Dr Anandhi Vivek Dhukaram PhD MBA

Dr Anandhi Vivek Dhukaram PhD MBA

United Kingdom
17K followers 500+ connections


87% of business executives understand the critical need for adopting responsible AI…


Articles by Dr Anandhi Vivek

  • How Human-centered AI can Benefit your Business

    How Human-centered AI can Benefit your Business

    As machine learning and artificial intelligence continue to evolve, so too must businesses adapt if they want to stay…

  • Why and how to create Human-centred AI?

    Why and how to create Human-centred AI?

    Why Human-centred AI? First let’s look at the rough three-tiered hierarchy to represent the foundational HCAI design…

  • The Capacity to Care

    The Capacity to Care

    STUDY ON # healthcare READINESS with 2,000 patients & 200 doctors shows the need for # UX # interaction & data sharing…

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  • MIT Professional Education Graphic
  • Activities and Societies: HCI, Cognitive Systems Engineering, Human Systems Integration, User-cantered Design

    Thesis Title: An Integrated Design Approach for Supporting Elderly Cardiac Patients’ Self-Management.

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Volunteer Experience

  • Teaching Children

    Mother Teresa Home

    - Present 26 years 3 months


    Enjoyed teaching children to attain 12th grade through private examination for physically challenged.


  • Supporting Everyday Cardiovascular Disease Self-care Decision Making: Are we there yet?

    Telemedicine Global Summit, Texas, USA

    Although some of the severe consequences of cardiovascular disease (CVD) can be minimized through vital signs monitoring and treatment adherence tools, the magnitude of CVD continues to accelerate globally, with high rates of mortality and hospitalization. The aim of this talk is two-folds: first to present various self-care decisions patients make in everyday life and second to explore the support available for everyday decision making. Focus group studies with CVD patients show that self-care…

    Although some of the severe consequences of cardiovascular disease (CVD) can be minimized through vital signs monitoring and treatment adherence tools, the magnitude of CVD continues to accelerate globally, with high rates of mortality and hospitalization. The aim of this talk is two-folds: first to present various self-care decisions patients make in everyday life and second to explore the support available for everyday decision making. Focus group studies with CVD patients show that self-care can get quite complicated due to everyday decisions that range from routine ill-structured problems, e.g., “What to eat?” to uncertain symptoms-related decisions, e.g., “Is this pain related to heart burn or heart attack?” to time-constraint treatment-related decisions, e.g., “Do I go to the doctor or wait and see?” Patients should be able to address such ambiguities through the use of appropriate self-management systems by considering the cognitive and behavioural process involved in the choice of behaviours to maintain physiological stability including symptoms monitoring, treatment adherence, and response to symptoms. Literature shows that the current tools available for supporting self-care are based on clearly defined rules and procedures similar to supporting patients in an episodic or acute condition. As CVD is a long-term condition involving multiple patient attributes (knowledge, experience, situation recognition) and treatment attributes, patients need to understand the impact of their decision or of the symptoms in relation to their health condition for deciding an appropriate course of action rather than a rule-based solution to a problem.

  • Modelling elderly cardiac patients decision making using Cognitive Work Analysis: Identifying requirements for patient decision aids

    International journal of medical informatics

    •Patient's day-to-day decision making is a complex socio-technical system.
    •Cognitive Work Analysis provides analysis of decision making from different perspectives.
    •Decisions are not just rule based, it involves skills and knowledge based behaviour.
    •Systems should support different approaches to patients’ decision making.
    •CWA is helpful in modelling decision making and for identifying requirements.

  • Cognitive Engineering approach for creating sustainable solutions to complex industrial design challenges

    IEOM Conference, Dubai

    As systems are becoming more complex, design approaches are needed to ensure that the systems are efficient and usable by the ordinary people. Currently, most of the design approaches concentrate on the technology and engineering aspects with little emphasis on the role of humans, their limitations or how humans currently perform the tasks or their cognitive models. Therefore there is a gap between the technology and the humans. Cognitive Engineering approach helps to bridge this gap between…

    As systems are becoming more complex, design approaches are needed to ensure that the systems are efficient and usable by the ordinary people. Currently, most of the design approaches concentrate on the technology and engineering aspects with little emphasis on the role of humans, their limitations or how humans currently perform the tasks or their cognitive models. Therefore there is a gap between the technology and the humans. Cognitive Engineering approach helps to bridge this gap between the people and technology. Using Cognitive Engineering approaches we can better understand the interactions and relationships between the people, technology, processes and the organisations. This paper shows how Cognitive Engineering approaches can be applied for the analysis, design and evaluation of complex systems through two case studies. The case studies show how Cognitive Engineering approaches like Cognitive Work analysis and organisational change can be used in supporting patient self-management in healthcare and in higher education provision.

  • An Integrated Design Approach for Supporting Elderly Cardiac Patient Self-Management.

    IEEE ICHI 2013 Conference at Philadelphia, USA

  • Elderly Cardiac Patients Medication Management - Patient Day-To-Day Needs and Review of Medication Management Systems

    IEEE ICHI 2013 Conference at Philadelphia, USA, September 2013

    Other authors
  • Application of Cognitive Work Analysis Approach to Complex Sociotechnical Systems: Cardiac Patients Decision Support System

    IEEE MDM 2012 – The 13th International Conference on Mobile Data Management, Bangalore, India

  • Patient-centred cardio vascular disease management – end-user perceptions

    Journal of Assistive Technologies

    Other authors
  • An approach to designing interactive decision support system for cardiac patients.

    HCI 2011 conference

    Other authors
  • End-User Perception Towards Pervasive Cardiac Healthcare Services: Benefits, Acceptance, Adoption, Risks, Security, Privacy and Trust.

    PervasiveHealth workshop, Dublin


  • English


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