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Shortly after Alyssa Milano denied getting Shannen Doherty fired from The WB’s Charmed, Doherty has issued a public response, standing by every word that she and co-star Holly Marie Combs said on her podcast about Milano’s allegedly toxic behavior on set.
Doherty even said that she and Combs “edited out anything that we thought would cause more drama” in an effort to “save the fans from heartbreak as much as humanly possible.”
This response came Sunday during a MegaCon Orlando panel featuring Doherty, Combs and Rose McGowan. Milano had appeared solo on a separate panel at that same convention on Friday.
Knowing that fans would ask for her thoughts on Milano’s assertion that she did not get anyone fired, Doherty ended the panel by reading a prepared statement: “We simply told the truth [on my podcast], because the truth actually does matter. At this point in my life, with my health diagnosis, with fighting a horrific disease every day of my life, it is also incredibly important to me that the truth actually be told as opposed to the narrative that others have put out there for me. We told it together. We told our truth, and we’re standing by our truths.”
“There is no revisionist history happening in the truth that I know we told,” she continued. “There is no brush-flinging or shoe-flinging. There is no lateness to set. There is no mediator for months on end. I recall the facts as if I were still living in them, and what I will say is what somebody else may call drama is an actual trauma for me that I’ve lived with for an extremely long time. It is only through my battle with cancer that I decided to address this trauma and be open and honest about it, so that I can actually heal from a livelihood that was taken away from me [and my family] because someone else wanted to be number one on the call sheet. That is the truth.”
McGowan showed solidarity with Doherty, getting in the final word. “I will say one last thing: We’ve protected you for a long time,” she said, presumably to Milano. “We’ve protected you for as long as we could. Both of us, all of us. And there’s a great, great comedian named Katt Williams who has a wonderful, wonderful saying: ‘Winners do not let losers rewrite history.'”
Watch Doherty and McGowan’s full response via the TikTok below:
@disadventurelife Charmed panel where Shannon adresses Alyssa at Megacon orlando #shannondonerty #alyssamilano #charmedpanel #charmedreuinion #megaconorlando #megaconorlando2024
♬ original sound – Disadventurelife
These girls are so draining, Move on Shannon move on, and Holly is unrecognizing.
My sentiment exactly… all this unneeded drama
Please leave people’s appearances out of this.
It’s clear that Doherty, Combs, and McGowan are united in their feelings about Alyssa Milano. And Milano continues to say she was not at fault for Doherty’s dismissal. For on-set friction fans of Doherty blame Milano, fans of Milano blame Doherty. I’m sure neither actors were saints but what I’d like is for some gifted and respected television journalist to interview all available cast, crew, studio and network execs, and other insiders to try to get as close to the truth, or at least a consensus how Doherty’s dismissal played out, as possible. A comprehensive oral history – warts and all. (Or has this been done and I missed it?)
Was done back in the day, the show was a little show on WB, Shannon had repeated the same behavior that got her canned on 90210, she was not new to acting she had been acting since she was a kid on little house.
She waa hard to work with Kevin Smith said the same on mallrats. She had a rep…was it all her fault, probably not, they both say the same thing their was a mediator Shannon didn’t care to go to millano went to and talked about all her problems since millano was going thru proper channels and Doherty had a bad rep from 90210 days Spelling just decided to do the same thing he did on 90210 replace her with another actress that was popular at the time. Rose came in had issues as well but didn’t really go into them till after show was over.
If you need press just find some entertainment weekly from that time period, old news just it’s gossiping enough to get Shannon some podcast viewers, what’s she got to talk about little house, our house , 90210, mallrats, scare tactics I’m sure their is something else..
What year is this? Why is ancient history being debated SO MANY YEARS after the fact?!
Because none of them have anything else keeping them famous.
Or maybe because Shannen Doherty is dying and she wants to set the record straight.
These ladies are so messy. Let’s not forget how they treated the cast of the Charmed reboot!
The reboot used the charmed name but the show wasn’t anywhere as good as the original, fans all knew that though so there was no reason for the original cast to seem petty by trash talking it.
Seriously! A 40 something year old woman going around bashing actors 20 years younger than her. It’s not their fault Holly hasn’t worked since PLL. And Rose is a mess so I’m not sure why anyone cares about her opinion.
What about how the cast of the reboot treated them and the fans of the original? Ageist comments, outright lies about the OG show and ableist name calling.
