Google Admin Toolbox

Select a HAR file

How to get a HAR capture

HAR (HTTP Archive) is a file format used by several HTTP session tools to export the captured data. The format is basically a JSON object with a particular set of fields. Note that not all the fields in the HAR format are mandatory, and in many cases, some information won't be saved to the file.

HAR files contain sensitive data!
  • Content of the pages you downloaded while recording.
  • Your cookies, which would allow anyone with the HAR file to impersonate your account.
  • All the information that you submitted while recording: personal details, passwords, credit card numbers, etc.
After uploading your HAR file, you can click the redaction button in the top left corner to download a version of the HAR file with sensitive data redacted. The redacted version can then be safely shared as needed.

You can get a capture of an HTTP session in many browsers, including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.

Internet Explorer/Edge

See detailed instructions in Inspect network activity in Microsoft Edge DevTools on the Microsoft website.
  • Open the Developer Tools from the menu (Menu > More Tools > Developer tools), or by pressing F12 (or Fn-F12) on your keyboard.
  • Open the Network tab.
  • Look for a round button at the top left of the Network tab. Make sure it's red. If it's grey, click it once to start recording.
  • Turn on "Preserve log".
  • Reproduce the issue.
  • Save the capture by clicking the downward facing arrow near the top of the Network tab.
For Internet Explorer, use HttpWatch:
  • Download and Install HttpWatch.
  • Start the HttpWatch capture right before reproducing the issue.
  • Stop the HttpWatch capture right after reproducing the issue.
  • Export the capture to HAR format.


  • Start Firefox Developer Tools in Network mode (Top right menu > Developer > Network, or Ctrl-Shift-E / Cmd-Alt-E on macOS).
  • Turn on "Persist logs" on the right.
  • Reproduce the issue.
  • Save the capture by right-clicking on the grid and choosing "Save all as HAR".


You can record your HTTP session using the Network tab in the Developer Tools in Chrome.
  • Open the Developer Tools from the menu (Menu > More Tools > Developer tools), or by pressing F12 (or Fn-F12) on your keyboard.
  • Click on the Network tab
  • Look for a round button at the top left of the Network tab. Make sure it's red. If it's grey, click it once to start recording.
  • Turn on "Preserve log".
  • You can use the clear button (a circle with a diagonal line through it) right before trying to reproduce the issue to remove unnecessary header information.
  • Reproduce the issue.
  • Save the capture by clicking the downward facing arrow near the top of the Network tab.