Buck and Tommy, 9-1-1

It’s a good thing that Buck and Tommy are both firefighters, because the sparks from their first kiss were hot enough to burn down all of Los Angeles. The chemistry between the two men was electric as Buck nervously processed his complicated feelings, only for Tommy to (finally!) silence him with a kiss, resulting in a sexual awakening seven seasons in the making.
Nick and Charlie in S1 of Heartstopper. The shy sweetness, the crackling chemistry, the tender kiss and then they go back for more. Amazing moment that leads to an amazing couple :)
Bridgerton… Colin and Penelope
Colin and Pen, Season 3 of Bridgerton
I would’ve put Stelena’s first kiss from Vampire Diaries or even Forwood’s also where’s Bangel’s first kiss from Buffy the Vampire Slayer????
Where’s Barry and Iris’ first kiss from The Flash??????
Francis & Mary’s first kiss on Reign was passionate and heartbreaking as the royal pair faced love vs duty. Their chemistry was amazing.
Sooo many good ones
Jim and Pam still makes me happy thinking about watching that episode when it happened.
And Buck and Tommy’s kiss was amazingly well done.
David and Patrick, Schitt’s Creek
Kat and Elliot from the way home. The kiss in his backyard meadow at sunset should have made this list.
Why aren’t we getting to vote for these 35 and see who we think the best you gave us is???? Are you game????? Shamy!!!!!!!
Lois and Clark on Smallville arguably had several great first kisses, but I’d have to nominate their first first kiss when she kissed the Green Arrow unaware that under that hood was Clark.
I can’t believe Pacey and Joey from Dawson’s Creek aren’t on this list. Easily one of the greatest tv kisses.
Very happy to see Veronica and Logan! One of my favorites.
David and Maddie on Moonlighting…
Buffy’s Willow and Tara
Dylan and Brenda
Luke and Laura
The MASH kiss between Hawkeye and Hot Lips was in Season 1 episode Dear Dad
Sidney and Charlotte’s cliff top kiss was iconic
Agree, most underrated best first kiss ever!
Kevin and Winnie, The Wonder Years, really hit me in the heart. It was such a great first episode.
Rick & Michonne? Buffy & Angel? Root & Shaw? Barry & Iris? Robin & Regina? Stefan & Elena? Max & Kyle from Living Single? River & The Doctor? Michael & Nikita? Coulson & May? Max & Anne or Flint & Thomas from Black Sails? Josh & Donna?? Willow & Tara?? John & Aeryn???
YES for Coulson and May and John and Aeryn!!!!
I would have to see Joey and Pacey from Dawson’s creek on the list
Some have mentioned other sapphic couples not on the list in these comments… I’ll add another one.. Clarke and Lexa from ‘The 100’.
Rick & Michonne? Barry & Iris? Root & Shaw? Willow & Tara? Pacey & Joey? John & Aeryn? Max & Anne Bonny? Coulson & May? Mack & Elena? Chidi & Eleanor?
Sorry..No Donna and Josh?
Pretty cool to see Supergirl’s first LGBT kiss made it to the list. As well as the one between Glenn and Maggie from TWD. My last favourite best first kiss that I liked seeing was in 2022 in the 3rd Season Stargirl between Courtney and Cameron after a build up of 3 Seasons, it was sweet and tender (and in slow-motion too!) so hopefully one day it can be included here. :)