Buck and Tommy, 9-1-1

It’s a good thing that Buck and Tommy are both firefighters, because the sparks from their first kiss were hot enough to burn down all of Los Angeles. The chemistry between the two men was electric as Buck nervously processed his complicated feelings, only for Tommy to (finally!) silence him with a kiss, resulting in a sexual awakening seven seasons in the making.
Toni didn’t rescue Cheryl from conversion therapy and kiss her in front of a gay propaganda film as the music swelled for you to not put them on a best first kisses list!
Disappointed to only see one sapphic kiss on the whole list tbh, and for it to be such that one is even more baffling. Not even Killing Eve? If you ignore other ships real first kisses to count bigger ones, surely you could ignore the bus kiss to include the long and long awaited finale kiss, which was objectively a great moment and also a really good kiss…
But it’s from that finale, which we’re trying to forget, as well as most of Season 4. Killing Eve ends at Season 3 with them looking back at each other across the bridge, and then you can fill in whatever you want from there. It’s the way it has to be.
Peter and Olivia, Fringe!
No Buffy and Angel? It initiated a hot, hot, relationship in more ways than one!
Maybe they didn’t want to do the one between the 16 year old and the 120 year old…? Written under the direction of the guy who “wasn’t allowed to be alone with” a young actress on that show?
Just a thought.
The rules don’t apply to vampires apparently; you can lob the same complaint at Twilight.
Twilight did not appear on this list, and I have no problem complaining about Twilight. I was referring to this specific show/ship.
And not all vampire/human (or other immortal being/human) relationships in media have the human as a teenager, so eeeeeh. Not sure I see your point. The fact that Buffy is a teenage child is more relevant to this issue than by how much older Angel is; since immortal beings don’t exist we can easily regard most fictional ones as being perpetually just a mature adult (unless the text depicts a sort of arrested development or something.) But, yeeah, most fiction of this kind, or at least the ones I mostly interact with, have the human in the relationship as an adult. Nor are they all written by people like Whedon. (Who, let’s not forget, also got in that flashback scene of an even YOUNGER Buffy *sucking a lollypop in a schoolgirl skirt* while ‘grown adult played by an adult’ Angel creeped at her from the darkness. You can’t argue the character wasn’t sexualized for the most icky-male of male gazes. Funnily enough, you CAN argue Bella %100 *wasn’t*.) People can get mad all they like (and I see no-one who’s downvoting me has an alternate explanation to share with the class…) but it’s a possible reason why someone MIGHT not want to include the ship on an “all time best kisses” list. Go ahead and ship away if it’s you’re thing, I really don’t care. But it’s not going to be for everyone.
(People are so mad at any word against sexualizing teenage girls! Or even just the **possibility** that someone somewhere might not be into it.
I can see Whedon trained y’all well. 😂😂😂)
That’s a movie!
Spike/Buffy kiss was on the list soooo…
Buffy was an adult by then which might be the difference.
These are vampires who don’t age like we do plus they aren’t real and
neither is Buffy. Most importantly no teen viewer will ever meet or date an older vampire so the show won’t influence them to lol so people relax and worry about real life problems.
Yet they put Spike and Buffy in there? Hmm….
Angel was like 241 when they kissed. Even if she’d been 99, the age gap was ridiculous. You have to suspend your disbelief when it comes to vampire-human relationships.
Also, they included Damon (170?) and a barely legal (18) Elena so I don’t think the age thing was the reason they didn’t include Buffy/Angel. The writer probably just preferred the Buffy/Spike dynamic. Which came with plenty of it’s own issues (Spike took advantage of Buffy’s state of mind re: her depression & straight up tried to assault her at one point. Lots of similarities there with Damon&Elena.)
Now, I suppose they could’ve taken JW’s disgusting behavior into consideration but they included the kiss from GG and that actor is an alleged creep so I doubt JW factored into it.
Jack &Sam. Stargate SG-1. season 4. Window of Opportunity
No Maya and Carina? Really!
The forced kiss in the time loop, that went nowhere for in a ship that…never happened? Gosh, can’t imagine why that didn’t rate.
Buck and Tommy kiss was amazing!! And the chemistry between them is so good
Are we watching the same show? There is nconhemistry between the two of them at all. That old man is the worst of all of Buck‘s love interest and a main reason why people no longer watch this show live, so that they can skip scenes with him. I cannot wait for T🤮mmy to be gone from this show.
As perfect as their first kiss was, my favorite will always be the kiss Buck gave Tommy moments before they joined Chim & Maddie’s wedding. Just the look on the faces of Buck’s parents! Bobby’s reaction, Chim’s reaction. It was the most perfect comming out scene.
