Siddhesh Rane

Siddhesh Rane

United Kingdom
1K followers 500+ connections


As a former Computer Vision Engineer at iRobot, I was part of the research and…



  • iRobot Graphic


    London, England, United Kingdom

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    Pasadena, California, United States

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    College Park, Maryland, United States

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    Pittsburgh, PA

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    Mumbai Area, India

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  • University of Maryland Graphic
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    Activities and Societies: Worked as a sketching head for Creative committee of the intercollege festival 'Alegria 2016'. Winner of Intercollege web designing competition of Alegria 2015. Participated in Accenture Innovation Jockey in 2014 and 2015. Worked on website for college magazine named 'Pulsefeed-2015'

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Licenses & Certifications


  • Control of Robotic Systems


  • Decision Making for Robotics


  • Fundamentals for Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Framework


  • Human Robot Interaction


  • Introduction to Robot Modeling


  • Perception for Autonomous Robots


  • Planning for Autonomous Robots


  • Sensor Systems


  • Software Development for Robotics



  • Activity Recognition for Accelerometer Data using Deep Learning


    The goal of this project is to classify the actions taken by the user (walking, climbing stairs, and descending stairs) from the 3D accelerometer data.
    Signal processing is done using Python, Scipy and Numpy and classification is done using Tensorflow-Keras.
    Following operations are performed to achieve this task:
    1. Input data pre-processing: Read raw accelerometer data from the text files. Plot data in frequency and time domain.
    2. Spectrogram analysis and filter design: Plot…

    The goal of this project is to classify the actions taken by the user (walking, climbing stairs, and descending stairs) from the 3D accelerometer data.
    Signal processing is done using Python, Scipy and Numpy and classification is done using Tensorflow-Keras.
    Following operations are performed to achieve this task:
    1. Input data pre-processing: Read raw accelerometer data from the text files. Plot data in frequency and time domain.
    2. Spectrogram analysis and filter design: Plot spectrograms using various window functions. And based on the analysis design the digital filter.
    3. Classifier design: A neural network is designed using Keras library to classify the input data into one of the three activities performed.

    See project
  • D-Star-Lite Implementation on Turtlebot3 Waffle


    - Implemented a Python program for D* Lite and A* algorithm for a 2D grid search.
    - Run tests on ROS-Gazebo simulation as well as the real ‘Turtlebot-3 Waffle’ robot in the real lab environment.

    See project
  • Visual Odometry


    - Implemented code to estimate Fundamental and Essential matrix between successive frames to estimate the rotation and the translation of the camera center.

    See project
  • Color Segmentation Using Gaussian Mixture Models


    - Implemented Expectation maximization algorithm to fit gaussian mixture models for the underwater buoy detection.

    See project
  • Advanced Lane Line Detection Using Python and OpenCV


    - Using concepts of color segmentation and homographic transformation, developed a code that can detect lane lines in the given video.
    - Used histogram, polyfit and sliding window algorithm to detect lane line pixel coordinates from the noisy image frame. The program successfully detected the lane lines and predicted the turn direction of the road.

    See project
  • AR tag detection and tracking


    - Implemented Thresholding and Contour detection to detect the AR tag.
    - Implemented Homography transformation to transform the tag in the camera frame.
    - Implemented Algorithm to read the tag ID and determine it's orientation
    - Based on the tag orientation, template image is superimposed on the tag.

    See project
  • Emergency Rescue Robot Using ROS and Gazebo


    Using SIP and Agile software development process, implemented a Turtlebot gazebo simulation that can
    navigate in an unknown environment.
    Developed C++ program to write motion commands and to integrate OpenCv library.
    Used test driven development to guide implementation and unit testing.

    See project
  • Path Planning Using Probabilistic Road Map


    Using C++ and OpenCV library, implemented a probabilistic roadmap path planning algorithm to generate a path on a given 2D image of the environment.
    Implemented unit testing using GTest framework and used Cpplint, Cppcheck and Valgrind for quality testing.

    See project
  • 3D Printed Wireless Gesture Controlled Animatronics Robotics Arm


    This was the final year project of my engineering degree. In this project we designed and 3D printed a prosthetic hand and created a wireless controller using Arduino Uno and Xbee modules. The main objective of this project was to control an animatronics robotic arm wirelessly using ZigBee network protocols.

  • Autonomous Obstacle Avoiding Robotic Vehicle using Ultrasonic Sensor and Arduino Microcontroller


    This project was implemented in 6th semester of my engineering degree. The project was aimed at designing an autonomous robotic vehicle that can detect obstacles in its path and change direction of movement by itself.

  • Earthquake Detection System using Piezo Sensor and LM386


    This project was implemented in 5th Semester of my engineering degree. The project was aimed at designing a vibration sensitive circuit that can sense seismic vibrations and alert using small speaker.


  • Marathi

    Professional working proficiency

  • English

    Professional working proficiency

  • Hindi

    Limited working proficiency

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