Ronda Železný-Green, PhD
London, England, United Kingdom
500+ connections
Dr. Ronda Železný-Green is a digital changemaker creating social learning systems to…
Articles by Ronda
Royal Holloway, University of London
This thesis evaluates the development outcomes of an action research intervention implemented during the after-school hours at and near a girls’ secondary school in Nairobi, Kenya. The intervention was grounded in the capability approach, the people-centered perspective of human development articulated by Amartya Sen. Through application of Dorothea Kleine’s Choice Framework as an analytical and evaluative lens for operationalizing the capability approach, it emerged by the study conclusion…
This thesis evaluates the development outcomes of an action research intervention implemented during the after-school hours at and near a girls’ secondary school in Nairobi, Kenya. The intervention was grounded in the capability approach, the people-centered perspective of human development articulated by Amartya Sen. Through application of Dorothea Kleine’s Choice Framework as an analytical and evaluative lens for operationalizing the capability approach, it emerged by the study conclusion that time and mobility were the most influential factors to affect the girls’ ability to sustain appropriation of the two apps. Age and gender were two personal characteristics which also had a substantial effect on the development outcomes realized. The study serves as further evidence that enhancing a girl’s agency by augmenting her resource portfolio is insufficient to bring about educational empowerment if the structures within which her resources are utilized after school remain unaltered.
Activities and Societies: Graduate Instructional Designer Association, member
Graduate Certificate in Instructional Design earned May 2013. Capstone project resulted in the creation of a mobile learning course in business writing. This course, which was used to support adult employees of an NGO in Tanzania, focused on business e-mail communication skills development in response to volunteer inquiries.
Activities and Societies: Postgraduate Committee
Activities and Societies: Applied Linguistics Student Association, President; Graduate Research Assistant
Concentration: Foreign Language Pedagogy (specifically English as a Foreign language [EFL])
Activities and Societies: Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Sigma Iota, College Democrats (president), Residence Hall President (two years), Residence Hall Secretary/Treasurer (one year), Interdorm Council (two years), ONUA (multicultural student organization), BADU (Black Americans Demonstrating Unity), International Student Club, Asian Student Association (Vice-President), Open-Up, Reporter and Editor for the Salemite (college news publication)
Graduated with departmental honors in Spanish. Participated in January term study abroad trips to Cuernavaca, Mexico (Universidad Internacional) and Oxford, England (Oxford University). Interned at the Legal Aid Society of Northwest North Carolina. Active in the Winston-Salem area chapter of the Young Democrats.
This was an intensive, one-month summer program in which I earned college credit for course work in International Business.
I participated in an intensive, one-month study abroad program in Spanish. I earned college credit for my participation in this program.
Activities and Societies: Beta Club, Travel Club, Key Club, Health Occupations Students of America, Honors
Licenses & Certifications
Volunteer Experience
ICT for Development (ICT4D) Meetup
- Present 10 years
Science and Technology
Serve as the co-organizer of the London ICT4D community meetup of nearly 1,200 tech geeks, government workers, private sector, and NGO employees six times a year around different topics for strategic technology use to serve people in developing contexts.
Director Of International Outreach
Give Something Back International Foundation
- 4 years 9 months
Developed and supervised the People Exchanging Perspectives (PEP) Program. This was an innovative e-pen pal program that in its pilot year connected 10 classrooms in the U.S., Canada, Taiwan, Thailand, Ghana, and Russia. In 2011, a postal-based pen-pal exchange with classrooms in Kenya was inaugurated and includes pairings between schools in the U.S., Russia, Jordan, and Turkey.
Staff Trainer and Training Curriculum Developer
- Present 15 years 9 months
Economic Empowerment
Developed and implemented a cross-cultural training, co-developed the new mission statement, and revised and developed content for the launch of the new People-to-People Safaris (PPS) website. Also developed a mobile learning course to teach business writing skills to Terrawatu and PPS employees.
“Can You Really See What We Write Online?” Ethics and Privacy in Digital Research with Girls
Girlhood Studies
The use of digital technology, particularly cell phones, is growing as a medium for data collection in social research. However, there remains concern about our implementing appropriate ethical practice when we are conducting digital research with people, including girls, who are considered vulnerable. In this article, I will discuss some of the ethical considerations that emerged during an action research project I undertook with a community of secondary school girls in Nairobi, Kenya. These…
The use of digital technology, particularly cell phones, is growing as a medium for data collection in social research. However, there remains concern about our implementing appropriate ethical practice when we are conducting digital research with people, including girls, who are considered vulnerable. In this article, I will discuss some of the ethical considerations that emerged during an action research project I undertook with a community of secondary school girls in Nairobi, Kenya. These considerations are related to privacy in connection with surveillance as a means of cell phone-based data collection. My aim is to initiate a scholarly dialogue on creating a framework of ethical practice for digital research with girls—particularly those who are infrequently given a voice in the literature on girlhood studies.
