...Gasp! reposted this
What's your single biggest non-negotiable in business? Mine's easy: are they sound? Me and Ben McKinney were buzzing to have secured the part-time services of Linkedin superstar / copywriter extraordinaire / award-winning tone-of-voicer Mel Barfield last week. I could bang on for hours about how Mel’s ideas are going to bring so much good to Copy Or Die. But her ideas are only part of it. We wanted Mel to work with us because she is sound. Ben is a brilliant writer. And brings decades of business leadership to our agency. But I went into business with him in the first place for one reason: he is sound. We regularly work with freelance copywriters like Jonathan Wilcock – freelance brand voice copywriter and Amy Hawthorne and Tom Albrighton (among others) because they are at the top of their game. But we would not have chosen to work with them if they were not sound. I’ve freelanced for Giles Edwards at ...Gasp! for 4 years because he is sound. And he only employs sound people. It's no surprise that doing so makes them the most creative of creative marketing agencies around. If you’re wondering what the hell sound means in this context, (because it’s admittedly a bit of a Scouse word), it’s basically people who: ◾ Are easy to get on with ◾ Have a sense of humour ◾ Can have a laugh at themselves ◾ And crucially, have their own thoughts and opinions on stuff Sound people tend to be unpretentious, have lots of pride in their work, and (my favourite) they’re honest about the things that aren’t working, but can tell you in a positive way. Oh, and most of the sound people I know are healthily sceptical about the automated shatbot hellscape surrounding us too. A little Brucey bonus, that one. I surround myself with as many sound people as I can. And I block out knobheads and moaners. Try it. It makes life, and business, so much better. #Copywriting #CopyOrDie #DelightedToAnnounceMelBarfield