Let it Go.
No one will see if from all sides.
Let it Go.
Oh come on. Both might believe their side of it. Even though the show was very popular. I believe Alyssa is right. She did not have the power to make it, either or or. Shannon problem is that multiple shows (it was not only Charmed) had the same result, so she has accept culpibility in this and she does not seem to recognize it. Not saying Alyssa is a saint. The set sounds toxic on many fronts, front and back of the camera. They were all much younger than they are now. And when you are in your twenties, you say and do things that you will regret. And things happen. At the end of the day, the powers and be are the ones who made the decision.
This. Shannen knows how things work. It is easier to have one person to point a finger at than to acknowledge that it was bigger than all of them. I would never tell people how to feel about their experience, but they do need to let it go and talk about something else. Sadly, I just think some of them have nothing else in their lives to talk about.
I have to wonder if there is a Brad Kern aspect to all of this that hasn’t been discussed. That man was toxic then as he is now, ruined a lot of what Connie Burge had crafted so meticulously storyline wise, and I can see a total Joss Whedon thing having happened, where the women were pitted against one another. Whether they knew it or not. You would think that a mediator being called in would be an easy thing to fact check, no? So either there’s outright lying happening or perception was incredibly skewed on that set. AM has spoken about how her and HMC were producers those last five seasons and acted as such on set. And it’s only now in recent years that HMC is so vehemently against AM? It’s all very very strange. Including RM commenting on protecting AM. Why bother doing that if someone treated you so horribly? Rose has never been one to hold her tongue. But this is 20 years old and it’s making all of them look rather ridiculous for holding onto this and basically feuding publicly. What is the point?
If they truly want to resolve this, mend fences, etc. pick up the phone & text or talk to each other. I honestly don’t know what happened, but all of this playing out in public over & over isn’t doing either of them any good.
That’s the thing. Shannen, Holly and Rose don’t want to mend fence. they want to expose “Their” truths about AM. Funny thing is up until recent Holly and Shannen weren’t speaking. and Holly had been friends with AM, doing a greys episode with her and all. It’s the fakery of it all for me. I personally stand with Alyssa; do I think she was innocent? No. i think she outshined Shannen, and she couldn’t stand it.
Exactly. Holly was singlng a different tune just recently. And Krista Vernoff has also commented that Alyssa was not the bully on a set of many. Alyssa has also admitet being a part of the problem back then, as an adult should. The other 3 have something to learn.
Yes, I saw Krista’s comment on that post and then I saw Holly’s Petty reply. My god is Holly ever one petty woman.
Rose is awfully chatty considering the only reason she was ever on the show is because Shannen was fired.
Yet she preaches #MeTo and standing up for women yet her sole goal in life is trying to take down Alyssa because she didn’t have patients for Rose never knowing her lines on set. come prepared then rose. Supposedly they had to hold up que cards for Rose.
As a fan of the show, it is disheartening thst these adult women who were role models to my children, all are so petty. Is it a stunt to keep your names in the media? I am ashamed to be a fan at this point. I do wish Shannon to beat her illness. In the end everyone knows that performance is the one profession where the coworkers do not have to like one another, but his is too much. I do have to say Piper was my favorite character, though.
Cry me a river, ladies. At this point, there are too many stories regarding each of them and their various behaviors on numerous sets. No one is coming off like an innocent angel. None appear remotely like the seasoned, mature professionals they should be. Further, the habitual whinges of trauma make it obvious that these narcissists have never truly known an ounce of hardship in their lives.
Forget it. I say that they did what the Source & all other demons and warlocks couldn’t do. They vanquished the Halliwell sisters as the Charmed ones.
They’ve had around 20 years to work on their feelings about all of this & they’re making it clear that none of them are interested in doing that. Forget Charmed.
Just my opinion, but I think you should correct that last bit. From what I understood since McGowan was adressing the audience when she said that “we’ve protected you for as long as we could” I think she meant the fans, and not Milano.
It makes more sense given that Doherty started by saying she wanted to “save the fans from heartbreak as much as humanly possible”. That’s why they held on for so long before telling their side of the story because they did not want to ruin the way their fans view the show and its legacy.
Personally, this situation makes me very sad indeed as it means we will never see all four women together at a reboot/reunion, let alone at a mere fan convention. I like them all but this situation is depressing for all sides.