Kate and Anthony from Bridgerton. Obvious it was coming at some point given the nature of the show but it delivered.
No Eve and Villanelle??
Jake and Amy – Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I count the evidence room – For realz first kiss!
re: Jack/Ethan…I can appreciate the desire to celebrate a kiss that was so groundbreaking for representation, but Joey & Pacey were the best first kiss on Dawson’s Creek and one of the best on television. This is a sad omission.
Love the inclusion of Rollisi, Luke/Lorelai, and Danny/Mindy – definitely some of my faves. And there are lots more I can appreciate their place on the list, whether I personally shipped it or not. Not sure what to say about Mulder/Scully except it’s unfortunate there have to be so many disclaimers about the kiss considering they’re one of the best TV couples of all-time.
I’m flabbergasted that Willow & Tara from Buffy tVS is not on this list. From a narrative and fan perspective it outshines many on this list.
The kid in me will always remember when the OG Green and Pink Ranger kissed for the first time. For a generation , Tommy & Kimberly were our first “ships” without even knowing it. 😆
I know the relationship was toxic AF but the first kiss between Tobias Beecher and Chris Keller on OZ was intense.
Alexis and Ted from “Schitt’s Creek” I would have liked to see on this list.
From the list above the one that probably had the most “Finally!” for me was Ross & Rachel. I was in HS at the time and I remember a lot of kids talking about it the next day. Can’t imagine what adults were like at that time. It just *seemed* like the whole world was invested.
YES! The Beecher and Keller kiss in the laundry room was HOT!!
Oh, I watched Power Rangers as a wee kid and I don’t remember a kiss! I think maybe my soul left the show with the Blue Ranger. Gay solidarity without even knowing it, lol! (I remember being frustrated with his vanishing and then nothing else, lol)
Hard agree on everything save Ross/Rachel. I don’t recall being invested in them, idk why.
The Tommy/Kimberly kiss happened in S1. It was when they wrote out the Green Ranger for the first time. He lost his powers. Originally it was supposed to be permanent but he was so well loved they brought him back.
I’m with you on the Billy/Blue Ranger thing. I still watched back then because I didn’t know but I hated it when he left. Then all those years later finding out the real reason. So sad. However, I feel like the actor kind of reclaimed the character and his place in the franchise when he came back to play Billy once more for the Netflix special that was released not too long ago.
I know not everyone was into Friends or the Ross/Rachel pairing. That is why I mentioned it seemed like everyone was. Back then I just remember the actors were everywhere, on talk shows, magazines, etc. Women were getting “The Rachel” haircut. It was just so much apart of the zeitgeist of that era. But I also know a lot of people that were also annoyed by those two characters 😆.
I am so happy about Buck and Tommy.
Olivia and Fitz, Scandal
Would have thought Niles and Daphne from “Frasier” would’ve been a shoo-in.
Thank you for including Buck and Tommy! I love them <3.
The Supergirl kiss was adorable. I wish there was a supercorp kiss at the wedding. I also would have put Sammy Davis Jr and Archie Bunker as honorable mention. and shatner and Nichelle Nichols for the historical value
I love that you saw the electricity in Buck and Tommy’s first kiss on 9-1-1, and going down the rest of this list was a real adventure of memories! I love it, thanks for sharing this 🤩
I also loved the conversation leading up to the kiss. Like, you could see Buck figuring things out in real time. As the words were coming out of his mouth. And they both played the scene beautifully.
I would’ve thought that Niles and Daphne’s first kiss on Frasier would have made the cut of top 35 kisses but I guess I was wrong… 😢
How are Nathan and Haley from One Tree Hill not on this list? That was historic
Noah and Charlie from Heartstoppers should be high on the list.
How in the name of all this is HOLY can you have forgotten a moment as iconic as Arizona Robbins coming up to Callie in the bathroom, uttering the line “I think you’ll know,’ and giving her one of the most romantic kisses OF. ALL. TIME?
Seriously.. You’ve got Hawkeye & Hot Lips and no Calzona???
We need another list.
As someone who recently caught up on *Dark Winds* glad to see Bern and Jim here.
Yeah, we need some more Buck & Tommy kisses! :D
Won‘t happen since Lou is on his way out of this show. And haven‘t you heard that he didn‘t feel comfortable kissing a man? Really weird choice to choose this wooden actor for such a role.
I for sure think Willow and Tara and Nick and Charlie deserved a spot on this list–but huge thank you for the Buck and Tommy recognition! I am so excited to see their storyline evolve.