Dana C. Mora

disputerer for doctor.philos - graden i helsevitenskap og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen:

“Complementary and alternative medicine use for supportive care in childhood cancer - Prevalence of use, effectiveness, safety and clinical practice”

Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig her!
The doctoral thesis!

Prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne holdes kl. 10.15, samme sted:
What is known about safety of the most common complementary therapies used by children/youth with cancer in Norway? And what is the practical clinical implementation of these findings for future integrative pediatric oncology in Norway.

Prøveforelesningen vil også bli strømmet/ The trail lecture will also be streamed.

Disputasen starter 1215, og vil bli strømmet her.
The defense will be streamed here!

Opptak av disputasen vil være tilgjengelig i et døgn.
A recording of the disputation will be available for 24 hours.

Populærvitenskapelig sammendrag av avhandlingen:

This research delineates the use, effectiveness, and practice of supportive care, including Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in childhood cancer in Norway. The prevalence of the use of supportive care was examined. Two systematic reviews were conducted, and healthcare providers' experiences and perceptions were investigated. Sixty-four percent of parents use at least one supportive care modality (such as natural remedies and leisure activities) to alleviate health complaints derived from cancer diagnosis and treatment for children. Acupuncture was effective in reducing chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. According to healthcare providers, safety was the most important criterion when recommending a modality. Negative interactions with conventional medicine were avoided by using the half-life of a drug approach (the time it takes for a drug's active substance in the body to reduce by half). There is a need for professional CAM providers that are trained to manage the burdens these children experience.


Centennial professor Sunita Vohra, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of medicine & dentistry, University of Alberta - 1. Opponent.
Clinical Associate professor Eran Ben-Arye, Faculty of Medicine, Techion-Israel Institute of Technology  - 2. Opponent.
Førsteamanuensis Martin Bruusgaard Harbitz, Institutt for sammfunnsmedisin, Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet, UiT Norges arktiske universitet – leder av komité. 

 Professor Miek Jong, Institutt for samfunnsmedisin, Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet, UiT Norges arktiske universitet. 

De som ønsker å opponere ex. auditorio, kan sende en e-post til leder av disputas innen kl. 13:00 disputasdagen: Miek Jong: [email protected]
If you want to oppose ex. auditorio, send an e-mail to the leader of the defence before 13:00 on the day of the defence:  Miek Jong: [email protected]



Når: 03.10.23 kl 12.15–16.00
Hvor: Auditorium Cortex
Sted: Digitalt, Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Gjester / eksterne, Inviterte, Enhet
Kontakt: Andrea Jennerwein
Telefon: 77645872
E-post: [email protected]
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