Enjoy Exciting Water Sports in Summer

Photo by Cindy Lee
Photo by Cindy Lee

【◎Written by Li Siao-ping ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Cindy Lee, Carter ◎Photos courtesy of Kaohsiung City Underwater Federation, Sports Development Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government】

 Thanks to its seaside location, Lotus Pond, and Love River, Kaohsiung offers a diverse range of water activities!

 The Lotus Pond Water Sports Center(蓮池潭水域運動中心), in collaboration with Fun Outdoor Adventure School(瘋戶外冒險學校), offers various non-motorized water activities, including SUP, dragon boat boards, canoes, and OP sailboats, along with professional training courses. If playing on the water is not enough, there are also challenging land-based adventure activities such as treetop walks and tree climbing. On both water and land, professional coaches lead group competitions to make these activities more fun. Even those who are afraid of water can experience the joy of canoeing!

Photo courtesy of Sports Development Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government
Photo courtesy of Sports Development Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government
 Love River meanders through the heart of Kaohsiung, and its calm waters are suitable for various types of hand-paddled boats and non-motorized water activities. Currently, Kaohsiung City Government has established launch points and floating docks at several locations, including the Heart of Love River(愛河之心), the Vision Bridge(願景橋), the Love River Water Recreation Center(愛河水上遊憩中心), and the Love River Bay(愛河灣). During these facilities’ opening hours, enthusiasts can bring their own flotation devices, put on life jackets, scan a QR code for safety instructions, and then complete real-name registration before enjoying water activities.

Photo courtesy of Kaohsiung City Underwater Federation
Photo courtesy of Kaohsiung City Underwater Federation
 We recommend starting from the Love River Water Recreation Center and paddling towards Love River Bay. Along the way, you can see the Kaohsiung Museum of History(高雄市立歷史博物館)and the Kaohsiung Film Archive(高雄電影館), eventually reaching the Kaohsiung Music Center(高雄流行音樂中心), where you can experience both the bustling city and serene waters. The Love River Bay Water Park(愛河灣水樂園)also offers SUP, canoe, and water bike rental services, allowing you to explore the city from its meandering waterways.

 Alternatively, you can take a ferry across to Cijin and head to Cijin Beach(旗津海水浴場). This broad beach has a children’s play area and a bathing area. After a tiring day of fun, relaxing with a cold drink at the beach bar while waiting for the sun to dip into the sea is the perfect way to end a leisurely vacation.

 To enhance water safety, the Tourism Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government(高雄市政府觀光局)has partnered with the Changbuching Association, Republic of China(中華民國常不輕協會)to operate a free life-jacket rental station next to the public restrooms at Cijin Beach. During the summer vacation, an additional rental station will be established at Fusing Temple(福興宮).

Stay safe while enjoying the water!

The Lotus Pond Water Sports Center / Fun Outdoor Adventure School

蓮池潭水域運動中心 / 瘋戶外冒險學校

No. 101, Huantan Rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City

Love River Bay Water Park


No. 109, Haibian Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City

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