The clock is ticking to the 28th February deadline. Thank you to everyone who has already given us their support... And if you hadn't, it'd mean a lot to have your vote. Either way - a huge thanks to Goodacre UK for hosting these excellent awards and nominating our team. 🏆
The City of London Wealth Management Awards open today. These prestigious gongs honour "the expertise, and commitment of (those) providing exceptional services within the wealth management industry". We're delighted to be in the running, and anyone voting is entered into a prize draw to win flights to Paris for two. If you like what we do and can spare two minutes, you can head here to vote: The voting form is a bit complicated so we've added some instructions below! To vote for Montgomery Charles as IFA of the Year: - Click the link, and either select 'IFA of the Year' as the category and then choose us from the list, or just choose 'Montgomery Charles Wealth Management' from the 'companies' drop-down option. To vote for James Whittington, Chartered Financial Planner in the 'Rising Star' category: 1. Fill your details in at the top (name, email address and whether you want to enter the free draw) 2. Select IFA of the year and then Montgomery Charles from the 4 options 3. Scroll to the bottom and click Vote for an Individual Award – this opens up some more boxes 4. Put James' name in where indicated 5. Add 'Montgomery Charles Wealth Management' in the 'company' field 6. Then select Rising Star from the options 7. Click Send Vote Thank you - your support is much appreciated. #financialplanning #financialawards #wealthmanagement