TIKI  Ảnh bìa


Internet Publishing

Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh 122.226 người theo dõi

TIKI is the leading online retailer in Vietnam, offering seamless end-to-end retail experience.

Giới thiệu về chúng tôi

Tiki (short for “Tìm kiếm & Tiết kiệm”, which means “Search & Save”) is Vietnam’s fastest and most trusted B2C e-commerce platform. Tiki is Vietnam’s most trusted e-commerce platform. We are the first in the country to offer 2-hour delivery. Tiki has the highest NPS score amongst all e-commerce platforms in Vietnam. Customer trust and satisfaction are at the heart of everything we do. Harmony and learning is the core foundation of our culture. In an already fast-growing Vietnam e-commerce market, Tiki is experiencing exceptional growth. With growth comes interesting and unique problems. Vietnam market with it’s diverse and emerging seller base, densely populated city logistics and growing consumer spending online - not only for products but also for services, presents unique product and technology building opportunities. We are in a heavy technology investment mode with many new things to build. In that context --- Tiki indeed provides career-building, full lifecycle innovation product building opportunities.

Internet Publishing
Quy mô công ty
1.001-5.000 nhân viên
Trụ sở
Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh
Loại hình
Privately Held
Thành lập
Chuyên môn

Vị trí

  • Chính

    52 Ut Tich Street, Ward 4, Tan Binh District

    Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh 70000, VN

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