



108課綱重視英語的實用目標,希望學生能把英文當作探索世界、獲取新知的「工具」。從溝通、人際交流,進而培養 (1) 獲取新知 (2) 將知識運用於情境中解決問題 (3) 國際參與的能力。讓英語學習更貼近生活,讓學生覺得學英文是有用的、有意義的。



英英問答趣- Different ways to start the day 完整投稿榜單



謝采潔 (新竹縣成功國中714)

1. Have you ever tried yogurt with muesli before?

Coach Jeff:

Yes, a few times every week. I make my own, with different kinds of nuts and different kinds of fruit. (I had muesli with blueberries this morning!)

楊雅涵 (新竹市曙光女中國中部807)

2. What’s your opinion for having delicious and healthy breakfast?

Coach Jeff:

Sometimes a simple breakfast with fruit and nuts can be the most delicious and healthy.  But I usually eat some kind of bread, too.

邱詩芸 (新竹市曙光女中國中部807)

3. Are the tableware around the world different?

Coach Jeff:

Interesting question! I think the biggest difference is that people use chopsticks in Asia. Of course, in a lot of places, people just use their hands to eat some kinds of food!

羅弦閔 (苗栗縣西湖國中801)

4. Do you think Taiwanese food is delicious? Why?

Coach Jeff:

I do! I think Taiwanese food uses a lot of delicious, fresh vegetables.

黃杳珺 (苗栗縣西湖國中801)

5. What is your favorite breakfast in the USA?

Coach Jeff:

My favorite classic American breakfast is pancakes with maple syrup (and hot coffee)!

陳文明 (苗栗縣西湖國中801)

6. What’s the difference between Taiwanese breakfast and American breakfast?

Coach Jeff:

People in both countries enjoy eggs for breakfast, but Americans probably won’t eat rice for breakfast and Taiwanese usually don’t eat pancakes.

張景程 (苗栗縣西湖國中801)

7. In your opinion, what is the most delicious food in Taiwan?

Coach Jeff:

That’s a really hard question to answer, but I’ll say “beef noodles!”

張語修 (苗栗縣西湖國中901)

8. Do you have a normal breakfast?

Coach Jeff:

I try to have a “normal” breakfast every day. However, if I don’t have time, sometimes I just drink coffee.

顏以昕 (台中市東大附中101)

9. Have you been to other countries? What’s your favorite food there?

Coach Jeff:

I really enjoyed the bread and cheese that I had for breakfast in Austria!

王薇茹 (新北市蘆洲國中708)

10. I will tell myself in an encouraging way that the day has begun.

Coach Jeff:

I agree. Breakfast time is a great time to look forward to a new day.

孫芸蓁 (屏東縣屏東女中114)

11. Why do people in the polar regions always eat meat but not vegetables?

Coach Jeff:

Because it’s so cold there, they can’t really grow vegetables. But they still get all of the nutrition that they need!

張奕辰 (台中市東大附中國三丁)

12. Have you ever eaten hot pot for breakfast? If not, it’s fun to give it a try.

Coach Jeff:

Hot pot? For breakfast?!? Maybe…… but I think I prefer cold cereal.

李諺 (台中市東大附中國三丁)

13. What’s your country’s traditional breakfast? Do you like it?

Coach Jeff:

Probably the most classic American breakfast is “bacon and eggs.” Yes, I like that!

林海昀 (台中市東大附中國三丙)

14. How do you think about traditional Taiwanese breakfast? Do you want to try it?

Coach Jeff:

Some traditional Taiwanese breakfast foods seem strange to me, like “Xi fan (稀飯).” Rice for breakfast? Really?

黃瀅蓉 (台中市東大附中國三丙)

15. It’s interesting to me that people eat dessert for breakfast.
If breakfast is supposed to be healthy, why do they eat dessert?
What’s the purpose of eating food that includes a lot of sugar for breakfast (like pancake)?

Coach Jeff:

Excellent question. Sugar is a way to give your body energy quickly. I think many people want “quick energy” in the morning, but I’m not sure!

李奕潔 (台中市東大附中國三甲)

16. Some people said having breakfast in the morning makes you feel sleepy easily, but some said having breakfast gives you more energy.
What do you think about it? Does it make you feel sleepy or give you energy?

Coach Jeff:

That’s a hard question. I think a small breakfast gives me energy, but a large breakfast might make me feel a little sleepy.

陳可樂 (台中市東大附中國三甲)

17. Does eating breakfast make you happy? Why?

Coach Jeff:

Yes, it does! I think breakfast is a great way to start a new day.

童昱臻 (台中市東大附中國三甲)

18. Traditional Taiwanese breakfast and western breakfast are very different, which one do you prefer?
What’s your favorite traditional Taiwanese breakfast?

Coach Jeff:

Yes, they are very different. I think I prefer to eat an American-style breakfast.

蔡佳臻 (台中市東大附中國三甲)

19. Have you ever been to Hong Kong to eat Gongzai noodles?

Coach Jeff:

I have been to Hong Kong, but I never tried that! Maybe next time.

蕭岑亦 (新北市二重國中704)

20. Do you eat your local breakfast before? Do you like it? Why or why not?

Coach Jeff:

Yes, I do. I usually order “dan bing (蛋餅).” Sometimes with bacon!

王韻涵 (新北市土城區中正國中802)

21. Have you ever tried Xiao Long Bao? Do you like it?  I think Xiao Long Bao is very delicious.

Coach Jeff:

I agree. When I came to Taiwan a long time ago, that was my favorite Taiwanese food!

趙凌涵 (新北市土城區中正國中802)

22. Can you recommend us something you like to eat for breakfast?

Coach Jeff:

How about “cinnamon toast?” Mix some cinnamon with some sugar. Sprinkle it on toast with butter!

陳禹晴 (新北市積穗國中908)

23. What is your favorite breakfast?

Coach Jeff:

May favorite breakfast is called “Eggs Benedict.” It has eggs, ham, and a special kind of sauce.

王羿婷 (新北市積穗國中908)

24. Would you like to try traditional Taiwanese breakfast? If you have already tried them, do you like them?

Coach Jeff:

There are some different kinds of traditional Taiwanese breakfast foods. I like to eat a lot of them!

楊欣蓉 (新北市積穗國中908)

25. Do you like to eat yogurt for breakfast?

Coach Jeff:

Yes, I like to eat yogurt for breakfast, but not every day!