Airtel Green SIM case study
Green SIM is a packaged service offering available exclusively on the Airtel network which provides voice-based agricultural information to help rural farmers to improve their farming practices. Green SIM agriculture content services, as well its marketing and distribution are managed by IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Limited (IKSL) which is a joint venture between the Indian Farmers’ Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd (IFFCO), the largest farmers’ cooperative in India and Bharti Airtel, the largest mobile…
Green SIM is a packaged service offering available exclusively on the Airtel network which provides voice-based agricultural information to help rural farmers to improve their farming practices. Green SIM agriculture content services, as well its marketing and distribution are managed by IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Limited (IKSL) which is a joint venture between the Indian Farmers’ Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd (IFFCO), the largest farmers’ cooperative in India and Bharti Airtel, the largest mobile network operator in the country, with over 200 million subscribers.
Green SIM provides a profitable business case for the VAS providers, and indirect benefits for the operator. Find out how the service maintains a customer base of over 3 million users by providing relevant content and using a combination of marketing methods on the ground.Other authorsSee publication -
Informal Learning on Mobile: A new opportunity to enhance education
Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications
This paper traverses the small but growing area of informal learning on mobile. The author drew on numerous examples from projects she has been involved in or was familiar with from countries including the Philippines, Ireland, South Korea, and South Africa.
The extended case study was written based on data that the author gathered during three separate research periods in Nairobi, Kenya over a two-year period between 2012 and 2014. These Master- and PhD-level fieldwork trips were…This paper traverses the small but growing area of informal learning on mobile. The author drew on numerous examples from projects she has been involved in or was familiar with from countries including the Philippines, Ireland, South Korea, and South Africa.
The extended case study was written based on data that the author gathered during three separate research periods in Nairobi, Kenya over a two-year period between 2012 and 2014. These Master- and PhD-level fieldwork trips were undertaken with the generous funding support of the Irene Marshall and Helen Shackleton funds from Royal Holloway, University of London, as well as the U.S. Fulbright programme of the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. -
Scaling Mobile Employment Services: A Stakeholder Perspective; Increasing Opportunities for Youth through Mobile
The ‘Akazi Kanoze youth Livelihood Programme’ in rwanda provides an example of how a consortium of players can collaborate to deliver a multifaceted service. To scale, donors and NGOs must seek to align objectives of various stakeholders with an aim to sustain the service in the absence of funding.
Key highlights of the report:
• mobile offers a perfect opportunity to extend the youth employment initiative
• multi-stakeholder partnerships can be effective in supporting…The ‘Akazi Kanoze youth Livelihood Programme’ in rwanda provides an example of how a consortium of players can collaborate to deliver a multifaceted service. To scale, donors and NGOs must seek to align objectives of various stakeholders with an aim to sustain the service in the absence of funding.
Key highlights of the report:
• mobile offers a perfect opportunity to extend the youth employment initiative
• multi-stakeholder partnerships can be effective in supporting mobile employment efforts and adding value to the activities and
public images of operators, governments and donors.
• Government involvement will be beneficial to the governance, design and implementation of a nationwide mobile employment
• scaling will come through the reuse of the platform across skills training, job connection, employment information sharing and
micro financing.Other authorsSee publication -
She called, she Googled, she knew: girls' secondary education, interrupted school attendance, and educational use of mobile phones in Nairobi
Gender & Development
Girls in Kenya commonly face multiple barriers to school attendance. At the same time, mobile phone use is growing throughout the country, and particularly in urban centres including Nairobi. As this technology spreads, the possibility increases of people using mobile phones for their own development purposes, including for education and learning. This article examines mobile phone use by girls at one secondary school in Nairobi, and in particular their attempts to mediate interrupted school…
Girls in Kenya commonly face multiple barriers to school attendance. At the same time, mobile phone use is growing throughout the country, and particularly in urban centres including Nairobi. As this technology spreads, the possibility increases of people using mobile phones for their own development purposes, including for education and learning. This article examines mobile phone use by girls at one secondary school in Nairobi, and in particular their attempts to mediate interrupted school attendance using this technology.
