monthly usage data of all 127 traffic analysis tools since May 2010. The report comes as CSV file, ready for further processing or importing into Excel, and costs 299 Euro. Proceed here to learn more about the content of that report: Traffic Analysis Tools Historical Usage Trends Report Historical Performance Trends ReportThis report shows the monthly performance data in terms of page speed of all 100 traffic analysis tools for which we have sufficient performance data since January 2023. The report comes as CSV files, ready for further processing or importing into Excel, and costs 299 Euro. Proceed here to learn more about the content of that report: Traffic Analysis Tools Historical Performance Trends Report Reports on specific traffic analysis toolsThese reports focus on specific traffic analysis tools. They come as PDF file and cost between 299 and 499 Euro, depending on the provider. Select a traffic analysis tool to learn more about the content of the specific reports: |