Bilde av Forsdahl, Guro
Foto: Bjørn-Kåre Iversen
Bilde av Forsdahl, Guro
Professor, Instituttleder Institutt for farmasi [email protected] +4777646656 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Guro Forsdahl


  • Instituttleder ved Institutt for farmasi
  • Professor i Bioanalytisk kjemi

  • Sandra Pfeffer, Guenter Gmeiner, Guro Forsdahl :
    Methylation of phase II metabolites of endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids to improve analytical performance
    Drug Testing and Analysis 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • B. Stojanovic, J. Rasic, M. Andjelkovic, N. Dikic, N. Dragicevic, B. Djordjevic m.fl.:
    Urinary excretion profile of higenamine in females after oral administration of supplements – Doping scenario
    Journal of chromatography. B 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lorenz Göschl, Günter Gmeiner, Peter Gärtner, Michael Steinacher, Guro Forsdahl :
    Detection of DHCMT long-term metabolite glucuronides with LC-MSMS as an alternative approach to conventional GC-MSMS analysis
  • Biljana Stojanovic, Marija Andjelkovic, Nenad Dikic, Guro Forsdahl, Günter Gmeiner :
    Characterization of the urinary excretion profile of higenamine after multiple dose oral administration utilizing on-line SPE LC with HRMS detection
  • Marit Waaseth, Martina Havelkova, Guro Forsdahl, Eiliv Lund, Tomas Log :
    Use of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors – Validity of Self-Report versus Plasma Concentrations and Pharmacy Dispensations – A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study
    Clinical Epidemiology 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lorenz Göschl, Günter Gmeiner, Peter Gärtner, Michael Steinacher, Guro Forsdahl :
    Detection of DHCMT long-term metabolite glucuronides with LC-MSMS as an alternative approach to conventional GC-MSMS analysis
    Steroids 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lorenz Göschl, Günter Gmeiner, Peter Gärtner, Georg Stadler, Valentin Enev, Mario Thevis m.fl.:
    Stanozolol-N-glucuronide metabolites in human urine samples as suitable targets in terms of routine anti-doping analysis
    Drug Testing and Analysis 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Guro Forsdahl, Katharina Zanitzer, Damir Erceg, Günter Gmeiner :
    Quantification of endogenous steroid sulfates and glucuronides in human urine after intramuscular administration of testosterone esters
    Steroids 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lorenz Göschl, Günter Gmeiner, Valentin S Enev, Nicolas Kratena, Peter Gärtner, Guro Forsdahl :
    Development and validation of a simple online-SPE method coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry for the analysis of stanozolol-N-glucuronides in urine samples
    Drug Testing and Analysis 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Joseph Diab, Terkel Hansen, Rasmus Goll, Hans Stenlund, Einar Jensen, Thomas Moritz m.fl.:
    Mucosal metabolomic profiling and pathway analysis reveal the metabolic signature of ulcerative colitis
    Metabolites 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Joseph Diab, Terkel Hansen, Rasmus Goll, Hans Stenlund, Maria Ahnlund, Einar Jensen m.fl.:
    Lipidomics in ulcerative colitis reveal alteration in mucosal lipid composition associated with the disease state
    Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Guro Forsdahl, Thomas Geisendorfer, Lorenz Göschl, Sandra Pfeffer, Peter Gärtner, Mario Thevis m.fl.:
    Unambiguous indentifiaction and characterization of a long-term human metabolite of dehydrochloromethyltestosterone
    Drug Testing and Analysis 2018 DOI
  • Ana Stajić, Jelena Maksić, Doko Maksić, Guro Forsdahl, Mirjana Medenica, Biljana Jančić-Stojanović :
    Analytical Quality by Design-based development and validation of ultra pressure liquid chromatography/MS/MS method for glycopeptide antibiotics determination in human plasma
    Bioanalysis 2018 DOI
  • Guro Forsdahl, Biljana Jančić-Stojanović, Marija Anđelković, Nenad Dikić, Thomas Geisendorfer, Veronika Jeitler m.fl.:
    Urinary excretion studies of meldonium after multidose parenteral application
    Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2018 DOI
  • Joseph Diab, Rania Al-Mahdi, Sandra Gouveia, Terkel Hansen, Einar Jensen, Rasmus Goll m.fl.:
    A Quantitative Analysis of Colonic Mucosal Oxylipins and Endocannabinoids in Treatment-Naïve and Deep Remission Ulcerative Colitis Patients and the Potential Link With Cytokine Gene Expression
    Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Guro Forsdahl, Damir Erceg, Thomas Geisendorfer, Mirjana Turkalj, Davor Plavec, Mario Thevis m.fl.:
    Detection of testosterone esters in blood
    Drug Testing and Analysis 2015 DOI
  • Laura Tretzel, Andreas Thomas, Hans Geyer, Günter Gmeiner, Guro Forsdahl, Valentin Pop m.fl.:
    Use of dried blood spots in doping control analysis of anabolic steroid esters
    Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2014 DOI
  • Guro Forsdahl, Hanne Kirsti Vatne, Thomas Geisendorfer, Günter Gmeiner :
    Screening of testosterone esters in human plasma
    Drug Testing and Analysis 2013 DOI
  • Katharina M Schragl, Guro Forsdahl, Günter Gmeiner, Valentin S Enev, Peter Gärtner :
    Novel Pathway for the Synthesis of Arylpropionamide-derived Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) Metabolites of Andarine and Ostarine
    Tetrahedron Letters 2013 DOI
  • Sandra Pfeffer, Guenter Gmeiner, Guro Forsdahl :
    Methylation: a supplementary derivatization technique for the analysis of phase II metabolites of endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids
  • Sandra Pfeffer, Guenter Gmeiner, Guro Forsdahl :
    Methylation: a supplementary derivatization technique for the analysis of phase II metabolites of endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids
  • Biljana Stojanovic, Jelena Rasic, Marija Andjelkovic, Nenad Dikic, Guro Forsdahl, Günter Gmeiner :
    Quantitative analysis of higenamine and its metabolite in human urine
  • Lorenz Göschl, Günter Gmeiner, Peter Gärtner, Mario Thevis, Guro Forsdahl :
    Detection of phase-II glucuronides of exogenous anabolic androgenic steroids exemplified by stanozolol
  • Guro Forsdahl :
    Hvordan endrer vi kurs for å tilrettelegge for fremtidsfarmasøyten?
  • Joseph Diab, Terkel Hansen, Rasmus Goll, Hans Stenlund, Einar Jensen, Thomas Moritz m.fl.:
    Metabolomics for improved patient stratification in inflammatory bowel disease: Characterisation of the ulcerative colitis metabolome
    Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2020 DOI
  • Joseph Diab, Terkel Hansen, Rasmus Goll, Hans Stenlund, Einar Jensen, Thomas Moritz m.fl.:
    Metabolomics Coupled with Pathway Analysis Reveal the Metabolic Fingerprint in Ulcerative Colitis
  • Lorenz Göschl, Günter Gmeiner, Peter Gärtner, Guro Forsdahl :
    Development and validation of a simple online-SPE method coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry for the detection of stanozolol-N-glucuronides in urine samples
  • Marit Waaseth, Martina Havelkova, Guro Forsdahl, Eiliv Lund, Tomas Log :
    Validity of self-reported antidepressants use – The Norwegian Women and Cancer study
  • Biljana Jancic Stojanovic, Lorenz Göschl, Guro Forsdahl, Günter Gmeiner :
    Metabolism of steroids and sport drug testing
    Bioanalysis 2020 DOI
  • Joseph Diab, Rania Al-Mahdi, Sandra Gouveia, Terkel Hansen, Einar Jensen, Rasmus Goll m.fl.:
    Analysis of Colonic Mucosal Oxylipins and Endocannabinoids in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Joseph Diab, Terkel Hansen, Rasmus Goll, Einar Jensen, Jon Florholmen, Guro Forsdahl :
    Metabolomics coupled with pathway analysis characterise metabolic changes in treatment-naive ulcerative colitis patients
  • Joseph Diab, Terkel Hansen, Rasmus Goll, Einar Jensen, Thomas Moritz, Jon Florholmen m.fl.:
    DOP15 Metabolomics coupled with pathway analysis characterise metabolic changes in treatment-naive ulcerative colitis patients
    Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2019 DOI
  • Joseph Diab, Terkel Hansen, Rasmus Goll, Hans Stenlund, Maria Ahnlund, Einar Jensen m.fl.:
    Lipidomics in ulcerative colitis reveal disruption of mucosal lipid composition associated with the disease state
    American Journal of Gastroenterology 2019 DOI
  • Biljana Jancic-Stojanovic, Guro Forsdahl, Günter Gmeiner :
    From Doping World - Small Secrets of Meldonium
  • Ana Stajik, Guro Forsdahl, Biljana Jancic-Stojanovic, Mirjana Medenica :
    AQBD-Oriented MS and UPLC method development for glycopeptide antibacterials assessment in suitable pharmaceutical forms
  • Anja Tumpa, Jelena Maksic Jankovic, Guro Forsdahl, Biljana Jancic-Stojanovic :
    Quality by Design in the development of hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography method with gradient elution for the analysis of olanzapine
  • Joseph Diab, Rasmus Goll, Terkel Hansen, Einar Jensen, Thomas Moritz, Jon Florholmen m.fl.:
    Lipidomics in Ulcerative Colitis Reveal Disruption of Mucosal Lipids Composition in Association with the Disease State
  • Guro Forsdahl, Thomas Geisendorfer, Lorenz Göschl, Sandra Pfeffer, Peter Gärtner, Mario Thevis m.fl.:
    Response to letter to the editor: "Comments on Unambiguous identification and characterization of a long-term human metabolite of dehydrochloromethyltestosterone"
    Drug Testing and Analysis 2018 DOI
  • Joseph Diab, Sandra Gouveia, Terkel Hansen, Einar Jensen, Moritz Thomas, Rasmus Goll m.fl.:
    Altered colonic mucosal oxylipins and endocannabinoids levels in treatment-naive and deep remission Ulcerative Colitis patients
  • Joseph Diab, Sandra Gouveia, Terkel Hansen, Einar Jensen, Moritz Thomas, Rasmus Goll m.fl.:
    Altered colonic mucosal oxylipins and endocannabinoids levels in treatment-naive and deep remission Ulcerative Colitis patients
    Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2018 DOI
  • Joseph Diab, Terkel Hansen, Einar Jensen, Terje Vasskog, Rasmus Goll, Jon Florholmen m.fl.:
    Lipidomics and Metabolomics in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: From pathology to clinical development prediction
  • Joseph Diab, Rania Al-Mahdi, Sandra Gouveia, Terkel Hansen, Thomas Moritz, Einar Jensen m.fl.:
    A quantitative analysis of colonic mucosal oxylipins and endocannabinoids in Ulcerative Colitis patients and cytokines gene expression
  • Guro Forsdahl, Nicolas Kratena, Thomas Geisendorfer, Sarah Pilz, Lorenz Göschl, Sandra Pfeffer m.fl.:
    Synthesis and characterization of a long-term metabolite of dehydrochloromethyltestosterone
  • Irena Kasagic-Vujanovic, Darija Knezevic, Guro Forsdahl, Biljana Jancic-Stojanovic :
    QbD oriented development and validation of the hilic method for the analysis of amitriptyline hydrochloride and its impurities
  • Guro Forsdahl, Damir Erceg, Thomas Geisendorfer, Mirjana Turkalj, Davor Plavec, Mario Thevis m.fl.:
    Detection of testosterone esters in blood
  • Guro Forsdahl, Tine Johnsgaard, Thomas Geisendorfer, Joseph Kainzbauer, Günter Gmeiner :
    Evaluation of the influence of grapefruit juice on the endogenous urinary steroid profile
  • Laura Tretzel, Andreas Thomas, Hans Geyer, Günter Gmeiner, Guro Forsdahl, Valentin Pop m.fl.:
    Use of dried blood spots in doping control analysis of anabolic steroid esters
  • Guro Forsdahl, Thomas Geisendorfer, Damir Erceg, Nina Norvik, Mai Linh Nguyen, Günter Gmeiner :
    Screening for endogenous hormones in serum: Effect of testosterone applications
  • Katharina M Schragl, Guro Forsdahl, Günter Gmeiner, Valentin S Enev, Peter Gärtner :
    Synthesis of doping-relevant arylpropionamide-derived SARM Metabolites
  • Peter Gärtner, Wolfgang Felzmann, Clemens Novak, Katharina Schröder, Guro Forsdahl, Günter Gmeiner :
    Synthesis of stable isotopically labelled metabolites of doping agents and their application in analysis

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →


    • Anabole steroider og steroidprofilering i dopinganalyser
    • Nye metabolitter i doping- og rettsmedisinske analyser
    • Metabolom og lipidom i inflammatorisk tarmsykdom
    • Farmakokinetikk - diverse prosjekter


    • FAR-1101 Farmasi grunnemne (bachelor)
    • FAR-3203 Klinisk farmakokinetikk (master), emneleder
    • Veiledning av master - og PhD-studenter