Challenges for conceptualising EU MOOC for vulnerable learner groups
eLearning Papers/European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit
Abstract: This exploratory paper picks up elements from the European Commission’s educational vision and philosophy behind Opening up Education, the resulting initiative of the MOOC platform, and takes this as a starting point to look at potential challenges for developing MOOCs that include vulnerable learner groups. In order to align the future conceptualization of MOOCs with the vision and philosophy of Europe, potential tensions of contemporary and future education are listed…
Abstract: This exploratory paper picks up elements from the European Commission’s educational vision and philosophy behind Opening up Education, the resulting initiative of the MOOC platform, and takes this as a starting point to look at potential challenges for developing MOOCs that include vulnerable learner groups. In order to align the future conceptualization of MOOCs with the vision and philosophy of Europe, potential tensions of contemporary and future education are listed. The current dichotomy of xMOOC and cMOOC are used to mark some of the unexplored MOOC territory. Practical answers to contemporary, ICT-supported educational challenges are provided as options to fuel the debate. The challenges and options for future online education initiatives are based on insights and ideas of international scholars and researchers reflecting on potential barriers for learners and online education. This paper aims to stimulate discussion of the potential for new educational technologies to ensure social inclusion for virtual and physical vulnerable learner groups.
Other authorsSee publication -
Bringing education to young mothers through mobiles
The Guardian (Development Professionals Network)
As we celebrate the International day of the girl today, we should take time to remember that young mothers are still girls, too. We need to do what we can to support them in their educational endeavours — even in things considered to be non-traditional. Mobile learning might be one way we can support young mothers when school interruptions occur due to early pregnancy. Here are some of my thoughts which draw upon the Kenyan context.
126 million reasons to consider using mobile tools in education
WISE Qatar
As we approach the 2015 deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the fact that for approximately 126 million children education will remain out of reach is all at once deplorable and cause to think outside of the box to address this issue. There is a general reluctance to try technology-based approaches that may help these children enter or make returns to education. Yet, despite the challenges involved, here’s why I think mobile technology can help.
Inter-Generational Indigenous Knowledge Exchange and Mobile Phones: The Possibilities and the Potential
Information Age Publishing
Seeking to better connect the potential of indigenous knowledge exchange and the
use of mobile phones for facilitating these exchanges, this chapter will begin by
fully defining the concept of indigenous knowledge and its emic perceptions. Once
common narratives on indigenous knowledge are crystallized, a link will be made to
the primary areas of focus, methods and ICTs employed when indigenous knowledge
has been used as a lens for intergenerational knowledge exchange within…Seeking to better connect the potential of indigenous knowledge exchange and the
use of mobile phones for facilitating these exchanges, this chapter will begin by
fully defining the concept of indigenous knowledge and its emic perceptions. Once
common narratives on indigenous knowledge are crystallized, a link will be made to
the primary areas of focus, methods and ICTs employed when indigenous knowledge
has been used as a lens for intergenerational knowledge exchange within indigenous
communities. This will include an exploration of published projects where the mobile
phone has been utilized for and by indigenous people for IK exchange purposes.
From these analyses, suggestions for best pedagogical practices when commingling
indigenous knowledge and mobile phones in informal educational settings will
emerge with the aim to promote awareness of the impact that indigenous knowledge
exchange and mobile technology could provide for communities in the Global South
who leverage these tools. -
Chilli powder and mobile apps: how safe do girls feel in the city?
Rehana, 15, walks head down through the Delhi streets to her school, 15 minutes from home. When she walks past the local park, the boys stop playing cricket and stare, whistle and make rude comments. She shares the public toilet nearest her home with 250 other people, and knows of girls who have been attacked there. She and her friends are pretty creative when it comes to ways of protecting themselves: chilli powder and safety pins are the current home-made weapons of choice. Rehana also learns…
Rehana, 15, walks head down through the Delhi streets to her school, 15 minutes from home. When she walks past the local park, the boys stop playing cricket and stare, whistle and make rude comments. She shares the public toilet nearest her home with 250 other people, and knows of girls who have been attacked there. She and her friends are pretty creative when it comes to ways of protecting themselves: chilli powder and safety pins are the current home-made weapons of choice. Rehana also learns martial arts. She says “If there’s one thing girls should learn in life, it’s karate.”
Plan International’s latest research[2] with over 1,400 girls and boys in five cities in low and middle income countries shows some disturbing results. In most cities, only a small minority of girls felt ‘always safe’ in their city; in Kampala, Uganda, 80% of the girls who took part reported feeling ‘very unsafe’ or ‘unsafe’ in public spaces and in Delhi, over half of the girls ‘never’ or ‘seldom’ felt safe on public transport, with similar numbers reported for public spaces.
In cities like Delhi, women and girls are also increasingly turning to technology to keep themselves safe. In the wake of the recent highly publicised attacks, there’s been a huge growth in mobile phone apps aimed at helping women to call for help if they are threatened.... Read more at authorsSee publication
Honors & Awards
Salem College 2015 Young Alumna Award
Salem College
The Young Alumna Award recognizes a Salem alumna, who within 15 years of her graduation exemplifies outstanding leadership qualities, through professional and/or volunteer service. A commitment to Salem since graduation must be evident.
