Giovanni Ortolani

Giovanni Ortolani

Greater Cambridge Area
625 followers 500+ connections


Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon. Currently working at Ring. Passionate about AI…

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  • Amazon Graphic
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    Cambridge, United Kingdom

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    Oulu Area, Finland

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    University of Oulu (Finland)

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    Firenze, Italia

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    Firenze, Italia


  • Università degli Studi di Firenze Graphic
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    Activities and Societies: Erasmus Plus Exchange Student

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    Final thesis: Analysis and development of an integration and knowledge
    modelling system on open data of Tuscany public
    administration for smart city and info-mobility

Licenses & Certifications


  • Soulplant

    Soulplant was realised as a project as part of the Junction hackathon in Helsinki - Finland, 2015. A user can represent his mindfulness in a virtual plant. The app gets input with the Muse Headband and translates that data. The more focused the user is the more the flower grows. The app uses also Augmented Reality to project the flower in a 3d printed pot.

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  • Planet Generator

    I've created a 3D software which creates randomly shaped planet. This software has been developed using C++, Ogre 3D and QT. The purpose of this project was to create an open-source project, that could be useful for game developers, students, scientists, who need a starting point to build their own real-looking 3D environment. This project has been done with other 4 students of the University of Oulu, and it has followed all the newest methods required by a good open-source software. In…

    I've created a 3D software which creates randomly shaped planet. This software has been developed using C++, Ogre 3D and QT. The purpose of this project was to create an open-source project, that could be useful for game developers, students, scientists, who need a starting point to build their own real-looking 3D environment. This project has been done with other 4 students of the University of Oulu, and it has followed all the newest methods required by a good open-source software. In particular the Job as been done using the SCRUM methodology, it has required to make continuous researches on how to satisfy the open-source community (for example choosing right licenses or building good documentation), and finally testing the code (unit testing and acceptance testing).

    See project
  • SiiMobility

    Sii-Mobility aims to solve:

    Guidance solutions Connected (connect drive, smart drive or walk): customized services, traffic control, sending messages on board, get on board the vehicle customized controls and info;
    Platform of participation and awareness: to receive information from the citizen, the citizen as intelligent sensor, but also to inform and educate citizens through totem, mobile applications, web applications, etc.
    personalized management of access policies: incentive…

    Sii-Mobility aims to solve:

    Guidance solutions Connected (connect drive, smart drive or walk): customized services, traffic control, sending messages on board, get on board the vehicle customized controls and info;
    Platform of participation and awareness: to receive information from the citizen, the citizen as intelligent sensor, but also to inform and educate citizens through totem, mobile applications, web applications, etc.
    personalized management of access policies: incentive and deterrence policies of the vehicle use, mobility Credits, flows monitoring;
    interoperability and integration of management systems, contribution to standards, testing and data validation, data reconciliation, etc..;
    integration of methods of payment and identification: pay-per-use policies, user behaviour monitoring;
    dynamic management of the LTZ boundaries: Changes in the boundaries of the restricted areas (pollution, congestion, ...), dynamic pricing for vehicles category;
    management of a shared network for data exchange: Data Reliability and responsibilities separation, Interfacing and open data;
    real-time monitoring of supply and demand of public transport: integration and data processing solutions.

    See project
  • 3D Bear cartoon


    Interactive 3D scene, created with C++ and OpengGL, inspired by a cartoon.
    I've created a 3D interactive software, to learn the basics techniques of Computer Graphics.
    I've designed 3D algorithms like hidden surface removal, shading, texture mapping and hierarchical modeling.

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  • Music Finder


    Music Finder is a RESTful Web service that allows user to create and browse playlists via REST APIs.
    The Music Search & Recommendation system offers different functionalities to search among songs and artists and get recommendations based on genre. The main use of this application, has been thought for private users, who wants to discover new songs and artists, according to their preferences.
    This service has been developed using Python, in particular using the framework Flask to build…

    Music Finder is a RESTful Web service that allows user to create and browse playlists via REST APIs.
    The Music Search & Recommendation system offers different functionalities to search among songs and artists and get recommendations based on genre. The main use of this application, has been thought for private users, who wants to discover new songs and artists, according to their preferences.
    This service has been developed using Python, in particular using the framework Flask to build the back-end, and sqlite as database engine. Also the testing framwork unittest has been used to test the code. The front-end has been developed using HTML, Javascript and jQuery.

    See project


  • Italiano

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • English

    Professional working proficiency

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