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Open Hydro

Open Hydro

Climate Data and Analytics

Working for a climate resilient future

About us

Open Hydro is a mission-led organisation whose vision is a climate resilient, zero-carbon planet where water and energy are accessible to all. We live in a time of climate emergency where hydropower assets have an unprecedented role in addressing the global challenges we face, including water and energy access. Without reliable climate-related information and metrics that consider both water and energy services provided, hydropower projects risk continuing to struggle to demonstrate their role and contribution to tackle climate change and attract the necessary climate finance support. Open Hydro works to mobilise investment in hydropower; help the sector demonstrate climate action in mitigation, resilience and adaptation; and advance in the corporate and project level disclosure of climate-related risks and opportunities.

Climate Data and Analytics
Company size
2-10 employees
Privately Held
hydropower, renewableenergy, climatefinance, climatereporting, climatedisclosure, climateimpacts, hydroelectricity, climatechange, energymarkets, environment, sedimentmanagement, reservoirmanagement, waterresources, netzero, ghgemissions, racetozero, racetoresilience, sciencebasedtargets, methaneemissions, and sustainablehydropower


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