I earned this prestigious award within 10 years of my graduation from this venerable institution. Salem forever more! -
Outstanding Young American
United States Junior Chamber
What do Ronda Zelezny-Green, Bill Clinton, Elvis Presley and Wayne Newton have in common? They are all past recipients of the United States Junior Chambers Ten Outstanding Young Americans award. For over 75 years, the United States Junior Chamber (Jaycees) has recognized the ten young men and women – aged 18-40 – who best exemplify the highest attributes of the nation’s emerging generation.
“Every year, the United States Junior Chamber recognizes the accomplishments of ten individuals…What do Ronda Zelezny-Green, Bill Clinton, Elvis Presley and Wayne Newton have in common? They are all past recipients of the United States Junior Chambers Ten Outstanding Young Americans award. For over 75 years, the United States Junior Chamber (Jaycees) has recognized the ten young men and women – aged 18-40 – who best exemplify the highest attributes of the nation’s emerging generation.
“Every year, the United States Junior Chamber recognizes the accomplishments of ten individuals who are truly outstanding, and 2015 is no different. Through an intense judging process, these ten
individuals being honored as recipients of the USJC Ten Outstanding Young American recognition are truly accomplished in their fields, in giving back to their communities, and in promoting that "service to humanity is the best work of life,” said Jennifer Ray, 95th President of the US Jaycees.
“These ten individuals represent the best of the best and individuals we should strive to emulate in our everyday actions. Each Honoree has shown a commitment to that hope, reminding all Americans that no problem is too difficult when handled with grace, ingenuity, courage, and determination." -
Helen Shackleton Fund Awardee
Royal Holloway, University of London
The Helen Shackleton Fund was established in 2003 following the death of Mr WHJ Richardson. Mr Richardson bequeathed the fund in memory of his late wife neé Constance Helen Rickards Shackleton, who was a graduate of the College in circa 1929 and died just a few weeks after being married to Mr Richardson in 1943. The fund is used to support students in their studies, usually as a bursary to contribute towards the costs of foreign travel connected to their academic work.
U.S. Fulbright Student Scholar
United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
My Fulbright scholarship supported my PhD research for nearly eight months in Kenya. The Fulbright Program is a program of highly competitive, merit-based grants for international educational exchange for students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists. Under the Fulbright Program, competitively selected U.S. citizens become eligible for scholarships to conduct research abroad. The Fulbright Program is one of the most prestigious awards programs worldwide, operating in over…
My Fulbright scholarship supported my PhD research for nearly eight months in Kenya. The Fulbright Program is a program of highly competitive, merit-based grants for international educational exchange for students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists. Under the Fulbright Program, competitively selected U.S. citizens become eligible for scholarships to conduct research abroad. The Fulbright Program is one of the most prestigious awards programs worldwide, operating in over 155 countries. Forty-three Fulbright alumni have won Nobel Prizes and seventy-eight have won Pulitzer Prizes.
Academic Development Services Language Bursary
Royal Holloway, University of London
Awarded funding to support language tuition for Swahili.
Irene Marshall Travel Grant
Royal Holloway, University of London
Awarded a travel grant that supported travel to Kenya for completion of MSc dissertation research.
Crossland Scholarship
Royal Holloway, University of London
Scholarship provides full tuition and fees for PhD studies (covering 2012-2015), as well as an annual stipend.
Applied Linguistics Book Award Winner
University of Massachusetts Boston
The Book Award is given to one graduating student on the basis of outstanding academic performance.
Applied Linguistics Community Builder Award
University of Massachusetts Boston
Community Builder Award is given to one graduating student who has done the most to build community among students and faculty, and external relationships in partnership for the department.
Royal Holloway International Excellence Scholar (USA)
Royal Holloway, University of London
Scholarship offered tuition reduction for MSc degree. A highly competitive award given to only two US applicants per year.
Native or bilingual proficiency
Professional working proficiency
Human Development and Capability Association
- PresentThe Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) is a global community of academics and practitioners that seeks to build an intellectual community around the ideas of human development and the capability approach, and relate these ideas to the policy arena. The association promotes research within many disciplines, ranging from economics to philosophy, development studies, health, education, law, government, sociology, and more.
International Association for Mobile Learning
- PresentIAmLearn is a membership organization to promote excellence in research, development and application of mobile and contextual learning. It organizes the annual mLearn international conference series and manages the website to collate and disseminate information about new projects, emerging technologies, and teaching resources.
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