Plus McGowan HATES Milano and never misses a chance to trash her for years. The last thing she would do is protect her from anything.
the show has been gone almost twice as long as it was on the air. the airing of grievances isn’t doing anything but insufferably tarnishing its legacy.
So why did she get fired from 9:0210 did Alyssa have something to do with that too or was it her toxic Behavior that got her fired
Shannon addressed that in her podcast. She admitted she was young and her father’s failing health, her then husband’s substance issues and the pressure of fame all got too much to her. Jason who was on the episode said he wished he had known at the time so they didn’t felt betrayed and cut her off, or something to that effects. TVLine had an article on that too. Shannon never said anything about 90210 and Charmed in details before until now that she is stage 4 and wanted to finally tell her side of the story.
Alyssa might not pushed Shannon out, but she and her mother knew how the system worked and was willing to be accommodating in skimpy outfits. The show/studio system encouraged the women to compete against each other, when they should all be blaming Brad Kern and all those in charged.
Alyssa Milano oughta be ASHAMED of herself!
For what? Accepting that she had a part in the drama and apologizing for it? Taking the high road and actually praising her costars? The only people who have been doing and saying shameful things are Holly, Shannen, and Rose. Alyssa has been graceful and IMO the only one acting like an adult.
And she ends her statement by highlighting again that (Milano) wanted to be #1 on the call sheet.
If she was wrongly dismissed, which is a thing that does happen, I do not believe for a second that she wouldn’t have pursued legal action. Shannen Doherty has never come across like somebody who would take things lying down.
Milano might have become #1 on the call sheet, but she didn’t become the lead character… the show allowed Combs the chance to flex & show just how capable an actress she could be. McGowen’s character could have also been incredibly dismissed by fans, but if anything most fans want a scenario where all 4 sisters are present rather than substituting a different sister or ignoring Paige altogether. Not a lot of shows can attest to having a fourth lead actress come on to a show in the fourth season & it not being a kiss of death for the show.
Ironically they seem like sisters in the worst possible way. Bonding & siding with each other towards the odd man out.
This is sooo sad.
Then why click on the article and even comment?
It’s very telling that Rose and Holly can share a stage with Shannen, but not with Alyssa.
IMO, Alyssa is just as much at fault in this. She wasn’t numero uno, and she wanted to be. Of course, she’s going to deflect.
Shannen’s history gave Alyssa an out. Everyone wants to look at Shannen’s past behavior and point to that, but people change, they grow and mature. What happened on 90120 could’ve been what led to the change. Alyssa, IMO, exploited that. She may not ‘have had the power’ to get Shannen fired, but she had the power to make a bad situation worse. People hear lawyers and that’s that. Nobody wants to get sued.
I’d like to hear the other members of the cast and the members of the crew peak out now. Without any potential contracts or NDAs that may have been signed.
These women are now middle aged and one is literally dying. It stopped being interesting or relevant awhile ago and now it’s just sad. The only one with somewhat of a career is Alyssa and she’s not even working all that much anymore so the others got what they wanted I guess but at what cost? I think everyone at this point is saying the same thing. Who cares? Move on. Shannon I’m sorry you are dying and I wish you only the best but this thing is another cancer and one that you can actually get rid of if you wanted to by just letting it go.
Well don’t really care all that much about old grudges on a T.V show from years back.
All I will say is that, as a family we enjoyed the show. It was better than the reboot.
Surprised this hasn’t become a behind the scenes Lifetime movie. They could do it Rashomon style with each character telling her version of what happened .
Team Shannen here! It is always the person with the “bad rep” that got the brunt of something. When in actual fact, Shannen may be the “innocent” one. Imagine being fired and having to “lie” to the fans and public that she left the hit show for so long. Shannen have the right to tell the truth, her truth, as she may not have long to live (I pray she live longer for a Charmed reboot or something). She got nothing to lose by telling and exposing the truth of why she left or was fired from Charmed.
It is not a matter of Shannen cannot move on. She is moving on.. by telling the truth and hopes this is a closure for her once and all.
We can see how much Charmed became a pretty much Phoebe-show after Season 4 and that’s that.
So.. exerts from Jason Prestley’s Memoir just found their way online today stating Shannen was going off to him with she found out Alyssa Milano was cast on Charmed, and she was going to get Aaron Spelling to choose between the two of them, so basically Shannen had it out for Alyssa before she even stared on the show and tried to get her fired.